Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


runitallbatch2 suballbatch2 allSME250p80m30.lst ffhzzE250p80m30.lst



Code Block

 [noric02] ~/sidhome/lcfi $ diff /u/ey/homer/sidhome/lcfi/build/v01-16-03/MarlinFastJet/v00-01/src/{FastJetProcessor.cpp,FastJetProcessor.cpp.original}
<       //      string jetparts = _lcJetOutName + string("Parts");
<       //      registerOutputCollection(LCIO::RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE, "jetOut", "The identified jets", jetparts, "JetOut");
<       registerOutputCollection(LCIO::RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE, "jetpartsOut", "The identified jet components", _lcJetPartsName, "JetParts");
<       //      cout << "step1 - creating vector of particles" << endl;
<       // create output collection with particles used in it
<       IMPL::LCCollectionVec* lccJetsOutParts = new IMPL::LCCollectionVec(LCIO::RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE);
<       int nelem = 0;
<                       evt->addCollection(lccJetsOutParts, _lcJetPartsName); // store empty collection
<               nelem = convertFromRecParticle(particleIn);
>               convertFromRecParticle(particleIn);
<               if (nelem < 2)
<               {
<                       _statsNrSkippedEmptyEvents++;
<                       evt->addCollection(lccJetsOutParts, _lcJetPartsName); // store empty collection
<                       throw DataNotAvailableException("Collection is there, but its empty after quality cuts!");
<               }
<             //                if (_reconstructedPars->getNumberOfElements() < (int)_nrJets)
<               if (nelem < (int)_nrJets)
>               if (_reconstructedPars->getNumberOfElements() < (int)_nrJets)
<       //      cout << "step2 - beginning loop over jets"  << endl;
<       for (it=jets.begin(); it != jets.end(); it++)
<         {
<           // create a reconstructed particle for this jet, and add all the containing particles to it
<           //          ReconstructedParticle* recparts = getRecPar( (*it), cs.constituents(*it) );
<           for (unsigned int n = 0; n < cs.constituents(*it).size(); ++n)
<             {
<               //              cout << "step3 - adding particle" << endl;
<               ReconstructedParticle* p = dynamic_cast< ReconstructedParticle* > (_reconstructedPars->getElementAt(cs.constituents(*it)[n].user_index())) ;
<               // create a true ReconstructedParticle
<               ReconstructedParticleImpl* recp = new ReconstructedParticleImpl();
<               // save the particle's parameters
<               recp->setEnergy( p->getEnergy() );
<               recp->setMass( p->getMass() );
<               recp->setCharge( p->getCharge() );
<               recp->setMomentum( p->getMomentum() );
<               recp->setType( p->getType() );
<               recp->setCovMatrix( p->getCovMatrix() );
<               recp->setMass( p->getMass() );
<               recp->setCharge( p->getCharge() );
<               recp->setReferencePoint( p->getReferencePoint() );
<               for ( unsigned int k = 0 ; k < p->getParticleIDs().size() ; k++ )
<                 {
<                   ParticleID *pid = p->getParticleIDs()[k] ;
<                   IMPL::ParticleIDImpl* implPID = new IMPL::ParticleIDImpl() ;
<                   implPID->setType( pid->getType() ) ;
<                   implPID->setPDG( pid->getPDG() ) ;
<                   implPID->setLikelihood( pid->getLikelihood() ) ;
<                   implPID->setAlgorithmType( pid->getAlgorithmType() ) ;
<                   for ( unsigned int l = 0 ; l < pid->getParameters().size() ; l++ )
<                     { implPID->addParameter( pid->getParameters()[l] ) ; }
<                   recp->addParticleID( implPID ) ;
<                 }
<               recp->setParticleIDUsed( p->getParticleIDUsed() );
<               recp->setGoodnessOfPID( p->getGoodnessOfPID() );
<               for ( unsigned int k = 0 ; k < p->getParticles().size() ; k++ )
<                 { recp->addParticle( p->getParticles()[k] ); }
<               for ( unsigned int k = 0 ; k < p->getClusters().size() ; k++ )
<                 { recp->addCluster( p->getClusters()[k] ); }
<               for ( unsigned int k = 0 ; k < p->getTracks().size() ; k++ )
<                 { recp->addTrack( p->getTracks()[k] ); }
<               recp->setStartVertex( p->getStartVertex() );
<               lccJetsOutParts->addElement( recp );
<             }
<         }
<       //      cout << "step4 -- adding collection" << endl;
< //    string jetparts = _lcJetOutName + string("Parts");
<       evt->addCollection(lccJetsOutParts, _lcJetPartsName);
<       //      cout << "step5 --- past new code" << endl;
<       //      cout << "step6" << endl;
< int FastJetProcessor::convertFromRecParticle(LCCollection* recCol)
> void FastJetProcessor::convertFromRecParticle(LCCollection* recCol)
<         int nelem=0;
<               // add some quality cuts to resolve a background overlay problem - Homer
<               double px = par->getMomentum()[0];
<               double py = par->getMomentum()[1];
<               double pz = par->getMomentum()[2];
<               if ((fabs(pz)/sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)) < 0.99 &&  par->getEnergy() < 1000.) {
<                 nelem++;
<                 _pjList.push_back(
<                                   fastjet::PseudoJet( par->getMomentum()[0],
<                                                       par->getMomentum()[1],
<                                                       par->getMomentum()[2],
<                                                       par->getEnergy() ) );
<                 _pjList.back().set_user_index(i);     // save the id of this recParticle
<               }
>               _pjList.push_back(
>                               fastjet::PseudoJet( par->getMomentum()[0],
>                                                                       par->getMomentum()[1],
>                                                                       par->getMomentum()[2],
>                                                                       par->getEnergy() ) );
>               _pjList.back().set_user_index(i);       // save the id of this recParticle


All difference in the LCFIPlus routines were commented out; not including these should make no difference in the output.
