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Submitted paper on dynamic ping delay based Geolocation to ACM/IEEE, Started development of geolocation Visual traceroute.


We extended the collaboration with the University of Malaysia in Sarawak (UNIMAS), the University of Malaya (UM) in Kuala Lumpur and Universiti Tehcnologi Malaysia (UTM) in Johor Bahru to add Universiti Utara in Northern mainland Malaysia (UUM) and the Malaysia Research and Education Network (MYREN) Internet Service Provider. We held 12 (monthly) Skype meetings[1] with NUST, UM, UTM, UUM, UNIMAS and MTREN.

Worked with the Rector of NUST and the new Director of SEECS to ensure continuity of the PingER project at NUST, following Dr Arshad Ali’s move from the Director of SEECS to the executive director of the Pakistani Higher Education Commission (HEC). This post is the second highest in HEC, right after the chairman.

We met with Colombia RENATA NREN leaders and the Columbia minister of IT to discuss the use of PingER in Colombia. To assist we put together a short case study on Colombia[2]. However after several months this collaboration did not go anywhere.

To support multiple Big Data Analysis of PingER data projects  at UM, UUM, UFRJ, and Amity University in New Delhi we gathered both the raw (as measured) data and the hourly analyzed data from 1998 to the present and made it available[3] via anonymous FTP. We also provided information on retrieving the data[4].

To support the porting of PingER to an Android smartphone we made the PingER measurement Agent available via Github[5].

Utilizing a SLAC 4 host cloud with~16Gbytes each, plus access to 220Gbytes each, with Hadoop, Cloudera and Impala, Thiago Barbosa put together a warehouse of hourly PingER data going back to 1998. It successfully provided database queries to access the full set of PingER data with response times of several seconds. Unfortunately due to lack of time at SLAC, we were unable to make the access available outside of SLAC.

We put together a report on Duplicate ping responses[6].

Successfully ported PingER to a Raspberry Pi version 1[7].

We put together a case study on the impact of demonstrations against the government in Malaysia (August28-31st 2015) on various Malaysian hosts[8].

We prepared and presented five papers at the 4th International Conference on Internet Applications, Protocols and Services (NETAPP2015) Cyberjaya, Malaysia, 1-3 December 2015[9].

Bebo White made a keynote presentation at the CITA  9th International Conference on IT in Asia[10] on Transforming Big Data into Knowledge. Bebo used PingER as a case study on what you can do with PingER and how to access the data.

[5] Official pinger2 network monitoring, see

[9] 4th International Conference on Internet Applications, Protocols and Services (NETAPP2015) Cyberjaya, Malaysia, 1-3 December 2015, see

[10] CITA  9th International Conference on IT in Asia, see
