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Table of Contents

Phi-beta fit function


y = funcy_l1_v1(x, phi_deg, bet_deg, DoR=392/913.27, sgnrt=-1.)

Two solutions of quadratic equation

  • POS: y = -B + sqrt(B*B-C)
  • NEG: y = -B - sqrt(B*B-C)


  • dot curves for negative beta
  • black bold curve for beta=0
  • solid curves for positive beta

Arc region

wide range of x:

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narrow range of x:


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Equatorial region

Problem with two roots is resolved for EQU region; sign of the root is selected the same as sign of parameter B;

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  • For |beta|>~48 solution does not exist for entire range of x




Fit in the processing script

Example of Here we discuss how to apply fit to data using absolute errors on peak position, get fit parameters with errors, estimate fit quality.



Fit in the processing script

cxif5315/, v5, v6

Code Block
titleessential code
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.stats import chi2

        xn = np.array([pk.x/L for pk in sp.lst_equ_evt_peaks], dtype=np.double)
        yn = np.array([pk.y/L for pk in sp.lst_equ_evt_peaks], dtype=np.double)
        en = np.array([pk.csigma*sp.PIXEL_SIZE/L for pk in sp.lst_equ_evt_peaks], dtype=np.double)
        #en = np.array([max(pk.rsigma,pk.csigma)*sp.PIXEL_SIZE/L for pk in sp.lst_equ_evt_peaks], dtype=np.double)

        p0 = [-3.2,-16.0] # phi, beta angle central values

            popt, pcov = curve_fit(funcy, xn, yn, p0, en, absolute_sigma=True)
            sp.fib_chi2 = np.sum(((funcy(xn, *popt) - yn) / en)**2)
            sp.fib_ndof = len(xn) - 1
            sp.fib_prob = chi2.sf(sp.fib_chi2, sp.fib_ndof, loc=0, scale=1)



Phi-beta fit results and quality

Distribution of parameters for peaks found by peak_finder_v2:

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selected by Meng:

EQU region

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ARC region: 1-st solution for beta

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ARC region: 2-nd solution for beta


For 2-peak events fit does not have any freedom - curve can exactly be fitted to 3 points (including origin); chi2=0 and probability is always 1.

For >2-peak events chi2 and probability show some distribution.

Peak list with phi-beta fit results

After phi-beta fit peaks are saved in the file with name like



If someone want to load this file using pyimgalgos.TDFileContainer, the class pyimgalgos.TDPeakRecord needs to be updated.
