Describing CPSW Hierarchies with YAML:
This document describes the steps required to map from yaml path to an EPICS PV with appropriate type and LCLS-compatible name.
The yaml definitions are provided by the hardware engineer. In the case of BCM, the current yaml def's span 62 files totaling 13411 lines:
000TopLevel.yaml AxiXadc.yaml Lmk04828.yaml
Adc16Dx370.yaml AxisDaqMux.yaml RssiCore.yaml
AmcCarrierBsa.yaml BsaBufferControl.yaml SigGenLane.yaml
AmcCarrierBsi.yaml BsaWaveformEngine.yaml SsiPrbsRx.yaml
AmcCarrierCore.yaml Dac38J84.yaml SsiPrbsTx.yaml
AmcCarrierMps.yaml DacSigGeneration.yaml SysGen.yaml
AmcCarrierMpsPhy.yaml DaqMuxV2.yaml TPG.yaml
AmcCarrierTiming.yaml DigFpga.yaml TPGControl.yaml
AmcGenericAdcDacCore.yaml DspCoreConfig.yaml TPGMiniCore.yaml
AmcGenericAdcDacCtrl.yaml DspCoreRes.yaml TPGSeqState.yaml
ApplicationCore.yaml DspPreprocConfig.yaml TPGStatus.yaml
AxiCdcm6208.yaml EthMacPhy.yaml TenGigEthReg.yaml
AxiEmpty.yaml EvrV1Reg.yaml TimingFrameRx.yaml
AxiLiteGenRegItf.yaml GenericMemory.yaml TimingProc.yaml
AxiMemTester.yaml GigEthReg.yaml TimingProcMr.yaml
AxiMicronN25Q.yaml GthRxAlignCheck.yaml TriggerLaneReg.yaml
AxiStreamDmaRingWrite.yaml Gthe3Channel.yaml TriggerLaneRegMr.yaml
AxiSy56040.yaml JesdRx.yaml UdpEngineClient.yaml
AxiSysMonUltraScale.yaml JesdTx.yaml UdpEngineServer.yaml
AxiVersion.yaml LclsMrTimingTriggerPulse.yaml XauiReg.yaml
Finding registers of interest in yaml
The hardware engineer knows which yaml definitions correspond to registers of interest. There is no guarantee that the names are meaningful.
For example, the BCM register from which CHRG is read has this yaml path:
Details such as register type and access mode are encoded in yaml (a text file).
The CHRG example is found in DspCoreRes.yaml:
######################################################### Mult2: class: IntField at: offset: 0x0148 encoding: IEEE_754 sizeBits: 32 mode: RO description: "Floating - Result of multiplication of Mult0 and Mult1" #########################################################
The above entry tells us that it is a read-only (mode: RO) floating point (encoding: IEEE_754) register.
Manually mapping registers to EPICS PVs
The first requirement is to add an entry to a dictionary file. This is a text file with 2 columns described in comments below.
Here is the entry for our CHRG example:
# Register path Asyn parameter name ##
/mmio/DigFpga/ApplicationCore/SysGen[0]/DspCoreRes/Mult2 CHRG
Note that the "parameter name" has to be unique, but it is not required to match the PV attribute name. The attribute name is used above for convenience.
The second requirement is to add one or two entries to a substitutions file that will be used to generate an EPICS database. Several templates exist to support various register types. The CHRG example uses RegisterDoubleIn.template:
# Register with DoubleVal_RO interfaces
file "db/RegisterDoubleIn.template" { pattern
{ BCM:B84:15, CHRG, "Charge", "YES", "1 second", S5, "pC", CHRG }
Note that the template specifies the DESC, PINI, SCAN, and EGU fields of the PV.
A read-only register like CHRG requires one template entry. A write register with separate readback requires two template entries.