Reason for change

Increase the disk space of the GLAST Xrootd cluster. The new server, wain017, has 32TB disk space and
adding the server will increase the total disk space of the xrootd cluster from about 75TB to 107TB.


An xrootd server has been run on wain017 and files were written to and read from the server without any problems.
Also checksumming files has been tested.


The xrootd on wain017 could be stopped and files that were written to the server have to be copied to
the other servers. This is only possible if a small amount of data were written to wain017 as the other
glast xrootd servers have only a small amount of free space available.

CCB Jira

The ssc-38 jira is for wain018 - wain021 and the same procedure used for wain017 will be employed
to do add the servers to the GLAST Xrootd cluster.


The procedure of adding wain007 to the xrootd cluster is:

  • Add wain017 as a read-only server.
  • Check reading from wain017 using the GLAST redirector
  • Restart the xrootd on wain017 as write-able

Wain0017 is configured the same as the other wain xrootd servers:

  • the same xrootd config file is used.
  • the same scripts for checksumming
  • the same xrootd version (20071101-0808p2)