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Monitoring CAL quantities in the first LPA runs

You'll be able to do these tasks with a combination of monitoring plots from LISOC and s/w written by Zach and Sasha, described here.

In basic form, here's the list of tasks.

1. From the initial LPA runs, determine whether there are any serious problems with zero suppression or CAL triggering.

The useful datasets are
a. the runs we start via PROC requests on L+15. They'll be conSciOps_noCal, calibOps, and nomSciOps
b. the short 5-min runs of all LPA configs on L+16, including all of the fleCalib*, fheCalib*, and lacCalib* configs.
c. the longer calibOps and conSciOps_noCal runs on L+16.

The tools here are mostly LISOC monitoring plots.

From those runs, we need to absolutely ASAP whether there are any problems with LAC, FLE, or FHE. We at the MOC will need to know whether problems exist within hours after the data come out of the pipeline, if we're to have any chance to fix them before the FLE and FHE timing-in data are acquired. Sorry about that.

2. From the initial LPA runs, "measure" the LAC, FLE, and FHE thresholds.

The useful datasets are a, b, and c above plus
d. the calibOps runs on L+18
e. the First Light Image runs of nomSciOps on L+19 to L+22.

The tools here are code from Zach and Sasha.

Again, please don't wait until datasets d and e are acquired to start.

3. From the LAC, FLE, and FHE calibration data acquired on L+23 and L+24, measure the LAC, FLE, and FHE threshold DAC calibration curves.

Here the useful datasets are the lacCalib*, fleCalib*, and fheCalib* acquisitions. Many of you have contributed to the analysis code for these data.

I'll have a better estimate for you shortly, but you have less than 3 days to analyze those data and deliver threshold DAC calibration curves. Isn't this fun?

General monitoring thoughts are below
