This is a first attempt at comparing the performance of the CAL shower shape analysis between pass7 and pass8.
The file used for the work are:
For Pass7:
where StdCuts are: FswGamState == 0&& CalEnergyRaw> 5&& TkrNumTracks> 0&& CalCsIRLn> 4.
For Pass8:
I include the following precuts to the allGamma sample for both Pass7 and Pass8:
FswGamState==0 && TkrNumTracks > 0 && (CalEnergyRaw > 5 && CalCsIRLn > 4) && CTBCPFGamProb>0
note for Pass8 CalEnergyRaw is substutited by CalUberEnergy and I have added the cut on CTBCPFGamProb because it is necessary that the sample of events pass the
Cpf selection before I can compare the Pass7 and Pass8 selection in the CAL.
To the BKG sample I include in addition to the above selection the condition that there not be gamma's in the sample, i.e. a cut on
McSourceId != 7000
Below are some plots on the sequential selection efficiency for each node in the CAL worksheet.
TkrSideSeal1TkrFront allGamma
TkrSideSeal1TkrFront BKG
TkrSideSeal1TkrBack allGamma
TkrSideSeal1TkrBack BKG
TkrSideSealnTkrFront allGamma
TkrSideSealnTkrFront BKG
TkrSideSealnTkrBack allGamma
TkrSideSealnTkrBack BKG
VtxSideSeal allGamma
VtxSideSeal allGamma