In prep
Code Versions
Engineering Model (sim/recon): v6r070329p5
- Move to 'DC2' base GR release.
- Add LCI (Lat Charge Injection) support so we can digitize LCI runs.
- AcdRecon updates.
- Move to Double32 for CAL
- calibGenTKR removed from the release as it now includes svac/EngineeringModelRoot.
In addition, the TKR guys use whatever new version they have anyway.
reconRootData: v9r1p1
- v9r1p1 11-Apr-06 : HMK patch to remove extra ; in #include
- v9r1 10-Apr-06 : HMK Finish move to Double for CAL
- v9r0 04-Apr-06 : EAC Added various ACD data structures
- v8r11p2 25-Mar-06 : HMK no forward declaration of TMatrixD for 5.10.00
- v8r11p1 07-Mar-06 : HMK use Riostream.h consistently
- v8r11 02-Feb-06 : HMK Move to Double32 in ACD classes
- v8r10 02-Feb-06 : HMK Move to Double32 in TKR classes
- v8r9p2 20-Jan-06 : DC Fake methods for high level do not include rank argument
- v8r9p1 19-Jan-06 : DC Fix a small bug and standardize Fake methods
- v8r9 12-Jan-06 : EAC minor tweaking of the new ACD classes
- v8r8 04-Jan-06 : EAC Added AcdHit AcdTkrPoca to AcdRecon
- v8r7 02-Jan-06 : DC complete rewrite of unit tests
- v8r6p3 05-Dec-05 : DC move AcdRecon fake and test code into the class
so that it can be reused in RootConvert
- v8r6p2 25-Nov-05 : DC reorder inits to avoid painful warnings
mcRootData v2r19p3:
- v2r19p3 24-Jan-2006 HMK Update McEvent::Clear to add ALL option, where the
static arrays are cleared out
- v2r19p2 20-Jan-2006 DC up-to-date test
- v2r19p1 19-Jan-2006 DC Standardize McPositionHit::Fake() signature
lsfData v0r5:
- v0r5 11-Apr-2006 HMK implement type method for all configuration classes
- v0r4 11-Apr-2006 BL Patch up LCI classes to include clone method
- v0r3 04-Apr-2006 HMK Add ACD, CAL, TKR Lci classes to LsfConfiguration.h
ldfReader v3r17:
- v3r17 16-Apr-2006 hmk Add LDF status flag to enums and fix apid printing
in warning messages
- v3r16 14-Apr-2006 hmk provide check on eventCount from CHS/eventFile
- v3r15 14-Apr-2006 hmk print new header from eventFile
- v3r14 11-Apr-2006 hmk update for new CHS/eventFile interface which includes
LCI handling
- v3r13 07-Apr-2006 hmk print out apid with error messages
- v3r12 03-Apr-2006 hmk store the number associated with an ACD NA PMT
- v3r11 01-Apr-2006 hmk pick up additional error handling as seen in LDFdump.cpp
- v3r10 01-Apr-2006 hmk add event number for BESTRANGE warning
- v3r9 27-Mar-2006 hmk let GEM store eventSummary if there is no OSW
fix check on BESTRANGE to work when processing
events from both BEST and ALLRANGE
- v3r8 17-Mar-2006 hmk print warning for AEM errors and move to cout
enums v0r4:
- v0r4 16-Apr-2006 HMK Add flag for LDF status
- v0r3p3 04-Apr-2006 HMK Added Mask enum to Lsf.h for LCI
digiRootData v9r4p1:
- v9r4p1 17-Apr-2006 HMK patch to increment MetaEvent version number to 2
- v9r4 16-Apr-2006 HMK Add event flag for LDF status
- v9r3 12-Apr-2006 HMK Add CCSDS
commonRootData v2r7:
- v2r7 04-Apr-2006 EAC Added AcdGapId
- v2r6p1 02-Mar-2006 HMK Use Riostream rather than iostream
celestialSources/genericSources v1r6p8:
- 02-Feb-06 v1r6p8 JCT fix windows build and remove parameter for flux in cm-2
- 01-Feb-06 v1r6p6 JCT add 3 new sources : TF1Map, TF1Spectrum, FILESpectrumMap
- 28-Jan-06 v1r6p5 JC remove duplicate event times in SpectralTransient
that may occur for high flux sources
- 27-Jan-06 v1r6p4 THB special tag at J. McEnery request.
- 15-Dec-05 v1r6p3 JC fix off-by-one error in SpectralTransient
celestialSources/eblAtten v0r3p1:
- 13-Dec-05 v0r3p1 THB suppress warning messages
- 08-feb-06 v2r1p14 NO Set gDirectory(0) for all the TH1 Objects
- 08-feb-06 v2r1p13 NO Removed the ugly cicle in GRBengine with Joanne's suggestion
- 07-feb-06 v2r1p12 NO Cleaned mem leaks
- 06-feb-06 v2r1p11 NO TString removed.
- 31-jan-06 v2r1p10 NO Earth occultation avoid GBM generation file
- 26-jan-06 v2r1p8 NO GBM long burst's bug solved
- 21-dec-05 v2r1p7 THB GBM generation on
-13-dec-05 v2r1p6 THB tag Johann's fixes
calibGenTKR: Removed from the release
RootIo: v17r9gr6
- v17r9gr6 12-Apr-2006 HMK Add converters for CCSDS
- v17r9gr5 08-Mar-2006 HMK set debug message if no MetaEvent when reading
RootConvert v1r5em2:
- v1r5em2 14-Apr-2006 HMK patch to only set configuration when it exists
- v1r5em1 12-Apr-2006 HMK add converters for LCI Configurations
- v1r5em0 06-Apr-2006 EAC Add converter for AcdTkr
- v1r4p3 26-Jan-2006 DC Bug Fix
- v1r4p2 25-Jan-2006 DC Fake implementation for some methods not yet implemented,
so that the package compiles on windows.
- v1r4p1 20-Jan-2006 DC Fix test bug : make the difference between top objects and low level elements. v1r4 19-Jan-2006 DC Added CalXtalRecDataConvert.
- v1r3 04-Jan-2006 EAC Added AcdHit, AcdTkrPoca to AcdRecon. v1r2 05-Dec-2005 DC A bug fix in CalEventEnergyConvert, and support for AcdRecon.
- v1r1p1 25-Nov-2005 DC Almost nothing.
LdfEvent v3r6:
- v3r6 16-Apr-2006 HMK Add flag for LDF status
- v3r5 14-Apr-2006 HMK Allow setting of Configuration separately for MC runs
- v3r4 14-Apr-2006 HMK handle LCI
LdfConverter v2r6:
- v2r6 14-Apr-2006 HMK Check event count against CHS/eventFile's header
- v2r5p1 27-Mar-2006 HMK fix up StartEventNumber handling for LICOS events
LatIntegration v2r51:
- 01-APR-06 v2r51 hmk Update location of EBF_file.h for ldfTest app
- 09-MAR-06 v2r50 awb Fix muon hypothesis JO.
IExternal/ldfExt v0r601p0:
- v0r601p0 30-Mar-2006 HMK LDF V06-00-01 for events > 64 KB
IExternal v4r1p3:
- 20-Dec-05 v4r1p3 NG Updated extFiles to v0r4
GlastSvc v9r17p1:
- v9r17p1 25-Jan-2006 hmk Richard's fix to CurrentEventAlg to print only one line
GlastClassify v3r2p2:
- 23-Feb-06 v3r2p2 LSR Add documentation
- 08-Feb-06 v3r2p1 THB adapt to new tuple access
- 12-Jan-06 v3r2 TU Update to latest IM Analysis (with more fixes for new features)
- 3-Jan-06 v3r1 TU Incorporate updates for "new" style IM Analysis sheets
EventIntegrity v0r4em0:
- v0r4em0 2006-Apr-16 HMK Add new flag for LDF status
Event v11r8em3:
- v11r8em3 07-apr-06 EAC updates writeOut methods in AcdTkr data classes
- v11r8em2 07-apr-06 EAC add AcdTkr data class to AcdRecon
CalXtalResponse v0r9p2:
- v0r9p2 02/13/06 fewtrell CalTuple now outputs adc_range info. Also optionally CalTuple outputs 4-range adc data.
CHS/eventFile v1r0:
- v1r0 09-Apr-2006 RBL added DFI error counts to file header
- v1 07-Apr-2006 RBL new file format, including LCI support
- v0r3p2 03-Apr-2006 RBL updated to LDF 6.0.1
- v0r3p1 29-Mar-2006 RBL added include of errno.h to fix gcc 343 compile problem
- v0r3 13-Mar-2006 RBL added event-count and first/last GEM seq counter with accessors
and mutators. No change to file format yet.
- v0r2 01-Mar-2006 RBL added runid to files and runid() accessor to LPA_File object.
AnalysisNtuple v2r9p3gr6:
- v2r9p3gr6 10-APR-06 EAC Add in AcdTkrRibbonDist and AcdTkr1RibbonDist
- v2r9p3gr5 23-Feb-06 LSR Improve documentation
AcdUtil v0r2p10em0:
- v0r2 12-Jan-2006 EAC Add AcdTileDim and AcdRibbonDim AcdRibbonDim
- v0r2p10 06-mar-2006 THB use the proper pattern
- v0r2p9 23-Feb-2006 THB make use of static lib constistent with Navid's lib folder
- v0r2p7 07-Feb-2006 THB restore name, make it a static lib.
- v0r2p5 03-Feb-2006 HMK Temporarily update AcdUtilCommon library name to
deal with MRvcmt oddness which seems to build libaries alphabetically
AcdRecon v3r0em4:
- v3r1p1 20-Apr-2006 EAC Fix bug in active distance calculation.
- v3r1 13-Apr-2006 EAC Pull in updates from branch EM-v6r070329p0, tag v3r0em3
- v2r2 12-Apr-2006 EAC Uses calibration for AcdHits
- v2r1 24-Mar-2006 HMK updates for CLHEP Along Branch EM-v6r070329p0
- v3r0em4 20-Apr-2006 EAC Fix bug in active distance calculation.
- v3r0em3 10-Apr-2006 EAC Protect against negative arclength to intersection errors
- v3r0em2 07-Apr-2006 EAC Use activeX or activeY in gaps instead of active3D to avoid problems near corners
- v3r0em1 07-Apr-2006 EAC Changed debbuging printouts to use MsgStream
- v3r0em0 07-Apr-2006 EAC Major update. Pulled all geometry functions out to src/AcdReconFuncs. Use AcdRecon/AcdReconStruct to pass around data internally.
- v2r0p7 06-Feb-2006 THB Add the tools AcdPha2MipTool and AcdPocaTool to the AcdRecon_load list, apparently needed for Windows
System Tests for this version
System Tests results:
Verified by Anders et al. Two differences in Acd histograms for VerticalGamma100MeV: One due to code changes (system test code needs to be updated wrt fetching Acd Poca information), and a tiny difference in the number of ACD-TKR intersections (understood by Eric Charles: due to improvement in the code).
Fred version:
Pipeline version:
GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)
glast-ground v0r3p7
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)
online/svac (task defs, scripts):
pipeline tasks:
online: v2r4p1
svac pipeline code and tasks:
code/tasks v3r5p7:
pipelineDatasets v0r3
ISOC code and tasks:
Apps that run in pipeline:
eLog: v2r3p1
ConfigTables: v3r2p1
TestReport: v3r4p15 (digi & recon reports):
- Put in a 'isLATTE' flag. Only show SBC histograms for LATTE runs.
- Add in a zoom of the GEM delta event time (1 ms).
- Added (datagram) time stamps for LICOS runs
EngineeringModelRoot: v1r15 (SVAC tuple)
- Added Context variables.
- Added Acd TkrPoint and Acd Gap variables.
- Updated Acd Poca code to work with new AcdRecon.
Approved: unanimous 20060420