Reason for change

These changes address some issues that arose during OpsSim2: processing and archiving of GCN Notices via email, identifying non-detections and computing upper limits for GRB candidates, and keeping track of log-probability distributions for calibrating the blind search threshold.

Test Procedure

These changes have been tested on data in /ASP/TestSims (datacatalog) and /Data/OpsSim2/Level1 (datacatalogPROD) on the dev pipeline.

Roll-back Procedure

Revert to grbASP v3r2, pyASP v3r1

CCB Jira



  • grbASP v4
    • added email GCN notice processor
    • update GCN_Notice.tpl template file to exclude uneccesary fields and those filled automatically by GCN
    • move GCN Notice generation to GRB_refinement task
    • use new datatypes for registering afterglow plots with datacatalog
    • flag non-detections from Bayesian Blocks (BB) analysis of event arrival times
    • Perform TS and upper limit calculations and skip TS map generation BB non-detections
    • fill TS_VALUE, UPPER_LIMIT columns in GRB db table
    • Save histograms of log-probabilities for each run of Blind Search task for threshold calibration
    • modify xml task defs so that target folder for datacatalog.registerDataset(...) is configurable at stream creation
  • database table modifications
    • GRB
      • add NOMINAL_WINDOW column
      • add GCNNOTICE_ID column and make it the primary key
      • create sequence GCNNOTICES_SEQ
  • pyASP v3r2
    • add code to compute vector dot and cross-products for SkyDir objects in order to facilitate GRB_PHI and GRB_THETA calculations