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This addresses the question of whether the PingER data can identify the impact of COVID-19 on the Internet. According to Most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) oversubscribe their bandwidth and networks as typical inbound and outbound traffic are bursty and often don’t sustain high levels on a continuous basis. Fortunately, most of the larger National Providers have had sufficient time to prepare for the impact of COVID-19 and plan for the possibility of business workloads shifting to the home. Regardless of this capacity planning, Internet traffic patterns are about to change drastically based on schools across the country opting for virtual learning and business work from home migrations. Also, Time Magazine April 5/ April 15, 2020, reports that "traffic worldwide is up 35%...Demand is highest in the evening in the past two weeks, says networking firm Century Link."

For example, one might expect that as schools shut, people self-isolate, are sent home from, work from home, lockdowns are imposed etc., physical person-to-person communications would migrate to the Internet and will increase the use of the Internet e.g. by virtual learning, streaming. communicating, gathering information and entertaining.  The thought is that this will lead to different Internet patterns and possibly lead to Internet congestion. A study of the impact of COVID-19 on Internet speeds by Ookla  ("TRACKING COVID-19’S IMPACT ON GLOBAL INTERNET PERFORMANCE") is directly relevant, however,  it is hard to identify any dramatic impact on the latencies in the report. There is also COVID-19 impacts on Internet traffic: Seattle, Northern Italy, and South Korea which looks at the impact on Internet traffic volumes. Also companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Google have reduced the quality of their videos to help reduce traffic and congestion of the Internet (see

PingER uses the ping facility to measure the Round Trip Time (RTT) between about 20 monitoring sites and target hosts in over 160 countries (over 10,000 pairs of monitor-remote(target)_sites). Every 30 minutes the monitor sends up to 30 pings at one-second intervals to each target until there are 10 responses, and records the data which are daily gathered, archived, analyzed and presented at the archiving site.

Note that for  Europe, US and Canada the Christmas/New Year season (end November thru 2nd week in January) may also be expected to change behaviors.

Milestones and Statistics

The milestones, for the virus itself, include 1st identified case, 1st hospitalization, 1st community case, 1st death.

Other milestones are the social impacts that are more likely to impact the internet traffic. These include the social interventions:

  • Social distancing encouraged
  • Case-based measures
  • School closures
  • Public events banned
  • Lockdown
  • Interventions removed

Also, see COVID 19 Internet Usage timeline for how companies have reduced their Internet traffic.


  • Number of days to double cases
  • Basic reproduction number R0 the average number of secondary infections produced by an infectious case where everyone is susceptible.
    • For R >1 each individual infected by a transmissible disease is expected to infect a number of individuals that increase exponentially. For R< each case transmit the disease to less than one individual and the disease dies out.
  • Control reproductive number RC, the value of R in the presence of control measures.
  • Incubation period
  • Risk of importation


The PingER monitor at SLAC, Stanford University in California currently monitors about 100 hosts in China. Using the web page we selected daily aggregated data from SLAC to China for the last 365 days and looked at various metrics derived from the RTTs. Since many of the targets are Universities that may have taken lockdown measures and sent many students and staff home, we decided to look at the overall impact on SLAC to China pings. To do this we scroll down the page to summary tables as shown below.    

We can cut and paste this table into Excel to enable further analysis and visualization. Also the summary data is analyzed on a regular basis and the results made available as CSV files at The file names (e.g.average_rtt-EDU.SLAC.STANFORD.PINGER-continent-allmonthly.csv) provide the metric (average_rtt in example), the Monitoring Agent (EDU-SLAC.STANFORD.PINGER in example), the region (continent or country) and the time window of each data point (or Tick, e.g. monthly (=last 12 months), allmonthly, or allyearly).

China and North America

Looking at the plot of daily average RTTs there is a peak  (going from 145ms to 160ms) in minimum (average RTT) from Jan 10 to Jan 24th 2020, plus another spike on Feb 19.

A similar result is seen for the daily minimum RTTs.

 Currently I do not know why we see these bumps or what they are telling us.

Looking at the Inter Packet Delay Variation (IPDV, ) a measure of the variability between adjacent ping packet RTTs there is some evidence that the variability reduced between 18th Jan and March 10th 2020.  The first person in China to die of the COVID-19 virus was reported on January 10th, and by January 31st there were 9,720 cases in China. Looking in more detail at the Healthmap one sees

Looking in more detail at the Healthmap one sees the dramatic spread of the virus in China between January 13 and January 20, 2020. Thus the drop in IPDV RTTs may indeed be linked to the impact of the growth of COVID-19 infections in China.

January 13, 2020January 20, 2020

 I can see nothing similar when looking at the US and Canada (N. America) IPDV  data, maybe the effect is later in the evolution of the virus' impact. 

Aggregating the IPDV data monthly for China we see the following where we show the median together with the 25% and 75% going back to September 2017:


Looking at the percent packet loss for China there may be some evidence for a change in the 75%. Thus the impact is seen for a few sites. However, the climb started in August-September 2019 so it is doubtful it is related to COVID-19. This conclusion is confirmed by looking at the monthly aggregates.

For the US and Canada the losses are lower and usually 0% (typically >=90% of the targets show no losses), so instead we show the average maximum losses

PingER monitors two hosts in Hubei: at Hubei University for Nationalities and Hubei University of Automotive Technology and at the Hubei University of Automotive Technology. The locations of the two Universities is shown below.

The hourly measurements for and are shown below (one can use the form to create such a plot).



In general there are marked diurnal changes. There is a slight increase in RTTs following the Chinese New Year January 25th 2020. Then there is a small step reduction in RTTs March 10, 2020, followed by an increase in the packet losses starting March 18th 2020.

PingER average hourly RTT from SLAC to Hubei University for NationalitiesPingER percent hourly packet loss from SLAC to Hubei University for Nationalities

If we look at the daily aggregates for the packet loss per cent, average RTT and Inter Packet Delay Variation and from 3/23/2019 thru 3/21/2020  and then expand to see the subset from 1/1/2020 thru 3/21/2020 we get the plots below. 



Note that www.

It is clear that there are huge variations in the measurements over the last year. Looking at just 2020 data there does appear to be evidence for an almost factor of 2 change in the IPDVs towards the end of January, in opposite directions for the two hosts. N.b we might expect to see something following the January 23rd lockdown of the Wuhan region. There is a "flutter" in the IPDV around that time, whether it is related to the shutdown is unclear.

Looking at the aggregated monthly IPDVs for the two hosts we see:


Italy jumped from three incidents on Friday, February 21 to 229 by the time of WHO’s February 25 situation report

For Italy, PingER monitors 7 hosts. They are in Bologna, Udine, Rome, Pisa and Frascati. These are not the hardest hit areas (see here).

After removing one ( which stopped responding on February 20, 2020 the IPDV for each of the Italian hosts appears as below:

There appears to be a dramatic drop in the IPDV for the target host in Bologna between the end of January and Feb 19th. Italy's first COVID-19 case was announced February 19th, thus it is doubtful this drop has anything to do with COVID-19.

A lockdown began for Northern Italy on March 8th and extended to all Italy on March 9th. A plot of the daily IPDV measured from SLAC to 6 Italian hosts together with some COVID-19 milestones is shown below. The milestones are 17 cases diagnosed Feb 21 (including first local transmissions) and 225(105 new) Feb 25. The progress of COVID-16 in Italy can be seen here. There are 6 Italian hosts being monitored from SLAC the values shown are the 25%, median and 75% of the daily IPDV measured for the 6 hosts for the given days.

More Information.

Timeline of COVID-19

Imperial College reports: 

MIDAS Online portal for COVID-19 Modeling Research

Potential Long-term Intervention Strategies for COVID-19 

Probably the best source of PingER data is which is aggregated data for various metrics by region and time window (or tick).

  • Excel spreadsheets.

    PingER data related to COVID-19 outbreakCOVID-19 cases and deaths by country



AsiaHong KongChina22.3114.20225888101012131515172124252629384950535656576062636868697479849192949596100100105105107108114115120126129134140145155162181208256273317356386410453519561641682714
Asia Iran3253000000000000000000000000000025182843619513924538859397815012336292235134747582365667161804290001007511364127291393814991161691736118407196442061021638230492481127017294063233235408383094149544605
Asia Japan36138222244771115202020222222252526262628282943596674849410512214715917018921422824125627429333136042046150251158163963970177383983987888992496310071101112811931307138714681693186618661953
Asia Korea, South36128112234444111215151619232424252728282828282930313110420443360283397712611766233731503736433551865621608865937041731474787513775578697979808681628236832084138565865287998961896190379137924193329478958396619786
Asia Singapore1.2833103.833301334577101316181824282830334045475058677275778184848585898991939393102106108110110117130138150150160178178200212226243266313345385432455509558631683732802844879926
Asia Taiwan*23.71211133458891010101011111616171818181818181820222223242626283031323234394041424244454545454748495053596777100108135153169195215235252267283298306322
Europe France46.22762.2137002333455566666661111111111111112121212121212121212141838571001301912042853776539491126120917842281228136614469449966337652904310871126121428216018198562230425233291553296437575401744455052128
Europe Germany519000001444581012121212131314141616161616161616161616161616172746487913015919626248267079910401176145719082078367545855795727292571232715320198482221324873290563298637323439385087157695620956688571808
Europe Italy4312000000000222222233333333333333206215522932245365588811281694203625023089385846365883737591721014912462124621766021157247472798031506357134103547021535785913863927691767438680589864989247297689101739105792
Europe Spain40-400000000001111111122222222222222226131532458412016522225940050067310731695227722775232639177989942117481391017963204102537428768351363988549515577866571973235801108795695923
UK United Kingdom55.3781-3.43600000000022222223338899999999999913131315202336405185115163206273321382456456798114011401543195026262689398350185683665080779529116581454317089195222214125150
US US37.0902-95.71291122555557881111111111111111121213131313131313131515155151575860687498118149217262402518583959128116632179272734994632642177831367719100254893327643847537406577883836101657121478140886161807188172
  Antigua and Barbuda17.0608-61.79640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111333777777
 Australian Capital TerritoryAustralia-35.4735149.012400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011122346919323939536271777880
 New South WalesAustralia-33.8688151.20930000344444444444444444444444444444444446613222226283848556565921121341712102673073534366696698181029121914051617179120322032
 Northern TerritoryAustralia-12.4634130.84560000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100001111111111335566121215151517
 South AustraliaAustralia-34.9285138.6007000000000012222222222222222222222222223333557777799161920292937425067100134170170235257287299305337
 Western AustraliaAustralia-31.9505115.8605000000000000000000000000000000000000002222233334699141717283135526490120140175175231231278311355364
  Bosnia and Herzegovina43.915917.67910000000000000000000000000000000000000000000223335711131824252638638993126136166176191237258323368420
  Burkina Faso12.2383-1.56160000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001222231515203340647599114146152180207222246261
  Cabo Verde16.5388-23.04180000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000133334455666
 British ColumbiaCanada49.2827-123.12070000001111111122444444444455556666777788891213212127323239466464731031031862312714244244726176177257258848849701013
 Grand PrincessCanada37.6489-122.66550000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002222899101013131313131313131313
 New BrunswickCanada46.5653-66.4619000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011112681111111717171818334551666870
 Newfoundland and LabradorCanada53.1355-57.6604000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001133346924353582102120135148152
 Nova ScotiaCanada44.682-63.74430000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005712141521284151687390110122127147
 Prince Edward IslandCanada46.5107-63.416800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111122233355911111821
 Diamond PrincessCanada000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 Northwest TerritoriesCanada64.8255-124.84570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111
  Central African Republic6.611120.93940000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111333333333333
 Inner MongoliaChina44.0935113.94480017711151619202327343542465052545858606165687072737575757575757575757575757575757575757575757575757575757575757575757575778992949597107
  Congo (Brazzaville)-4.038321.75870000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011113333444444191919
  Congo (Kinshasa)-4.038321.758700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001122223414182330364548515165658198
  Costa Rica9.7489-83.7534000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001159913222326273541506989117134158177201231263295314330347
  Cote d'Ivoire7.54-5.547100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111115699141425738096101101165168179
 Faroe IslandsDenmark61.8926-6.91180000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111222223911184758728092115118122132140144155159168169
  Diamond Princess000000000000000000616164135135175175218285355454542621634634634691691691705705705705705705706706706706706706706706706706706706706706706712712712712712712712712712712712712712712
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  El Salvador13.7942-88.89650000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001133359131319243032
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 French GuianaFrance3.9339-53.125800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000055555555711111111151818202328282828284343
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 Saint BarthelemyFrance17.9-62.83330000000000000000000000000000000000000000003333311111113333333333355566
 St MartinFrance18.0708-63.050100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000222222222344458811111111111515
  Holy See41.902912.45340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111144446666
  MS Zaandam000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002222
 Sint MaartenNetherlands18.0425-63.05480000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111223333666
  New Zealand-40.9006174.88600000000000000000000000000000000000001111133455555556881220283952102102155205283368451514589647
  North Macedonia41.608621.7453000000000000000000000000000000000001111111113333777141414182635486785115136148177201219241259285329
  Papua New Guinea-6.315143.95550000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111
  Saint Kitts and Nevis17.35782-62.7830000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002222278
  Saint Lucia13.9094-60.978900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001222222223333339913
  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines12.9843-61.28720000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111
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 Cayman IslandsUnited Kingdom19.3133-81.2546000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111333356888881214
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 GibraltarUnited Kingdom36.1408-5.353600000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111113810101015151526355556656969
 Isle of ManUnited Kingdom54.2361-4.54810000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000115132323252932424960
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