Analysis code examples (comparisons of XXana)
Here's one comparison of an example analysis in three different frameworks:
- myana (online C++ framework), using ROOT histogramming package
- psana (offline C++ framework), using ROOT histogramming package
- pyana (offline python framework)
- using ROOT histogramming package
- alternative without ROOT, using NumPy to store arrays and MatPlotLib to plot those arrays/
They all make histograms/plots of AMO ITof wavefunctions, in 20 energy bins (energy measured by FEE Gas Detector).
Timing and plots from all frameworks (pdf)
#include <TROOT.h> #include <TH1F.h> #include <TProfile.h> #include <time.h> #include "myana.hh" #include "main.hh" static int numChannelsITof; static int numSamplesITof; static double sampleIntervalITof; static const int maxITofBin = 50; static TProfile* profWf[maxITofBin]; static TProfile* profWfAll; static TH1F* histEnrg; static TH1I* histBin; static unsigned int shotCountITof = 0; float e1,e2; int nenergy; static int bin; clock_t start_time; clock_t finish_time; const char* ParameterFileName = "ParameterFileName"; FILE *LaserParamOut; FILE *ShotsOut; char ShotsName[200]; using namespace Pds; // This function is called once at the beginning of the analysis job, // You can ask for detector "configuration" information here. void beginjob() { // get ITof parameters from myana.inp const char inpname[20]="myana.inp"; FILE *inpfile; inpfile=fopen(inpname,"r"); fscanf(inpfile,"%d\n",&nenergy); // nbins of histogram fscanf(inpfile,"%f\n",&e1); // xmin of histogram fscanf(inpfile,"%f\n",&e2); // xmax of histogram printf("%d %e %e\n",nenergy,e1,e2); fclose(inpfile); printf("calling beginjob()\n"); fflush(stdout); int i; int fail = 0; /* * Processing ITof Config Data */ fail = getAcqConfig( AmoITof, numChannelsITof, numSamplesITof, sampleIntervalITof); // create an "averaging" histogram (called "profile") profWfAll = new TProfile("profWfAll","Average Waveform;Seconds;Volts" , numSamplesITof , 0.0,sampleIntervalITof,""); char name[32]; char title[232]; for (i=0;i<nenergy;i=i+1) { sprintf(name,"profWf%d",i); sprintf(title,"Average Waveform in Energy bin %d",i); profWf[i] = new TProfile(name,title,numSamplesITof, 0.0,sampleIntervalITof,""); profWf[i]->SetYTitle("Volts"); //optional profWf[i]->SetXTitle("Seconds"); //optional } // create a histogram to display the energy bins histEnrg = new TH1F("histEnrg","Energy bins;Energy; Event Count",nenergy,e1,e2); histBin = new TH1I("histBin","Energy bins;Bin; Event Count",nenergy,0.0,nenergy); histEnrg->SetMarkerStyle(4); histEnrg->SetMarkerColor(4); // blue circles histBin->SetMarkerStyle(4); histBin->SetMarkerColor(4); // blue circles } // This function is called once for each run. You should check to see // if detector configuration information has changed. void beginrun() { printf("beginrun is done, starting timer..."); start_time = clock(); } void begincalib() { } // This is called once every shot. You can ask for // the individual detector shot data here. void event() { int fail; /* * Processing FeeGasDet Value */ double shotEnergy[4]; fail = getFeeGasDet( shotEnergy ); double energy = (shotEnergy[2]+shotEnergy[3])/2; if ( energy < e1 ) { histEnrg->Fill(e1); } else if ( energy > e2 ) { histEnrg->Fill(e2); } else { histEnrg->Fill(energy); } /* * Processing ITof waveform */ double* timeITof; double* voltageITof; int channel = 0; fail = getAcqValue( AmoITof, channel, timeITof, voltageITof); if ( fail != 0 ) printf( "event(): getAcqValue() failed, code = %d\n", fail ); else { bin = int(( (energy-e1)/(e2-e1) )*nenergy+0.5); if (bin<1) bin=0; if (bin>nenergy-1) bin=int(nenergy-1); for (int i=0;i<numSamplesITof;i=i+1) { double t = timeITof[i]; double v = voltageITof[i]; profWf[bin]->Fill(t,v); profWfAll->Fill(t,v); } histBin->Fill(bin); shotCountITof++; } } void endcalib() { } void endrun() { printf("User analysis endrun() routine called.\n"); } void endjob() { printf("User analysis endjob() routine called.\n"); finish_time = clock(); double duration = (finish_time - start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Time elapsed: %.2f s \n",(duration)); printf("Number of events processed: %d \n", shotCountITof); printf("%d \n",profWfAll->GetNbinsX()); for (int bin=20;bin<40;bin++){ printf("%.10f +- %.10f \n",profWfAll->GetBinContent(bin+1),profWfAll->GetBinError(bin+1)); } }
//----------------------- // This Class's Header -- //----------------------- #include "speed/psana_esort.h" //----------------- // C/C++ Headers -- //----------------- #include <time.h> //------------------------------- // Collaborating Class Headers -- //------------------------------- #include "MsgLogger/MsgLogger.h" //-------------------------------------------------- // to work with detector data include corresponding // header from psddl_psana package //-------------------------------------------------- #include "psddl_psana/acqiris.ddl.h" #include "psddl_psana/bld.ddl.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local Macros, Typedefs, Structures, Unions and Forward Declarations -- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This declares this class as psana module using namespace speed; PSANA_MODULE_FACTORY(psana_esort) // ---------------------------------------- // -- Public Function Member Definitions -- // ---------------------------------------- namespace speed { //---------------- // Constructors -- //---------------- psana_esort::psana_esort (const std::string& name) : Module(name) , m_acqSrc() , m_feeSrc() , m_maxEvents() , m_filter() , m_nenergy() , m_e1() , m_e2() { // get the values from configuration or use defaults m_acqSrc = configStr("acqSource", "DetInfo(:Acqiris)"); m_feeSrc = configStr("feeSource", "BldInfo(FEEGasDetEnergy)"); m_maxEvents = config("events", 32U); m_filter = config("filter", false); m_nenergy = config("nenergy",20); m_e1 = config("e1",0.0); m_e2 = config("e2",4.0); } //-------------- // Destructor -- //-------------- psana_esort::~psana_esort () { } /// Method which is called once at the beginning of the job void psana_esort::beginJob(Env& env) { m_count = 0; RootHistoManager::RootHMgr& rhmgr = env.rhmgr(); shared_ptr<Psana::Acqiris::ConfigV1> acqConfig = env.configStore().get(m_acqSrc); if (acqConfig.get()) { int channel = 0; m_nSamples = acqConfig->horiz().nbrSamples(); m_sampleInterval = acqConfig->horiz().sampInterval(); m_slope = acqConfig->vert(channel).slope(); m_offset = acqConfig->vert(channel).offset(); m_timevector = new double[m_nSamples]; m_wfvector = new double[m_nSamples]; m_wgvector = new double[m_nSamples]; for (int i(0);i<m_nSamples;i++){ m_timevector[i]= i * m_sampleInterval; m_wfvector[i]=0.0; m_wgvector[i]=1.0; } m_profWfAll = rhmgr.profile("profWfAll","Average Waveform;time [s];voltage [V]", AxisDef(0.0, m_nSamples*m_sampleInterval,m_nSamples) ); char name[32]; char title[232]; for (int i=0; i<m_nenergy;i++){ sprintf(name,"profWf%d",i); sprintf(title,"Average Waveform in Energy bin %d; time [s]; voltage [V]",i); m_profWf[i] = rhmgr.profile(name, title, AxisDef(0.0,m_nSamples*m_sampleInterval,m_nSamples) ); } } // create a histogram to display the energy bins m_histEnrg = rhmgr.h1f("histEnrg","Energy bins;Energy; Event Count",AxisDef(m_e1,m_e2,m_nenergy)); m_histBin = rhmgr.h1i("histBin","Energy bins;Bin; Event count",AxisDef(0.0,m_nenergy,m_nenergy)); m_histEnrg->SetMarkerStyle(4); m_histEnrg->SetMarkerColor(4); // blue circles m_histBin->SetMarkerStyle(4); m_histBin->SetMarkerColor(4); // blue circles } /// Method which is called at the beginning of the run void psana_esort::beginRun(Env& env) { printf("beginRun is done, starting timer..."); m_start_time = clock(); } /// Method which is called at the beginning of the calibration cycle void psana_esort::beginCalibCycle(Env& env) { } /// Method which is called with event data, this is the only required /// method, all other methods are optional void psana_esort::event(Event& evt, Env& env) { //MsgLog(name(),info,"Event:" << m_count); /* * Processing FeeGasDet Value */ shared_ptr<Psana::Bld::BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy> fee = evt.get(m_feeSrc); double shotEnergy[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.}; if (fee.get()) { shotEnergy[0] = fee->f_11_ENRC(); shotEnergy[1] = fee->f_12_ENRC(); shotEnergy[2] = fee->f_21_ENRC(); shotEnergy[3] = fee->f_22_ENRC(); } double energy = (shotEnergy[2]+shotEnergy[3])/2; if ( energy < m_e1 ) { m_histEnrg->Fill(m_e1); } else if ( energy > m_e2 ) { m_histEnrg->Fill(m_e2); } else { m_histEnrg->Fill(energy); } /* * Processing ITof waveform */ shared_ptr<Psana::Acqiris::DataDescV1> acqData = evt.get(m_acqSrc); if (acqData.get()) { m_count++; int channel = 0; const Psana::Acqiris::DataDescV1Elem& data = acqData->data(channel); // copy myana getAcqValue() const int16_t* wfdata = data.waveforms(); wfdata += data.indexFirstPoint(); shared_ptr<Psana::Acqiris::ConfigV1> acqConfig = env.configStore().get(m_acqSrc); if (acqConfig.get()) { for (int j=0;j<m_nSamples;j++){ m_wfvector[j] = wfdata[j] * m_slope - m_offset; } int numSamples = data.nbrSegments() * data.nbrSamplesInSeg(); if (numSamples != m_nSamples) std::cout << "nSamples mismatch" << std::endl; int bin = int(( (energy-m_e1)/(m_e2-m_e1) )*m_nenergy+0.5); if (bin<1) bin=0; if (bin>m_nenergy-1) bin=int(m_nenergy-1); m_histBin->Fill(bin); m_profWf[bin]->FillN(numSamples,m_timevector,m_wfvector,m_wgvector,1); m_profWfAll->FillN(numSamples,m_timevector,m_wfvector,m_wgvector,1); } } } /// Method which is called at the end of the calibration cycle void psana_esort::endCalibCycle(Env& env) { delete[] m_timevector; } /// Method which is called at the end of the run void psana_esort::endRun(Env& env) { } /// Method which is called once at the end of the job void psana_esort::endJob(Env& env) { clock_t finish_time = clock(); double duration = (finish_time - m_start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Time elapsed: %.2f s \n",(duration)); printf("Number of events processed: %d \n", m_count); std::cout << m_profWfAll->GetNbinsX() << std::endl; for (int bin = 20; bin<40; bin++) { std::cout << m_profWfAll->GetBinContent(bin+1) << " +- " << m_profWfAll->GetBinError(bin+1) << std::endl; } } } // namespace speed
import sys import logging import time #----------------------------- # Imports for other modules -- #----------------------------- import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #--------------------- # Class definition -- #--------------------- class pyana_esort_hmgr (object) : """Class whose instance will be used as a user analysis module. """ #---------------- # Constructor -- #---------------- def __init__ ( self, nenergy, e1, e2, source = "AmoITof-0|Acqiris-0"): """Class constructor. The parameters to the constructor are passed from pyana configuration file. If parameters do not have default values here then the must be defined in pyana.cfg. All parameters are passed as strings, convert to correct type before use. """ self.source = source self.nebins = int(nenergy) self.emin = float(e1) self.emax = float(e2) self.nev = 0 #------------------- # Public methods -- #------------------- def beginjob( self, evt, env ) : """This method is called once at the beginning of the job. It will also be called in any Xtc Configure transition, if configurations have changed since last it was run. @param evt event data object @param env environment object """ # Preferred way to log information is via logging package "pyana_esort_hmgr.beginjob() called " ) cfg = env.getAcqConfig(self.source) #numChannels = cfg.nbrChannels() self.numSamplesITof = cfg.horiz().nbrSamples() sampleIntervalITof = cfg.horiz().sampInterval() print self.numSamplesITof print sampleIntervalITof hmgr = env.hmgr() self.histEnrg = hmgr.h1f("histEnrg",";Energy",self.nebins,self.emin,self.emax) self.histBin = hmgr.h1i("histBin",";Bin",self.nebins,0.0, self.nebins) self.histEnrg.SetMarkerStyle(4) self.histEnrg.SetMarkerColor(4) self.histBin.SetMarkerStyle(4) self.histBin.SetMarkerColor(4) name = "profWfAll" title = "Average Waveform;time [s];voltage [V]" self.prof_wfAll =,title,self.numSamplesITof, 0.0, self.numSamplesITof*sampleIntervalITof, "") self.prof_wf = [] for bin in range (0,self.nebins): name = "profWf%d"%bin title = "Average Waveform in Energy Bin %d;time [s];voltage [V]" % bin self.prof_wf.append(,title,self.numSamplesITof, 0.0, self.numSamplesITof*sampleIntervalITof, "")) # prof.FillN requires a weight array... self.wg = np.ones(self.numSamplesITof,dtype=float) self.ts = None def beginrun( self, evt, env ) : """This optional method is called if present at the beginning of the new run. @param evt event data object @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_hmgr.beginrun() called ") print "beginrun is done, starting timer..." self.start = time.clock() def begincalibcycle( self, evt, env ) : """This optional method is called if present at the beginning of the new calibration cycle. @param evt event data object @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_hmgr.begincalibcycle() called ") def event( self, evt, env ) : """This method is called for every L1Accept transition. @param evt event data object @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_hmgr.event() called ") self.nev+=1 shotEnergy = evt.getFeeGasDet() energy = 0.0 bin = 0 if shotEnergy is None : print "No Gas Detector" else : energy = (shotEnergy[2]+shotEnergy[3])/2 self.histEnrg.Fill(energy); acqData = evt.getAcqValue(self.source, 0, env) if acqData : wf = acqData.waveform() if self.ts is None : self.ts = acqData.timestamps() self.prof_wfAll.FillN(self.numSamplesITof,self.ts,wf,self.wg,1) bin = int( ((energy-self.emin)/(self.emax-self.emin))*self.nebins+0.5) if bin < 1 : bin = 0 if bin > self.nebins : bin = self.nebins-1 self.histBin.Fill(bin) self.prof_wf[bin].FillN(self.numSamplesITof,self.ts,wf,self.wg,1) def endcalibcycle( self, env ) : """This optional method is called if present at the end of the calibration cycle. @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_hmgr.endcalibcycle() called" ) def endrun( self, env ) : """This optional method is called if present at the end of the run. @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_hmgr.endrun() called" ) def endjob( self, env ) : """This method is called at the end of the job. It should do final cleanup, e.g. close all open files. @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_hmgr.endjob() called" ) duration = time.clock() - self.start print "duration in seconds : ", duration print "Number of events processed: ", self.nev print self.prof_wfAll.GetNbinsX() for bin in range (20,40): print self.prof_wfAll.GetBinContent(bin+1), " +- ", self.prof_wfAll.GetBinError(bin+1)
import sys import logging import time #----------------------------- # Imports for other modules -- #----------------------------- import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import h5py #--------------------- # Class definition -- #--------------------- class pyana_esort_mpl (object) : """Class whose instance will be used as a user analysis module. """ #---------------- # Constructor -- #---------------- def __init__ ( self, nenergy, e1, e2, source = "AmoITof-0|Acqiris-0"): """Class constructor. The parameters to the constructor are passed from pyana configuration file. If parameters do not have default values here then the must be defined in pyana.cfg. All parameters are passed as strings, convert to correct type before use. """ self.source = source self.nebins = int(nenergy) self.emin = float(e1) self.emax = float(e2) self.bwidth = (self.emax-self.emin)/self.nebins self.nev = 0 #------------------- # Public methods -- #------------------- def beginjob( self, evt, env ) : """This method is called once at the beginning of the job. It will also be called in any Xtc Configure transition, if configurations have changed since last it was run. @param evt event data object @param env environment object """ # Preferred way to log information is via logging package "pyana_esort_mpl.beginjob() called " ) cfg = env.getAcqConfig(self.source) #numChannels = cfg.nbrChannels() self.numSamplesITof = cfg.horiz().nbrSamples() sampleIntervalITof = cfg.horiz().sampInterval() # for matplotlib, we store the array till the end instead of a histogram... """ energy / bin histogram """ self.axisEnrg = np.arange(self.emin,self.emax,self.bwidth, dtype=float) self.arrayEnrg = np.zeros(self.nebins, dtype=float) """ time wave""" self.ts = None """ voltage wave""" = None self.wf2 = None """ voltage wave in bins of energy """ self.bwf = [] self.bwf2 = [] for bin in range (0, self.nebins): self.bwf.append( None ) self.bwf2.append( None ) def beginrun( self, evt, env ) : """This optional method is called if present at the beginning of the new run. @param evt event data object @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_mpl.beginrun() called ") print "beginrun is done, starting timer..." self.start = time.clock() def begincalibcycle( self, evt, env ) : """This optional method is called if present at the beginning of the new calibration cycle. @param evt event data object @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_mpl.begincalibcycle() called ") def event( self, evt, env ) : """This method is called for every L1Accept transition. @param evt event data object @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_mpl.event() called ") self.nev+=1 shotEnergy = evt.getFeeGasDet() energy = 0.0 bin = 0 if shotEnergy is None : print "No Gas Detector" else : energy = (shotEnergy[2]+shotEnergy[3])/2 acqData = evt.getAcqValue(self.source, 0, env) if acqData : awf = acqData.waveform() if self.ts is None : self.ts = acqData.timestamps() # average waveform if is None: = awf self.wf2 = (awf*awf) else : += awf self.wf2 += (awf*awf) # binned waveform bin = int( ((energy-self.emin)/(self.emax-self.emin))*self.nebins+0.5) if bin < 1 : bin = 0 if bin > self.nebins : bin = self.nebins-1 self.arrayEnrg[bin] += 1 if self.bwf[bin] is None : self.bwf[bin]=awf self.bwf2[bin]=(awf*awf) else : self.bwf[bin]+=awf self.bwf2[bin]+=(awf*awf) def endcalibcycle( self, env ) : """This optional method is called if present at the end of the calibration cycle. @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_mpl.endcalibcycle() called" ) def endrun( self, env ) : """This optional method is called if present at the end of the run. @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_mpl.endrun() called" ) def endjob( self, env ) : """This method is called at the end of the job. It should do final cleanup, e.g. close all open files. @param env environment object """ "pyana_esort_mpl.endjob() called" ) # have collected the sum so far, but we # want to display the average = / self.nev self.wf2 = self.wf2 / self.nev self.wf_rms = np.sqrt( self.wf2 -* ) / np.sqrt(self.nev) self.bwf_rms = [] for bin in range (0, self.nebins): if self.bwf[bin] is None: self.bwf_rms.append(None) continue self.bwf[bin] = self.bwf[bin] / self.arrayEnrg[bin] self.bwf2[bin] = self.bwf2[bin] / self.arrayEnrg[bin] self.bwf_rms.append(np.sqrt( self.bwf2[bin] \ - self.bwf[bin]*self.bwf[bin] ) \ / np.sqrt(self.arrayEnrg[bin])) duration = time.clock() - self.start print "duration in seconds : ", duration print "nevents processed: ", self.nev duration = time.clock() - self.start print "duration in seconds : ", duration print "nevents processed: ", self.nev # save "histograms" to an hdf5 file ofile = h5py.File("outputfile.hdf5", 'w') # open for writing (overwrites existing file) group = ofile.create_group("HistogramArrays") group.create_dataset("wf_time",data=self.ts) group.create_dataset("wf_avg", group.create_dataset("wf_avg_rms",data=self.wf_rms) group.create_dataset("bin_enrg",data=self.arrayEnrg) group.create_dataset("bin_axis",data=self.axisEnrg) for bin in range (0, self.nebins): if self.bwf[bin] is not None: group.create_dataset("wf_bin%d"%bin,data=self.bwf[bin]) group.create_dataset("wf_bin%d_rms"%bin,data=self.bwf_rms[bin]) ofile.close() duration = time.clock() - self.start print "duration till after save hdf5, in seconds : ", duration # plot fig = plt.figure(num=100, figsize=(7.5,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(self.axisEnrg, self.arrayEnrg, 'bo') plt.errorbar(self.axisEnrg, self.arrayEnrg, xerr=self.bwidth, yerr=np.sqrt(self.arrayEnrg),fmt=None) plt.title("Energy Bins") plt.xlabel("Energy") plt.ylabel("Event count") plt.draw() print "energy histogram plotted" fig.savefig("pyana_mpl_histEnrg.png") print "energy histogram saved" fig = plt.figure(num=200, figsize=(7.5,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.clf() plt.errorbar(self.ts,,yerr=self.wf_rms, mew=0.0) plt.title("Average Waveform") plt.xlabel("time [s]") plt.ylabel("voltage [V]") plt.draw() print "wf avg histogram plotted" fig.savefig("pyana_mpl_profWfAll.png") print "wf avg histogram saved" for bin in range (0, self.nebins): if self.bwf[bin] is not None: # plot fig = plt.figure(num=300+bin, figsize=(7.5,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.clf() plt.errorbar(self.ts, self.bwf[bin], yerr=self.bwf_rms[bin],mew=0.0) plt.title("Waveform bin %d (%.2f<E<%.2f)"\ % (bin, self.emin+bin*self.bwidth, self.emin+(bin+1)*self.bwidth)) plt.xlabel("time [s]") plt.ylabel("voltage [V]") plt.draw() print "wf bin %d histogram plotted"%bin fig.savefig("pyana_mpl_profWf%d.png"%bin) print "wf bin %d histogram saved"%bin duration = time.clock() - self.start print "duration3 in seconds : ", duration # test print for bin in range (20,40): print[bin], " +-- ", self.wf_rms[bin]
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