
TODAY Confluence & JIRA Outage May 3 2011 from 1900-1930 PDT

Confluence and JIRA will be unavailable tonight Tuesday May 3, 2011 from 7 PM to 7:30 PM PDT. During the outage confluence-admin will adjust Apache Tomcat thread and database connection pool settings to accommodate an increase in Confluence user activity.

Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
IT Applications Administration Group
OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Crowd, Confluence & JIRA Outage on March 21, 2011 from 1700-1745 PDT

Crowd, Confluence and JIRA will all be unavailable on Monday March 21, 2011 from 5 PM PDT to 5:45 PM PDT. During the outage all Linux servers (application and database) hosting these applications will be rebooted to pick up a new Linux kernel which addresses security vulnerabilities. Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
IT Applications Administration Group
OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Confluence & JIRA Brief Outage on March 4 2011 from 1900-1905 PST

Confluence and JIRA will briefly be unavailable on Friday March 4, 2011 from 7 PM PST to 7:05 PM PST. The outage is necessary to clear and block an MSNBOT from the Apache Tomcat application server process list. The MSN search is placing a load on the server supporting Confluence and JIRA.

Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
IT Applications Administration Group
OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Confluence & JIRA Outage on February 8 2011 from 2000-2015 PST

Confluence and JIRA will both be unavailable on Tuesday February 8, 2011 from 8 PM PST to 8:15 PM PST. The short outage is necessary to temporarily disable new account request before the upcoming Crowd integration.

Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
IT Applications Administration Group
OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Confluence and JIRA account request suspended

Request for Confluence/JIRA accounts are temporarily suspended until February 14, 2011.

Confluence-admin will suspended the ability to submit a Confluence/JIRA account until after the implementation and integration of Crowd on February 13, 2011. For details please see Confluence JIRA Login Procedures.

EDenys 2/13/11 1615 -- Outage concluded ahead of schedule. Confluence and JIRA are online and integrated with Crowd.

Starting on Sunday 02/13/2011, SLAC will switch to a new system for logging in to confluence and jira. Confluence will be down starting at 12 PM PST on Sunday and will probably be down for most of the rest of the day. When it comes back up it will feature a new login system integrated more closely with SLAC's unix/windows accounts. For details please see Confluence JIRA Login Procedures.

If you experience any problems logging in or accessing confluence and jira content on Monday please e-mail

giving as much details about the problem as possible.

Confluence & JIRA Outage on December 15 2010 from 2000-2030 PST

Confluence and JIRA will both be unavailable on Wednesday December 15, 2010 from 8 PM PST to 8:30 PM PST. During the outage a security patch to address cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (XSRF) vulnerabilities will be applied. Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
IT Applications Administration Group
OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Confluence & JIRA Outage on November 6 2010 from 0700-1000 PDT

Confluence and JIRA will both be unavailable on Saturday November 6, 2010 from 7 AM PDT to 10 AM PDT. During the outage the context index will be rebuilt and both applications will be intermittently available and should be considered unavailable. Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
IT Applications Administration Group
OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Confluence & JIRA Outage on October 13 2010 from 1800-1845 PDT

Confluence and JIRA will both be unavailable on Wednesday October 13, 2010 from 6 PM PDT to 6:45 PM PDT. During the outage all Linux servers (application and database) hosting Confluence and JIRA are being rebooted to pick up a new Linux kernel which addresses security vulnerabilities. Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
IT Applications Administration Group
OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Fixing MAC Safari or MAC Chrome Certificate Error

Follow the instructions posted here to fix 'Safari can't verify the identity of the websites "' error.

It's reported to confluence-admin that the same procedure works for Google Chrome running on MacOSx.

Confluence & JIRA Outage on September 22 2010 from 1800-2000 PDT

Confluence and JIRA will both be unavailable on Wednesday September 22, 2010 from 6 PM PDT to 8 PM PDT. During the outage new SSL Server Certificates will be installed and all linux servers (application and database) hosting Confluence and JIRA are being rebooted to pick up a new Linux kernel which addresses security vulnerabilities. Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
IT Applications Administration Group
OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Confluence & JIRA Outage on August 29 2010 from 1800-1900 PDT

Confluence and JIRA will both be unavailable on Sunday August 29, 2010 from 6 PM PDT to 7:00 PM PDT. During this outage a patch will be applied to Confluence to address an editor preview issue identified with Firefox 3.6.7 and later. Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
Enterprise Applications Administration - OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

When viewing users' home pages a "Profile" box sometimes appears and obliterates the content of the page you are trying to view. To get rid of it try clicking on the arrow (with a gray background) on the right of the box.

If this doesn't work it maybe that you are using an old browser. Most confluence features should work wit recent versions of Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer (7+) or Chrome.

Confluence & JIRA Outage on July 20 2010 from 1800-1830 PDT

Confluence and JIRA will both be unavailable on Tuesday July 20, 2010 from 6 PM PDT to 6:30 PM PDT. During this outage Apache-Tomcat 6.0.28 update will be installed. Please send comments or questions to

Ernest Denys
Enterprise Applications - OCIO Computing Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

There will be a 1 hour 30 minute outage of Confluence and JIRA on Thursday June 17, 2010 from 7:45 PM - 8:45 PM PDT. The MySQL version is being upgraded and all servers supporting Confluence and JIRA are being rebooted to pick up a new Linux kernel which addresses security vulnerabilities.