Announcement of the campaign (2008/09/22)
The Fermi/LAT team is planning a multi-wavelength campaign on the blazar 1es1959+650 starting at the end of September and finishing at the beginning of November (most coverage will be provided during period October 17th till November 5th).
The main goal of the campaign is to study the broad-band emission, from radio to multi-TeV, of 1es1959+650; with possibility to study flux/spectral variations, depending on the activity of the source during this period.
The campaign manager is David Paneque (
Please contact the campaign manager if you have telescope time and are interested in joining this campaign. In order to speed up the organization of the campaign, it is recommended to fill in and send us this form (pdf, doc).
For this campaign, the policy on data sharing will be: if you observe and send data that can be used, you are a co-author of a resulting multiwavelength publication unless you just want an acknowledgment. By contributing with data, you also gain the right of participating in the interpretation of the overall (reduced) data collected during the campaign. Anyone who contributes data keeps the right to publish those data separately. Yet those separate publications should be done in a coordinated way. We should aim to release (almost) simultaneously potential publications from the single instruments and the joint publication with the first overall data interpretation from the campaign.
Observation schedule
The instruments participating in the campaign, together with the (approximate) observation schedule can be found here.
Roadmap for the data analysis, interpretation and publication
The work towards the analysis and the interpretation of those observations has already started. One or more publications will come out from these efforts. The steps we want to undertake are 1) data reduction and data submission, 2) Interpretation of the reduced data and 3) Publication. The roadmap is described here.