Science Tools Working Group
The current release of the Science Tools remains v9r15p4. The development news below describes changes that will be in a future release (although are in the code repository now).
Data products: No new news.
Databases and related utilities
No news
Likelihood analysis
Jim reports that he has added Steve Fegan's code for calculating upper limits to v1r17 of the pyLikelihood package. He also fixed some bugs in, including the bayesianUL(...) method. See Jim's documentation at Likelihood Usage Notes.
GRB tools
No news
Pulsar tools
From Masa: "We fixed a bug in the pulsar tools infrastructure, which has been reported by the FSSC programmers in their effort of porting Science Tools into 64-bit machines. It is (supposed to be) fixed in the late version, although Release Manager reports some minor problems, which I think I can fix soon."
Observation simulation
No news
User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)
No news
Source Catalog
The 11-month source list and the development of the year-1 catalog continue to be standard topics these days. Elizabeth pointed out some coming proposal deadlines relevant for follow-up observations.