This is an attempt to gather the most meaningful plots from the many BT analysis performed.
This collection or parts of it should be used for:
- summarize the results to the collaboration
- summarize the results to the Geant4 collaboration to request their help on specific processes
Italics are used to highlight plots to be produced
Discrepancies plots
- total number of hits MC/data ratio summary: currently available for photons and electrons; need a similar plot for hadrons - Nicola
- total number of cluster MC/data ratio summary: currently available for photons and electrons; need a similar plot for hadrons - Nicola
- average cluster size MC/data ratio summary: TBD for gammas, electrons, hadrons - Nicola ?
- Total TKR hits for 5GeV pi and 150GeV p, Data and MC - Johan; redo after G4 bug fix in extlib
- Raw energy deposit - 2003 data, 2006 data, G4v6MC, G4v8MC - Johan
- Ad hoc correction factors for data/MC CalEnergyRaw agreement - Philippe
- Summary at 90 degrees and on CAL1
- Longitudinal profile fits with gamma function - Philippe, Benoit, Nicola
MonteCarlo Verifications
Geant4 verifications
- shower development for data, BTRelease, standalone tower simulation with and w/o beamtest06 - Johan
- G4 vs G3, range cuts, LE EM physics - Francesco
- Comparison with Mars15 - David
Performance Plots
- TKR PSF: extend to LE (Luca) and to high energy electrons (Nicola)
- ACD backsplash probability - Luis, Tyrel