- Update ASP CVS repository with most recent modifications.
- Convert the ASP and ASP-scons CVS areas to git repos.
- Write up current installation instructionson Confluence.
- S3DF installation of GPLtools:
/sdf/data/fermi/a/ground/PipelineConfig/GPLtools/prod. Modifications are needed. See below. - Singularity container (generated by Wei) to use with /sdf/data/fermi/a/ground/releases/volume02/ScienceTools-09-32-05/: /sdf/group/fermi/sw/containers/fermi-rhel6.20230922.sif . This contains the 64-bit BLAS and LAPACK libraries needed by numpy.
- Example ASP P-II task on S3DF using legacy Fermi software releases, including Oracle db queries: ASP_db_query_test
- Example ASP P-II task that uses the dataCatalog and GPLtools staging code: ASP_datacat_test
- Modify GPLtools to use paths to xrootd locations on S3DF
- Example ASP P-II task that creates substreams and registers outputs to datacatalog.
- File paths used by ASP that need S3DF equivalents:
- /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/links/data/ASP/GCN_Archive (GCN_Notice_processor.py)
- /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/links/data/ASP/scratch (makeDrpLcTables.py)
- /afs/slac/g/glast/isoc/flightOps/rhel5_gcc41/ISOC_PROD/bin/isoc (makeDrpLcTables_part2.py, fastCopy.py for FastCopy)
- /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/links/data/ASP/Results (aspLauncher.py)
- /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/ASP/catalogs (launchStreams.py)
- /afs/slac/g/glast/ground (DbEntry.py)
- Building ASP against ST-09-32-05 in container.
- Sort out batch options to use in P-II task xml definitions, e.g., --account fermi.
- S3DF installation of Oracle drivers. On rhel6-64/centos7, the required distribution is in /afs/slac.stanford.edu/package/oracle/f/11.1.0/amd64_linux26/11.1.0. An rsync'd copy on /sdf seems to work.
- Replace trscron job for sending Monitored Source light curve data to GSFC.
- Update ASP P-II tasks to run on s3df, using dev db tables.
- Update paths to pipeline commands, etc.
- Remove all GRB-related executables from P-II tasks.
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