The batch managing processes run on psanasvc01 and are controlled by supervisord running under user psdatmgr.  They seem to be using /usr/bin/supervisord, but I had trouble running that version (crashed) so I have run it out of the psana conda release.

The processes can be controlled (start/stop) using supervisorctl.  The "-i" flag requests an interactive session:

supervisorctl -c /reg/g/psdm/psdatmgr/bin/supervisord_psanasvc01.conf -i

Useful commands are "avail", "stop <processname>", and "help".

[root@psanasvc01 cpo]# supervisorctl -c /reg/g/psdm/psdatmgr/bin/supervisord_psanasvc01.conf 
logbk_batch_client               RUNNING   pid 31266, uptime 89 days, 19:13:58
logbk_batch_mgr                  RUNNING   pid 19948, uptime 0:53:40
pcds_expresults                  RUNNING   pid 17469, uptime 194 days, 2:25:42
psdm_run_triggers                RUNNING   pid 15575, uptime 27 days, 1:06:08

Only two processes matter:

logbk_batch_client is the portion written by Jacob Scott.  Submits batch jobs and talks to logbk_batch_mgr.

logbk_batch_mgr is the portion written by Andre/Murali and talks to the mysql database.

Logs are in /var/supervisor/logs/

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