Code Versions

Engineering Model (sim/recon): v6r070305p7

lsfData v0r2:
HMK Store CCSDS items
HMK fix LsfConfiguration dynamic cast for LPA
HMK initial import 

ldfReader v3r5:
hmk Store eventid from either LDF or LSF
hmk Store runid from LICOS for CCSDS files
hmk Store ccsds items and add new method to create TDS time
hmk improve test routine for context
hmk use lsfData package
hmk reading LSF through binary file
hmk First version to handle LSF 

facilities v2r12p4:
jrb Small fix to Util::WrongType exception class

enums v0r3p2:
EAC Added sentinel values to catch undefined states to Lsf.h. Improved comments.
EAC Updated Lsf.h to match Dfi header files instead of documentation.
EAC Add Lsf.h for Lsf enums. 

digiRootData v9r2
HMK Set up Print methods and comment out Configuration for now
HMK Use Riostream consistently
HMK Make include file names match class names for LSF
HMK Clear m_metaEvent in DigiEvent
EAC Added comments, changed Scalar to Scaler.
EAC Updated lsf stuff to match dfi header files instead of doc
EAC Added implementation of a missing function
EAC Added Lsf stuff for lsf data
HMK Remove deprecated CalDigi TObjArray and calReadoutCol, so that methods which should be const, can be const.
HMK Add a bunch of const statements

calibUtil v1r5p4:
jrb Use alias glastCalibDB for MySQL host rather than soon-to-be-obsolete centaurusa
jrb Bug fix to Metadata::findSoonAfter (not used by production runs)

RootIo v17r9gr4:
HMK Fix up /Event/MetaEvent string
HMK Allow no MetaEvent when reading from digi
HMK Don't return failure if MetaEvent not found
EAC Added MetaEvent conversion

RootConvert v1r1p1em4:
HMK finish off context
HMK rename ROOT LSF classes to be consistent with file names
HMK use lsfData package
EAC Changed Scalar to Scaler in LsfLand.
EAC updated LsfDigiConvert to match Dfi header files instead of doc
EAC added LsfDigiConvert

LdfEvent v3r3:
HMK use lsfData package
HMK testing for eventRet
EAC Changed scalar to scaler, added comments
EAC Updated Lsf stuff to match header files instead of doc
EAC Added stuff for Lsf support 

LdfConverter v2r4:
HMK handle event id
HMK get generic tds time from ldfReader
HMK Patch to continue skipping first marker==5 for LDF
HMK Use lsfData package
HMK Yes it's still Feb24, fix up second sweep event handling for non-LSF data files
HMK don't bother trying to make ldfReader private
HMK update unit test
HMK Use LSF binary file as input
HMK Move to handle LSF

IExternal/ldfExt v0r571p0:
HMK Pick up LDF v05-07-01 modify standard directory structure on linux for lib

CalibSvc v0r21p8:
jrb Eliminate (unused) mention of LdfEvent in code and specific version dependence in requirements
jrb Exit with fatal error if rqsted file can't be read 

CHS/eventFile v0r2:
RBL added runid to files and runid() accessor to LPA_File object.
RBL first working version -- writes/reads binary event files.
RBL Initial revision

AcdRecon v2r0p6:
EAC Fix bug that was losing losing intersections at the 10-4 level when track was || to x or y axis.


System Tests for this version

System Tests results:

Verified by Anders et al.

Fred version:


Pipeline version:


GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)

glast-ground v0r3p7
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)

online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r4p1
Write to new disk
Note that this task only handles runs coming in the old way. Any FASTCOPY run (LSF or LATTE) enters through a new set of tasks. 

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v3r5p3:
Digest both LSF and LDF files from FASTCOPY. Keep supporting runs exported from B33 the old way. Write to a new disk.

pipelineDatasets v0r3

ISOC code and tasks:


Apps that run in pipeline:

eLog: v2r3p0
ConfigTables: v3r2p1

TestReport: v3r4p13 (digi & recon reports)
Small update for TOT information (distinguish between ToT==250 and and ToT==255).
Rebin and logscale histogram for number of ACD digis.

EngineeringModelRoot: v1r14 (SVAC tuple)
Fixed bug for ACD arrays with tile ID==0 (previously not filled).
Small bug fix for ToT in TkrNoiseOcc. 

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