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Reason for change

This is really a request for L1Proc 1.48. It turns out you can't edit the title of a News page in Confluence ..... 

We have a new GlastRelease that enables us to run the Gleam version of the HIP-filter on real data. This is done by setting the CNO bit for all ACD digis attached to a FREE board that had the GEM CNO bit set. This is only necessary for real data as we know this on a per PMT basis for MC. This also means the CNO bit is now set in the GltWord for real data.

There are also some bug fixes and general updates to the monitoring. One new feature is the capability to trend quantities once per run (previous trending only used fixed time intervals like 15 seconds or 5 minutes). This version of L1Proc will trend the number of alarms and errors per run.

Note that in this version of L1Proc we continue using the version of ft2Util that works with MC as L1 stress testing continues. 

Test Procedure

We have processed data on the DEV server with this version of L1Proc.

Rollback procedure

We can roll back to the previous version of L1Proc.

CCB Jira



GlastRelease v13r11p7:

Systemtestsshow no differences with respect to the previous production version of GR. This proves the lack of real data runs in the system tests.

ldfReader v5r0:
- Add AcdDigi::m_cable to stash the cable number associated with this ACD PMT, so we can refer to it in LdfConverter and decode the CNO vector bits: ACD-19.

LdfConverter  v4r1p1:
- Set the CNO bits in the ACD digis using the GEM CNO word: ACD-19.

Both of these issues are in fact related to a solution of GRINF-43.  

svac/EngineeringModelRoot v3r14p1:
- Added data transfer ID: SVAC-113.

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg v1r1p0:
- Added a configuration file for the alarm post-processing tool. Relevant jira(s): GDM-27. The corresponding pipeline script to make use of this capability will come in the next version of L1Proc.

dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg v1r1p6:
- Bug fix : histograms added in the previous tag are also now in the MergeHisto text file. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-113and GDQMQ-114.
- Added histograms of the condition arrival time for other trigger types when a specific trigger opens the window.
- Added histograms for condition summary word with a specific trigger type. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-113 and GDQMQ-114.
- Added quantities meta_LATC_master, aka meta.hardwareKey, and meta.softwareKey for good measure. That's the hardware configuration for the current run. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-107
- Added new histograms in MergeHisto file: DeltaEventTime_TH1, DeltaEventTime_Zoom_TH1 DeltaWindowOpen_TH1 DeltaWindowOpen_Zoom_TH1, PrescaledDelta_TH1. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-102.
- Added quantities gem_delta_event_time, gem_delta_window_open_time, PrescaledDelta, and corresponding histograms to match the DigiEOR. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-102.
- Added cut on sollicited triggers for all the plots. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-49.
- Added cut for the corresponding trigger primitive when plotting the condition arrival time. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-108.
- Added cuts for events with 0 hits for CalX_Total_NHit_TH1 and CalX_NHit_TH1. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-32.
- Added quantity new_second that is True for the first event for which the second has changed, to be used in fastmon trending. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-103.
- Updated cut on plots for clock ticks deviation to 20MHz. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-104 and 105.
- Added quantities spacecraft_zra, spacecraft_zdec. They're calculated from M7 in pSCPosition from the quaternion. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-62.
- Added quantities spacecraft_roll, spacecraft_pitch, spacecraft_yaw. They're calculated from M7 in pSCPosition from the quaternion. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-62.

dataMonitoring/Common v3r1p1:
- Minor bug fix in the alarm postprocessing tool (wrong import).
- "_TH1" added to the postprocessing tool output histograms name, as requested by Max. Relevant jira(s): GDM-27.
- Added a post-processing tool to make distributions of the alarm outputs (requires dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg v1r1p0 or later). Relevant jira(s): GDM-27.
- Added the plot of the chisquare probability into the fitting tool for CAL and ACD pedestals/gains. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-65. The corresponding pipeline script will be added in the next version of L1Proc.
- +-inf removed from the alarm limits. Relevant jira(s): GDM-80.

dataMonitoring/FastMon v3r1p2:
- Added quantities meta_LATC_master, aka meta.hardwareKey, and meta.softwareKey for good measure. This is the hardware configuration for the current run. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-107
- Added a function to process the PrescaledDelta in pGEMcontributionBase. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-102.
- Added the processing of the quantity new_second that is True for the first event for which the second has changed, in python/ new_second is to be used in fastmon trending. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-103.
- Improved the calculation of clocktics_dev_20MHz : It is now done only if the context incomplete flag is not set. Initialization is done using the context.previous time hack. Better integration with Time tone error handler. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-104and 105.
- pSCPostion now retireve the satellite z-axis Ra and Dec from the attitude quaternion into, information are saved via pGeomagProcessor. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-62.
- pSCPostion now convert the attitude quaternion into Euleur angles (pitch,roll and yaw), information are saved via pGeomagProcessor. Bug fix when reading the quaternion in pM7Parser. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-62.
- pEvtMetaContextProcessor now processes the TimeTone errors, via the ErrorHandler. Error handler documentation was updated. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-70.
- pDataProcessor modified as to use the internal event counter (instead of the GEM event sequence) as event number for the error handler ONLY when processing an .ldf file. This change has no impact on processing .evt file. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-96.

svac/Monitor v1r1p5:
- Added quantities source_gps and new_second in FastMon trending to calculate the rate of GPS out of lock. This addresses Jira GDQMQ-103.
- Change MCOktTest by MC in MonValueImpls_t.cxx. This addresses Jira GDQMQ-111.
- Added merit objects that were already present in the MonObjFactory.cxx committed in v1r1p2. The code in v1r1p2 did not compile because those objects were missing... Those objects are needed for the normalization of the merit rates. The overall normalization is still not ready. It will have to wait to a later version.
- Added sourceGPS. This addresses jira GDQMQ-103.
- Added quantity to check completeness of time tone. This addresses Jira GDQMQ-104.
- Added the following quantities from FastMon trending : FastMon_SpaceCraft_Pitch, FastMon_SpaceCraft_Roll, FastMon_SpaceCraft_Yaw, FastMon_SpaceCraft_ZaxisRA, FastMon_SpaceCraft_ZaxisDec. GDQMQ-62.
- Bug fix addressed by Jira GDQMQ-98.

dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg v1r1p9:
- Implemented quantity FastMon_MetaContext_GPS_OUTofLock that counts the rate of seconds in which the GPS is out of lock, GDQMQ-103. Added a cut to remove solicited triggers in FastMon trending and  FastMon trending histograms, GDQMQ-49. This is related to Jiras GDQMQ-49and GDQMQ-103.
- Bunch of merit new rates and histograms of rates. This is related to Jira GDQMQ-83.
- Change MCOktTest for MC in config files. This addresses Jira GDQMQ-111.
- Changes to address jiras GDQMQ-32 and GDQMQ-110.
- Added histograms to be used for calculation of LAC thresholds. This addresses jira GDQMQ-109.
- Change FastMon_NTkrHits_TowerPlane[16][36] from counter to rate. This addresses Jira GDQMQ-77.
- Limited range of histograms with distributions of ACD, CAL pedestals and optical gains. This addresses Jira GDQMQ-106.
- Added sourceGps info. This addresses Jira GDQMQ-103.
- Added a check of completeness of time tone. This addresses Jira GDQMQ-104.
- Added the following quantities from FastMon trending: FastMon_SpaceCraft_Pitch, FastMon_SpaceCraft_Roll, FastMon_SpaceCraft_Yaw, FastMon_SpaceCraft_ZaxisRA, FastMon_SpaceCraft_ZaxisDec. GDQMQ-62.
- Upgrade in merit quantities proposed in Jiras GDQMQ-81and GDQMQ-101.
- Bug fix in Trigger Rates corrected with the LiveTimeFraction. That is in a way related also to Jira GDQMQ-98.
- Bug fix addressed by Jira GDQMQ-98.

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 1.49

Code Versions

GlastRelease (sim/recon) v13r11p7*

ScienceTools (Level 2) : v9r5

Science Ops (task defs, scripts):

Level 1 pipeline code and applications running in L1:

svac/L1Pipeline: v1r48*

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: v1r1p0*
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: v1r1p9*

dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: v1r1p9*
dataMonitoring/Common: v3r1p1*

dataMonitoring/FastMon: v3r1p3*

datMonitoring/IGRF: v1r0p1

svac/Monitor: v1r1p5*

svac/EngineeringModelRoot: v3r14p1*

svac/TestReport: v5r8

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: v0r4

ft2Util: v1r1p44

GPLtools: v1r10

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