This is triggered by the current nfs disk being written filling up.

svac updates

EngineeringModelRoot updated to account for changed TriRowBits variable.

Pipeline tasks & code @ v3r1p3. Unifying tags & versions required broad but shallow changes to code.

Move to u14 ( ).

Upgrade to whatever EM tag is appropriate (p10 is the latest available as of this writing, I hear we will be using p11).

Change access method for reports from FTP to HTTP ( and ).

Fix SVAC-8 (this is just code cleanup, but gave a good opportunity to fix this).

Change LSF queue for digiReport ( ).

Change LSF queue for reconReport ( ). This was approved at the last round, but I goofed when installing the code.

online updates

Tested the code for online-v2r1 on the Dev server, using run 136000679. With the OK of both the Offline and Online CCBs, we can deploy this upgrade.

This upgrade includes the following changes:
Upgrade LDF to 5.6.1
Upgrade LATTE to 4.8.0
Add creation of .tgz file for archiving.

Code Versions

Engineering Model (sim/recon) v4r060302p8

System Tests for this version

System Tests Result

FRED version


Pipeline tag


GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)

glast-ground v0r3p4
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)

online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r1 **changed**

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v3r1p3 **changed** with explanatory note.

Apps that run in pipeline:

eLog: v2r2
ConfigTables: v3r1p3
TestReport: v3r2p6 (digi & recon reports)
EngineeringModelRoot: v1r3p12 (SVAC tuple) **changed**

Approved : unanimous 14 Apr 2005

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