System Tests Report Summary
Minor difference in the comparison with preceding main branch version, GR v15r32, but enough to knock this off for being the next L1Proc. The new gamma filter bit definitions in the enums header for FSW B1-1-0 were missed. FilterEnergy has changed likely due to the new pedestals and gains for FSW B1-1-0.
Differences in filter states for comparison to GRv15r24, the previous L1Proc GR release, have been discussed for GRv15r26.
- Many packages - Move to FSW B1-1-0
- AnalysisNtuple - FswGamVersion added to merit
Shift in Filter Energy
Note that in the system tests filter energy for MC means ObfGamEnergy and is compared to CalEnergyRaw.
The filter energy difference is shown below for the AllGamma test comparing GRv15r33 and GRv15r32