Code Versions
GlastRelease (sim/recon):
The I&T pipeline is now using GlastRelease instead of EngineeringModel. GR v13r6p1 is nearly identical to GR v13r5p6 which is used for the Big Run and has been extensively validated for MC (more about real data later). Here I only list the differences with respect to GR v13r5p6:
configData v1r4p1
- 17-Dec-07 MK Added -o option (for output file name) to dump full GEM information.
- 03-Dec-07 EAC Added broadcast settings.
- 28-Nov-07 EAC Fix up comparison tools
- 27-Nov-07 EAC Fix xml tag names for new top level files
ntupleWriterSvc v3r19:
- 14-dec-2007 HMK: allow basket size to be set and adjust default size to 1000000 bytes
Gleam v6r33p7:
- v6r33p7 AWB 13-Dec-07 Updated some more.
- v6r33p6 AWB 13-Dec-07 Updated JO for pipeline.
Trigger v6r0p4:
-16-dec-07 LSR limit info message about trigger bit mis-matches
calibData v0r19p3:
- 17-Dec-2007 jrb Hide statics needed for Acd calibrations to make Windows happy (thanks, Tracy)
Differences with respect to GlastRelease v13r5p6
System Tests for this version
System tests results:
No changes with respect to GR v13r5p6 except for ACD DIgi IDs. This is due to a change in the system tests themselves which now use the dense ACD tile ID notation and not the sparse one. Note that the system tests for GlastRelease do not contain any tests using real data. I have done additional validation on real cosmic ray data like remaking a digi+recon SVAC report and compared it to the original report. No problems have been observed.
Fred version:
Pipeline version:
GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)
glast-ground v0r3p7
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)
svac pipeline code and tasks:
code/tasks v4r0p0:
pipelineDatasets v0r4
ISOC code and tasks:
Apps that run in pipeline:
eLog: v2r3p3
v4r1 awb
- Fixed Acd Mips maps so it works correctly with the new ACD code.
- Updated to run with Root V5.16 (GR v13).
- Changed the word 'EngineeringModel' to 'GlastRelease' in the report.
EngineeringModelRoot (SVAC ntuple):
v3r9p2 awb
- Removed obsolete variables, added new ones and changed some existing ones. Additional details can be found in this Science Operations email and this Science Operations presentation.
- Increased the ROOT basket size to deal with runs with many events like DITL. It also decreases the file size.
EMI Monitoring for the ACD:
svac/Monitor: version mk20070719
dataMonitoring/Common: version acdemi2
New! Configuration report
We will start making a configuration report for each run. While the main effort will be put into the one for pipeline 2 we will put in something for pipeline 1 and TVAC.
Note that this replaces the old (and broken) config report. Currently we extract the LatC Moot key and a) dump a text file with detailed trigger information and b) an ntuple containing register values into the 'configReport' directory which will be linked from the runs database (replacing the old link to the old configReport). This is done using applications in the configData package which is part of GR. We will work on making a more presentable report in the very near future.