Optical measurement
Run 5 CSPad2-DSD metrology files from Chris Kenney:
Procedure and table of results
We calculate
S1 - 1st short side of 2x1
S2 - 2nd short side of 2x1
L1 - 1st long side of 2x1
L2 - 2nd long side of 2x1
dS and dL are the deviations of the 1st and 2nd corner along the short and long sides, respectively. The sign of all dS are chosen in order to provide correct sign for the tilt angle (the same direction for all 2x1 sensors).
Everything, excluding <dS/L> and angle(deg), are in micrometers.
pair: S1 S2 dS1 dS2 L1 L2 dL1 dL2 <dS/L> angle(deg) Quad 0 pair: 0 20905 20905 -19 -19 43537 43538 12 13 -0.00044 -0.02500 pair: 1 20906 20900 5 -1 43537 43533 4 0 0.00006 0.00329 pair: 2 20908 20904 -131 -127 43538 43533 -57 -62 -0.00296 -0.16977 pair: 3 20901 20903 -101 -103 43539 43537 -55 -57 -0.00234 -0.13423 pair: 4 20976 20975 -247 -248 43696 43702 113 119 -0.00566 -0.32451 pair: 5 20975 20973 -194 -196 43699 43705 90 96 -0.00446 -0.25566 pair: 6 20904 20901 19 22 43538 43537 14 13 0.00047 0.02698 pair: 7 20909 20910 243 242 43533 43535 117 119 0.00557 0.31916 Quad 1 pair: 0 20900 20908 -22 -14 43536 43538 9 11 -0.00041 -0.02369 pair: 1 20904 20897 7 0 43539 43534 -2 -7 0.00008 0.00461 pair: 2 20987 20979 180 188 43703 43701 89 87 0.00421 0.24123 pair: 3 20977 20975 50 52 43707 43704 31 28 0.00117 0.06686 pair: 4 21383 21371 -167 -179 43904 43915 78 89 -0.00394 -0.22574 pair: 5 21376 21376 -202 -202 43907 43912 95 100 -0.00460 -0.26358 pair: 6 20894 20906 -121 -133 43540 43540 -57 -57 -0.00292 -0.16712 pair: 7 20909 20896 119 132 43545 43543 61 59 0.00288 0.16513 Quad 2 pair: 0 20903 20905 -25 -23 43536 43534 13 11 -0.00055 -0.03159 pair: 1 20905 20903 12 10 43541 43541 -4 -4 0.00025 0.01447 pair: 2 20905 20897 0 8 43537 43543 1 7 0.00009 0.00526 pair: 3 20905 20900 250 255 43543 43540 118 115 0.00580 0.33226 pair: 4 21380 21373 -133 -140 43911 43917 66 72 -0.00311 -0.17809 pair: 5 21381 21387 81 87 43906 43904 -41 -43 0.00191 0.10962 pair: 6 20905 20901 -205 -201 43545 43539 -89 -95 -0.00466 -0.26712 pair: 7 20904 20924 -136 -156 43530 43542 -74 -62 -0.00335 -0.19214 Quad 3 pair: 0 20903 20906 -100 -97 43533 43541 42 50 -0.00226 -0.12963 pair: 1 20900 20900 4 4 43537 43536 -3 -4 0.00009 0.00526 pair: 2 20902 20904 -181 -183 43541 43536 -81 -86 -0.00418 -0.23951 pair: 3 20909 20903 -175 -169 43539 43542 -80 -77 -0.00395 -0.22634 pair: 4 21379 21380 176 177 43906 43917 -91 -80 0.00402 0.23030 pair: 5 21374 21371 65 62 43916 43910 -29 -35 0.00145 0.08285 pair: 6 20904 20906 40 38 43538 43537 22 21 0.00090 0.05132 pair: 7 20902 20895 43 50 43545 43535 30 20 0.00107 0.06119
- All ds1, dl1 are well consistent (within +/-10um) with ds1, dl1, respectively
- Angles of 2x1 are in the range from -0.39 to +0.33 degree.
Configuration parameters
Configuration parameters are shown in number of pixels.
For 2x1 pairs in each quad
Coordinates of the 2x1 centers
- Use the same orientation as in optical measurement, center is calculated as an average of 4 corner coordinates
- All coordinates in pixels
In pixels:
X(pixel): 198.46, 198.05, 311.84, 99.32, 628.17, 629.59, 711.73, 499.58, 198.24, 198.03, 311.37, 98.35, 625.63, 626.78, 711.25, 498.41, 198.16, 198.04, 309.53, 96.76, 626.36, 626.53, 711.73, 499.20, 198.36, 198.02, 309.53, 97.25, 627.67, 627.51, 711.80, 499.15, Y(pixel): 307.49, 95.11, 626.06, 627.17, 513.15, 725.70, 198.75, 198.39, 307.48, 95.10, 625.67, 625.63, 510.49, 723.25, 196.42, 196.40, 307.77, 95.14, 625.26, 624.72, 513.51, 725.92, 199.69, 200.90, 307.76, 95.09, 627.28, 628.36, 512.75, 725.08, 199.95, 199.96, Z(pixel): 0.19, 0.22, 0.42, 0.47, 0.25, 0.48, 0.00, 0.17, 0.42, 0.27, 0.57, 0.65, 0.55, 0.82, 0.32, 0.38, 0.05, -0.17, 0.70, 0.50, 0.63, 1.11, 0.20, -0.06, -0.01, 0.00, -0.12, -0.15, -0.08, -0.09, 0.06, 0.03,
are all zeros
2x1-pair orientation angle (degree) in quads
0 0 270 270 180 180 270 270 0 0 270 270 180 180 270 270 0 0 270 270 180 180 270 270 0 0 270 270 180 180 270 270
Sensor tilt angle (dergee) from optical measurement
for dPhi:
-0.02500 0.00329 -0.16977 -0.13423 -0.32451 -0.25566 0.02698 0.31916 -0.02369 0.00461 0.24123 0.06686 -0.22574 -0.26358 -0.16712 0.16513 -0.03159 0.01447 0.00526 0.33226 -0.17809 0.10962 -0.26712 -0.19214 -0.12963 0.00526 -0.23951 -0.22634 0.23030 0.08285 0.05132 0.06119
Quads' alignment
Relative quads' alignment is preliminary done based on cxi80410-r1150, based on DSD image averaged over 1000 events,
where the shadow of mechanical parts can be destinguished. In order to lign-up the boarders of this shadow we apply constants:
15 40 0 24 15 40 0 24 0 0 0 0
1 -3 0 1 1 1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0
This image still have two degrees of freedom: X- and Y- gap between quads. Currently we set in marg_gap_shift/0-end.data
both gaps to zero.
All other parameters have their nominal values:
0 0 834 834 0 834 834 0 0 0 0 0
180 90 0 270
0 0 0 0