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Diagram of Proposed CalRecon TDS Architecture

Prototype Definition of the CalParams Class

  • Prototype class found here
  • Intended to provide a single interface to all the basic energy reconstruction parameters:
    • Energy
    • The reconstructed energy centroid (cluster position)
    • The axis of the energy flow (cluster axis)
    • And the errors assigned to these
      • For energy: a number
      • For centroid and axis: two 3x3 error matrices
  • Is a subclass of the main recon output classes

Prototype Definition of the CalCluster Class

  • Prototype class found here
  • This replaces the current CalCluster class, splitting out the corrected energy information that was formerly contained in CalCluster
  • Otherwise, basically a reformatting of what was there:
    • The layer by layer information formerly stored in three std::vectors is now replaced by a subclass (CalClusterLayerData). CalCluster now derives from a std::vector of these objects making them directly accessible externally without having to provide access methods
      • Example:
         CalClusterLayerData lyrData = calCluster[layer]; 
    • The energy, cluster centroid and cluster axis information is stored in an internal CalParams object.
      • Now includes errors on these quantities
      • But not yet filled with "real" values
  • New things include:
    • CalCluster is a "ContainedObject"
      • typedef's are provided to defined the TDS Object container (CalClusterCol) which will store the clusters in the TDS
    • A relational table will relate CalClusters to the CalXtalRecObjects which comprise them
      • typedef's are provided to define this table
  • A comment on the layer by layer data
    • Attempted to preserve the "old" system of an entry for each layer in the Cal, whether data existed or not. Unfortunately, one downside is the need to #define a default value of 8 so the constructor will be sure to create a vector of size 8 for the CalClusterLayerData objects...
    • A possible future solution would be to include a Cal identifier in the CalClusterLayerData object and then only keep non-zero entries
    • Other possibilities?
  • Something forgotten: a status bit word...

Prototype Definition of the CalCorToolResult Class

  • Prototype class found here
  • DISCLAIMER: bare bones version, no attempt yet to add mechanism for storing correction tool dependent information
  • CalCorToolResult will store the output of any given energy correction tool that runs during event reconstruction
    • There will be one CalCorToolResult output for each correction tool run (they will be stored in CalEventEnergy, see below)
  • Vary basic minimum output includes:
    • CalParams to give energy, position, direction and errors
    • "ChiSquare" to give some measure of the "goodness" of the correction
    • A status bit word to describe:
      • The correction tool which provided this output
      • Other useful things that we will think of...
  • CalCorToolResult is a Gaudi "ContainedObject" and typedef's are provided to define the container to hold the collection of them.
  • typedef's are also provided to define a the table which will relate each CalCorToolResult to the cluster(s) from which the result was derived.

Prototype Definition of the CalEventEnergy Class

  • Prototype class found here
  • CalEventEnergy is the "final" output of the Calorimeter energy reconstruction.
  • The basic makeup of the class:
    • The class derives from an ObjectVector of CalCorToolResult objects, thereby acting as their "Gaudi Container" for the TDS.
      • Note that this introduces some interesting problems which cause a couple of issues with ownership and deletion, etc.
        • Just need to be aware of this
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