MWL campaign on the NLSy1 1H 0323+342 (2015 August-December)
The Fermi/LAT team is organizing a multi-wavelength campaign on the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342, starting on 2015 August 1 and finishing by the end of 2015 December.
The goal of this multi-wavelength campaign is to study the flux and spectral evolution of the broad-band emission from radio to GeV (and TeV if the source flares) over a long baseline and over time-scales as short as one day (or hours/minutes). Moreover, a 80 ks XMM-Newton observation of the source is scheduled for 2015 August 23-24. This multifrequency data set will allow us to understand better the underlying physics in 1H 0323+342, as well as in gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies.
Please contact Filippo D'Ammando ( if you have telescope time and are interested in joining this campaign.
For this campaign, the policy on data sharing will be: if you observe and send data that can be used, you are a co-author of a resulting multiwavelength publication unless you just want an acknowledgment. Anyone who contributes data keeps the right to publish those data separately. Yet those separate publications should be done in a coordinated way, so that we try to have the (potential) single instrument publications close in time to the multiwavelength publication.