Science Tools Working Group
The current release of the Science Tools remains v9r10. Nico Giglietto has reported a problem with installing rh9_gcc32 and rh9_gcc32opt builds of this release - under investigation; Navid reports that it is probably just a download error.
Data products: No new news about reprocessing. Jean has recommended that the data products include the version of the Science Tools that generated them; this may be a use for the CREATOR keyword that is part of the specification.
Databases and related utilities
No news
Likelihood analysis
No news.
GRB tools
No news
Pulsar tools
No news - Masa is working on improvements to the documentation for the pulsar tools.
Observation simulation
From Jim: "Since gtobssim doesn't make use of the magnetic coordinate-related quantities computed in the astro::EarthCoordinate class, I asked Leon to modify that class so that the IGRField::compute(...) function is not called unless those quantities are explicitly requested. As a result of these changes, gtobssim runs about a factor of 3 faster. (astro v3r7p1, ST HEAD1.717)"
User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)
No news
Source Catalog
Source variability was the topic last week. Toby also described an investigation of the shapes of source location regions. Gino presented a first look at the 6-month sources.