
Sometimes, S3DF is down. Also, as of July 10, 2024, it is faster to run simulations on a Macbook than on 120 cores of S3DF. Nathan Majernik ran a benchmark and recorded simulation times using both hardware systems, shown below.

Install Mamba Using Miniforge

Make sure that Miniforge is installed on your system. We are using Miniforge over Miniconda because we are trying to use Mamba to set up our Conda environment. Mamba is a drop-in replacement that resolves dependencies faster than Conda. In order to install Miniforge, you must have Python 3.10.x or above.

Windows Systems

Download and execute the Windows installer. Follow the prompts, taking note of the options to "Create start menu shortcuts" and "Add Miniforge3 to my PATH environment variable". The latter is not selected by default due to potential conflicts with other software. Without Miniforge3 on the path, the most convenient way to use the installed software (such as commands conda and mamba) will be via the "Miniforge Prompt" installed to the start menu.

Miniforge Installer for Windows

Unix/Linux Systems

Step 1: Client URL (curl) command to install Miniforge (choose set of commands based on your system). Alternatively, you can use wget.

MacOS ARM System (Apple Silicon M1, M2, M3, M4)

curl -L -O ""

MacOS x86 Systems (Intel)

curl -L -O ""

Linux ARM Systems (ARM/aarch)

curl -L -O ""

Linux x86 Systems (AMD Chips)

curl -L -O ""

Linux Power 8/9 Systems (ppc64le)

curl -L -O ""

Step 2: Initialize Miniforge installation

The following commands initialize for bash and zsh shells:

~/miniforge3/bin/conda init bash
~/miniforge3/bin/conda init zsh

Need Additional Help?

Refer to the official Mamba documentation:

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