One of the best example are Jorstad et al. with BL Lac, GASP large database of radio-optical flux data on BL Lac (other example NRAO 530/PKS 1730-13), emission lines blazar PKS 1510-08, 3C 454.3, 3C 279 (optical magnitude more bright after the ejection of a huge bright superliminal superluminal radio componentcomponents)
Svetlana J.: 1. theoreticians have to pay attention to these behaviors. 2. what theoreticians want from MW campaigns/observations? 3. there are needs to justifications in maintain VLBI monitor for example.
Matt L.talk: 1 SED (nu peak, synch/IC peaks, Compton dominance, SED dependence on optical class? jet kinetic power? other props?); 2 Luminosity functions (beamed vs umbeamedunbeamed, dependence on optical class) ; 3 Nature of unidentified sources (how many are the blazars? can we predict their SEDs at low energies based on Fermi SEDs?); 4. fundamental properties of blazars ? which are the most useful classifications ? (SED peaks, luminosity, frequency, jet Lorentz factor/Doppler factor, BLR/no-BLR ?).
Benoit L.: BL Lac objects show some correlations i tyerms in terms of blazar sequence-like (biased) schemes but not the FSRQ NOFSRQs. FSRQ are almost all low-energy peaked so the lack of correlation even if there is very broad luminosity range the range of peak frequencies is narrow.
Small number of misalined AGN (radiogalaxies) detcted detected by the LAT. THis This is a problem for population studies.
Benoit L: More ways to associate unassociated sources ? Please propose potential new further schemes.
Determine the distribution and range of nu-synch-peak for all blazars down to some limiting flux nu-peak*f-peak? How increase the numeber number of known ISP BL Lacs? Broadband blazar surveys ? Create a way to release and publish and distribute the MW data where one is working ?
Stefano C:-- a) Possible idea for a Memorandum of Understanding with e-ROSITA ? This will be soon finally a sensitive all-sky high-energy instrument simultaneous to Fermi LAT for joint high-energy X-ray-gamma-ray survey astronomy and time domain astronomy. -- b) Fermi with additional more 10 years of prolonged mission can be of interest from particle physics side: increase statiatic statistics and limits/detection of DM and new-physics signals + multimessenger astroparticle physics with cross correlations among the next neutrino, gravitational wave and ultra-high energy cosmic ray data coming in the next decade. Without Fermi the multi-messenger science cannot develop and grow well. Remarks for the physics community side. -- c) Without Fermi the sciencew science possible with CTA cannot develop and grow well. Remarks for the physics community side.
Main goals of time-series (variability) analysis:
(1) identifying nature and gain physical understanding of the phenomenon/object producing the observed time series;
(2) forecasting (predicting future behavior and future values of the time series quantity).
What we can learn from short timescales (<1 day) of variability that can be pserberved observed by the LAT for very bright flares.
Search for breaks in the PDS (relation with physics, SMBH mass like for X-rays in Seyferts?).
Can the LAT allows systematic multiwavelength variability studies measuring the PDS-SED-plane (i.e. timescale-energy plane)?.
Broad-band MW studies: cross-correlation and time lags. MW SED modeling. Gamma-ray-synchrotron amplitude ratio studies, orphan flares, physics of the gamma-ray emission in AGN, identification of newly discovered gamma-ray sources, spectral index hysteresis, etc.
PHYSICS OF GAMMA-RAY EMITTING AGN (includes mainly blazars and radio galaxies)