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IOC names and PV prefixes

IOC nameCPU namePV prefix (<device>:<area>:<position>)Description


Associated network nodesNotes




PVs for Master Oscillator in master source rack

  • SIM modules for freq. locker (SIM01)
  • Agilent freq. counter (FREQ:SYS0:00)
  • RF-locking Matlab script (Charlie Xu, "LCLS2_MO_Frequency_locker_PID") (PRL:SYS0:1:MO)

Freq. counter: freq-sys0-ms01



PRL:SYS0:02 (SIM high-level PVs)


PRL:SYS0:02:L0 (Beckhoff PA PVs)

PRL:SYS0:02:01 (Beckhoff rack PVs)

BKHF:SYS0:MS02 (Beckhoff low-level PVs)

PVs for SIM modules in master source rack and Beckhoffs in laser rack

  • SIM for L0-L1 PLL master (SIM02)
  • Beckhoff for:
    • L0-L1 VCO (slave) PA
    • L2CID-04 rack temp & water flow

L2KG02-24 (SIM)

L2CID-04 (Beckhoff)

Beckhoff: apc-sys0-ms02



PRL:SYS0:03 (SIM Pvs)


PRL:SYS0:03:L2 (Beckhoff L2 VCO PVs)

PRL:SYS0:03:L3 (Beckhoff L3 PVs)

PRL:SYS0:03:LO (Beckhoff LO PVs)

PRL:SYS0:03:01 (Beckhoff rack PVs)

BKHF:SYS0:MS03 (Beckhoff low-level PVs)

PVs for SIM modules in master source rack and Beckhoffs in LLRF rack

  • SIM for L2 PLL master (SIM03)
  • Beckhoff for:
    • L2 VCO (slave) PA
    • L3 PA
    • L3 LO PA
    • L2KG02-20 rack temp & water flow

L2KG02-24 (SIM)

L2KG04-20 (Beckhoff)

Beckhoff: apc-sys0-ms03



PRL:SYS0:04:L0 (Beckhoff L0-L1 PVs)

PRL:SYS0:04:L2 (Beckhoff L2 PVs)

PRL:SYS0:04:LO (Beckhoff LO PVs)

PRL:SYS0:04:01 (Beckhoff L2KG02-24 rack PVs)

PRL:SYS0:04:02 (Beckhoff L2KG02-25 rack PVs)

BKHF:SYS0:MS04 (Beckhoff low-level PVs)

Pvs for Beckhoffs in master source rack*

  • L0-L1 return PA
  • L2 return PA
  • L0-L1 & L2 LO PA
  • L2KG02-24 rack temp & water flow
  • L2KG02-25 rack temp & water flow

* Separated from sioc-sys0-ms01 at HW engineer's request



Beckhoff: apc-sys0-ms04





PVs for SIM modules in laser rack

  • SIM for L0-L1 PLL slave (SIM05)





PVs for SIM modules in LLRF rack

  • SIM for L2 PLL slave (SIM06)

Frequency Locker PVs

MO DAC Control PVs

<prefix> = FREQ:SYS0:00

<SIM_prefix> = SIM<NN>

NN = two-digit IOC number

PV nameDescription for PVRemarks (register name)YCPSW nameCalculaton Formula
<prefix>:SIMVERFirmware version number for MoFreqLocker ModuleVersion



Value inside FPGA is a 18bit signed 2'comp value. 

MATLAB expect value to be a non-offset signed binary range from +/-(2^(18-1))

This value should not be displayed

  Instead, there should be a separate PV that converts this value, and map to +/-5V.

Because this is the real value that makes the most sense to any operators beside the developer

<prefix>:MODACVOLTDAC readout in VoltSoft PV [-5...+5V]

/* conversion 2'scomp fixed point (18_17bit) to floating point */

#define LENGTH 18
double Fixed1817toFloat(unsigned u)

int u32;

u32 = (u & 1<<(LENGTH-1))? (~0x3ffff) |u : u;

return (double) u32 / (double) (0x1ffff);

volt = Fixed1817toFloat(u) * 5.;

<prefix>:MODACSet value to DAC_OUTPUT3_REMOTE registerDAC_OUTPUT3_REMOTE


Value inside FPGA is a 18bit signed 2'comp value. 

MATLAB expect value to be a non-offset signed binary range from +/-(2^(18-1))

This value should not be displayed

Because there is an MATLAB high level app running.  Only the readback value should be display

MO RF-locking Matlab script PVs

<prefix> = PRL:SYS0:1:MO

Script name: LCLS2_MO_Frequency_locker_PID

PV nameDescription Remarks


V tune voltage

ao, V
<prefix>:FREQFrequency readbackao, Hz
<prefix>:LOCK_ENABLELock enable/disablebo, 0=Enable,1=Disable
<prefix>:FREQ_SETPTFrequency setpointao, Hz
<prefix>:FREQ_ERRFrequency errorao, Hz
<prefix>:WDOG_CNTWatchdog countlongout

Frequency Counter PVs

Note: all <attribute> names are from the frequency counter Agilent53220A driver module.

<prefix> = FREQ:SYS0:00

PV nameDescription for PVRemarks


Internal PV for Agilent53220A package

When the frequency read back value is valid,

it pushes the value to the rea back PV

No use for user level


Set trigger level in voltage


Set trigger level (relative, in %)



Internal PV for Agilent53220A packageNo use for user level


Get input impedance1M Ohm or 50 Ohm


Get input couplingAC or DC


Get noise rejectionON or OFF


Reset and update all status PVs


Set input impedance1M Ohm or 50 Ohm


Set input couplingAC or DC


Set noise rejectionON or OFF


Get input auto level statusOFF/ON/ONCE




Frequency Readback value (raw value)


Frequency Readback value (in Hz)


Get trigger level


Get trigger level (relative)


Set input auto levelOFF/ON/ONCE
<prefix>:GET_ROSC_SOURsource selection for reference oscillator (readback)INT/EXT
<prefix>:SET_ROSC_SOURsource selection for reference oscillator (set value)INT/EXT
<prefix>:GET_ROSC_EXTFREQFrequency readback for extern reference oscillator1MHz/5MHz/10MHz
<prefix>:SET_ROSC_EXTFREQFrequency Set Value for external reference oscillator1MHz/5MHz/10MHz
<prefix>:GET_DISPDIG_AUTOdisplay digit auto option (readback)OFF/ON
<prefix>:SET_DISPDIG_AUTOdisplay digit auto option (set value)OFF/ON
<prefix>:GET_DISPDIGnumber of digit for display (readback)
<prefix>:SET_DISPDIGnumber of digit for display (set value)

SIM PLL (master) PVs

<prefix> = PRL:SYS0:<NN>

<SIM_prefix> = SIM<NN>

NN = two-digit IOC number

PV nameDescription for PVRemarks (register name)YCPSW nameCalculation Formula
<prefix>:SIMVERFirmware version number for Lcls2 PRL Master SIMVersion


<prefix>:PHASESHIFT_RBVreadback value for additional phase shiftPhaseShift


18_17bit signed 2'comp value, so decimal value ranges +/-1.  Because this is a normalized phase value from the CORDIC:

+1 = 180degree

-1 = -180degree

Should display in degrees

/* conversion 2'scomp fixed point (18_17bit) to floating point */

#define LENGTH 18
double Fixed1817toFloat(unsigned u)

int u32;

u32 = (u & 1<<(LENGTH-1))? (~0x3ffff) |u : u;

return (double) u32 / (double) (0x1ffff);

degree = Fixed1817toFloat(u) * 180.;

<prefix>:PHASESHIFTset value for additional phase shiftPhase Shift


18_17bit signed 2'comp value, so decimal value ranges +/-1.  Because this is a normalized phase value from the CORDIC:

+1 = 180degree

-1 = -180degree

Should display in degrees

/* conversion 2'scomp fixed point (18_17bit) to floating point */

#define LENGTH 18
double Fixed1817toFloat(unsigned u)

int u32;

u32 = (u & 1<<(LENGTH-1))? (~0x3ffff) |u : u;

return (double) u32 / (double) (0x1ffff);

degree = Fixed1817toFloat(u) * 180.;

<prefix>:LOOPFILTER_RESET_RBVreadback value for loop filter resetLoopReset<SIM_prefix>:M:PRLMST:LoopReset:Rd

0: for normal operation

1: Resetloopfilterintegral

<prefix>:LOOPFILTTER_RESETset value for loop filter resetLoop Reset


0: for normal operation

1: Resetloopfilterintegral

<prefix>:LEDreadback value for blue/red/green LEDLED


000: Error, FPGA image not flash, there should at least one LED on between Green and Red

001: Locked, but amplitude input is too low or high

010: Unlocked, but amplitude input is too low or high

011: Error, Locked and Unlocked should not be on in the same time

100: Error, there should at least one LED on between Green and Red

101: Locked, input amplitudes are good

110: Unlocked, input amplitudes are good

111: Error, Locked and Unlocked should not be on in the same time


phase error before the phase shifterRawPhiErr


18_17bit signed 2'comp value, so decimal value ranges +/-1.  Because this is a normalized phase value from the CORDIC:

+1 = 180degree

-1 = -180degree

Should display in degrees

/* conversion 2'scomp fixed point (18_17bit) to floating point */

#define LENGTH 18
double Fixed1817toFloat(unsigned u)

int u32;

u32 = (u & 1<<(LENGTH-1))? (~0x3ffff) |u : u;

return (double) u32 / (double) (0x1ffff);

degree = Fixed1817toFloat(u) * 180.;

<prefix>:PHASEERR2phase error after the phase shifterPhiErrFinal


18_17bit signed 2'comp value, so decimal value ranges +/-1.  Because this is a normalized phase value from the CORDIC:

+1 = 180degree

-1 = -180degree

Should display in degrees

/* conversion 2'scomp fixed point (18_17bit) to floating point */

#define LENGTH 18
double Fixed1817toFloat(unsigned u)

int u32;

u32 = (u & 1<<(LENGTH-1))? (~0x3ffff) |u : u;

return (double) u32 / (double) (0x1ffff);

degree = Fixed1817toFloat(u) * 180.;

<prefix>:LOCKlock logic statusLockLogicState


<prefix>:INPUTMUX_RBVreadback input muxInput MUX


0: Chan 1 - Chan 2

1: Chan 2 - Chan 1

<prefix>:INPUTMUXset input muxInput MUX


0: Chan 1 - Chan 2

1: Chan 2 - Chan 1
<prefix>:W0SCALE_RBVreadback w0 scalew0_scale


w0 scale register.  w0 = 100Hz, this register is used to scale the w0 of the loopfilter.  Xilinx expect a 18bit signed 2's comp number with binary point at 5th bit.  Hardware register is 32bith wide, please keep value 0 after the 18th bit.
<prefix>:W0SCALEset w0 scalew0_scale


w0 scale register.  w0 = 100Hz, this register is used to scale the w0 of the loopfilter.  Xilinx expect a 18bit signed 2's comp number with binary point at 5th bit.  Hardware register is 32bith wide, please keep value 0 after the 18th bit.
<prefix>:W1_RBVreadback w1 value in radianw1


w1 value in radian.  Xilinx expect a 18bit signed 2's comp number with binary point at 5th bit.  Hardware register is 32bith wide, please keep value 0 after the 18th bit.
<prefix>:W1set w1 value in radianw1


w1 value in radian.  Xilinx expect a 18bit signed 2's comp number with binary point at 5th bit.  Hardware register is 32bith wide, please keep value 0 after the 18th bit.
<prefix>:PRAMPSLOPE_RBVreadback value for phase shift ramp slopePhase_ramp_gain


Slope of the phase shift ramp function.  Internally converted to 18bit signed 2'comp value.  Entered as a decimal in the GUI
<prefix>:PRAMPSLOPEset value for phase shift ramp slopePhase_ramp_gain


Slope of the phase shift ramp function.  Internally converted to 18bit signed 2'comp value.  Entered as a decimal in the GUI
<prefix>:ADCAMP0_RBVreadback value for ADC0 amplitude from CORDICADC0_Amp


18_17 signed 2'comp registers, max value is between almost -1 and 1.  The value is normalized to 1 from the 1.8V amplitude ADC. This is amplitude, not peak to peak value

1 = 1.8V

-1 = -1.8V

/* conversion 2'scomp fixed point (18_17bit) to floating point */

#define LENGTH 18
double Fixed1817toFloat(unsigned u)

int u32;

u32 = (u & 1<<(LENGTH-1))? (~0x3ffff) |u : u;

return (double) u32 / (double) (0x1ffff);

volt = Fixed1817toFloat(u) * 1.8;

<prefix>:ADCAMP1_RBVreadback value for ADC1 amplitude from CORDICADC1_Amp


18_17 signed 2'comp registers, max value is between almost -1 and 1.  The value is normalized to 1 from the 1.8V amplitude ADC. This is amplitude, not peak to peak value

1 = 1.8V

-1 = -1.8V

/* conversion 2'scomp fixed point (18_17bit) to floating point */

#define LENGTH 18
double Fixed1817toFloat(unsigned u)

int u32;

u32 = (u & 1<<(LENGTH-1))? (~0x3ffff) |u : u;

return (double) u32 / (double) (0x1ffff);

volt = Fixed1817toFloat(u) * 1.8;

<prefix>:LOCKDISABLE_RBVreadback value for loop lock disable setting bit in lock logic state machineLockDisable


0 - loop enable

1 - loop disable
<prefix>:LOCKDISABLEset value for loop lock disableLockDisable


0 - loop enable

1 - loop disable

<prefix>:LOCKRESET_RBVreadback value for reset the lock logic state machineStateReset


0 - normal operation

1 - state machine reset
<prefix>:LOCKRESETset value for reset locking logicStateReset


0 - normal operation

1 - state machine reset

SIM VCO (slave) PVs

<prefix> = PRL:SYS0:<NN>

<SIM_prefix> = SIM<NN>

NN = two-digit IOC number

PV nameDescription for PVRemarks (register name)YCPSW nameCalculation Formula
<prefix>:RXFRAMERATEFrame rate counter


<prefix>:PACKETDROPCNTPacket drop counter

RF Power Amplifier (PA) PVs

From Beckhoffs.

<prefix> = PRL:SYS0:<NN>:<MM>

NN = two-digit IOC number

MM = PA instance, e.g. L0, L2,...

PV nameDescriptionRemarks
<prefix>:FwdPwrForward Power

0...2V input, need to convert (polynomial)

<prefix>:RefPwrReflect Power

0...2V input, need to convert (polynomial)

<prefix>:AmpResetPower Amplifier Reset

High to reset

<prefix>:FwdPwrAlmForward Power Alarm

Normally high

<prefix>:PSAlmPower Supply Alarm

Normally high

<prefix>:TempAlmTemerature Alarm

Normally high

<prefix>:AttnBit0Attenuator data bit 0

<prefix>:AttnBit1Attenuator data bit 1

<prefix>:AttnBit2Attenuator data bit 2
<prefix>:AttnBit3Attenuator data bit 3
<prefix>:AttnBit4Attenuator data bit 4
<prefix>:AttnBit5Attenuator data bit 5
<prefix>:AttnBit6Attenuator data bit 6
<prefix>:AttnAttenuator data for all 8 bits

mbbiDirect record

<prefix>:AttnSetptAttenuator set point

AO record, limits: 0 - 31.75 dB

<prefix>:AttnSetptIncAttenuation increase

BO record, increase attenuator set point by 1 step (0.25 dB)

<prefix>:AttnSetptDecAttenuation decrease

BO record, decrease attenuator set point by 1 step (0.25 dB)

<prefix>:AttnGoMaxGo to max attenuationSeq record
<prefix>:AttnFaultCalcOn PS alarm, go to max attenuationCalcout record
<prefix>:AttnRampDownRamp down attenuationSeq record

Rack temp & water flow PVs

From Beckhoffs.

<prefix> = PRL:SYS0:<NN>:<MM>

NN = two-digit IOC number

MM = two-digit instance

PV nameDescriptionRemarks


Water Flow Measurement  

Units = GPM


Water Temp Measurement

Units = C

Beckhoff BK9000 Bus Coupler PVs

Typically used by experts for debugging.  Names are from bkhAsyn driver.

<prefix> = BKHF:SYS0:MS<NN>

NN = two-digit IOC number

PV nameDescriptionRemarks
<prefix>:900R_MIDID and firmwarero
<prefix>:900R_REG10PLC Interfacero
<prefix>:900R_REG11Bus terminal diagnosisro
<prefix>:900R_REG12Status bytero
<prefix>:900R_REG16Analog output lengthro
<prefix>:900R_REG17Analog input lengthro
<prefix>:900R_REG18Output image lengthro
<prefix>:900R_REG19Intput image lengthro
<prefix>:900R_REG32Watchdog timerro
<prefix>:900R_REFRefresh datarw
<prefix>:900W_REG0PLC Interfacerw
<prefix>:900W_REG1Bus terminal diagnosisrw
<prefix>:900W_REG22Watchdog timeout [ms]rw
<prefix>:900W_REG23Watchdog resetrw
<prefix>:900W_REG24Watchdog typerw
<prefix>:900W_REG25Modbus TCP moderw
<prefix>:900W_WD_RESETWatchdog resetrw
<prefix>:DBG_ALW_INLQLow priority queue lengthrw
<prefix>:DBG_MADDRSelect memory addressrw
<prefix>:DBG_MFUNCSelect modbus functionrw
<prefix>:DBG_MVALValue to write to memoryrw
<prefix>:DBG_GETMEMGet value at addressrw
<prefix>:DBG_PUTMEMPut value to addressrw
<prefix>:DBG_EN_HISTEnable histogramrw
<prefix>:DBG_GET_HISTGet hist datarw
<prefix>:DBG_CLR_HISTClear hist datarw
<prefix>:DBG_TIME_HISTHistogram dataro

Spare Beckhoff channel PVs

Shown below are a few examples; the rest differ only by channel number.

These names will not be on any displays.

<prefix> = BKHF:SYS0:MS<NN>

NN = two-digit IOC number

PV nameDescriptionRemarks
<prefix>:3122_01_CH02_I Module 3122 1, channel 2 current
<prefix>:3122_01_CH02_SBYTEModule 3122 1, channel 2 status byteFor analog modules only
<prefix>:1408_01_CH01_QModule 1408 1, channel 1 bit value
<prefix>:2408_01_CH01_QSETPTModule 2408 1, channel 1 bit setpt

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