Jefferson Lab/Hall B/HPS Run Wiki
It is often necessary or desirable to select individual events for further analysis. One can select and skim events in both raw (EVIO) and reconstructed (LCIO) data formats by following these steps.
Skimming raw EVIO files uses the dedicated main program org.hps.record.evio.EvioEventSkimmer. We currently support skimming events from a single run.
Prepare a plain text file containing the event numbers for the events of interest in a single run, one event per line.
Prepare a plain text file containing the list of input EVIO files containing the events of interest. The Data Catalog can be used to determine which run partition any particular event is in. These files will have to have been staged and be disk-resident.
Run the job using the latest hps-java binary jar file
> java -cp hps-distribution-3.11-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar org.hps.record.evio.EvioEventSkimmer -e evioFileList.txt -s EvioEventsToSkim.txt -o skimmedEvents.evio
Skimming reconstructed LCIO files uses the org.hps.recon.filtering.LcioEventSkimmer Driver and is called in the standard way, summarized here.
Prepare a plain text file containing the run and event number for the events of interest. This should be a space-delimited list, with one run-event pair per line.
Prepare a steering file similar to the following:
Run the job using the latest hps-java binary jar file
> java -server -jar hps-distribution-3.11-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar -DinputFileList=fileList -DoutputFile=skimmedEvents skimit.lcsim