Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Pulse Picker TODO list
Pulse Picker TODO list


Pulse Selector in the Hutches

Table of Contents

Friday Jul 5th


  1. Fast OPEN and CLOSE
  2. :RESET_FLAG to monitor the finish reset process
  3. :AD (Align Done) PV Flag to monitor the pre-mode alignment feature


Tests all mode changes, and not found problems.
Ready to do a complete test on Monday.

Wednsday Jul 3rd


  1. Integrate 4 shots instead of 3 (using ccdtake(3, 1 , bShutter=True)
  2. missing some shots when in 2 shots mode. SOLVED (USING MODE 3.2)
  3. Switch from mode anymode to anymode OK


  1. Fast OPEN and CLOSE
  2. RESET_PG Flag as PV (to monitor the finish reset process)
  3. ALIGN Flag as PV (monitor the pre-mode alignment feature)

Tuesday Jul 2nd

Initial XRay aligned positions:
Y position: 0.0000 mm
X position: 0.1512 mm


  1. Integrate 4 shots instead of 3 (using ccdtake(3, 1 , bShutter=True))  OK
  2. missing some shots when in 2 shots mode. SOLVED (USING MODE 3.2)
  3. Stopping the program (:RESET_PG 1) tooks long time than before 1-3 sec more)
    Needed one variable to check if RESET_PG is completed or if is OK to change mode.
  4. Switch from mode 1 to 3 still doesn't work. Example:
    ccdtake(1, 1 , bShutter=True) WORKS
  5. ccdtake(3, 1 , bShutter=True) FAILS!
    Still needs to do HOMING
  6. Fast OPEN and CLOSE doesn't work.

Monday Jul 1st

New tests with new ioc version (new MCode version)


  • Start position insensitive
  • HOME (Index Mark) position set to zero (DIAL)
  • START position (insensitive) relative to HOME (USER)
  • Record to report position (Encoder) as monitor at any time

TODO and issues in XCS



  1. NEXT: Uses First Trigger to Open, Second Trigger to Close
    The PP listen then for just one Event Code.
    Example of sequence:
    84 1 -> PP
    85 2 -> DAQ
    85 1 -> DAQ
    85 1 -> DAQ
    84 1 -> PP
    85 1 -> DAQ

Alignment without pass by open shutter position (MCode Version):

Code Block
  LB Y3           'Realignment checks
    CL Y4         'Save current speeds
    CL Y5         'Assign realignment speeds
    R3=N3-50      'Lower upper deadband
    R4=N4+50      'Upper lower deadband
    CL Y2, C2<R4  'If C2 is below this db, move to 0
    CL Y1, C2>R3  'If C2 above the db, move to 180
    CL Y1, N9=0   'If open, just move to 0
    CL Y6         'Restore PP speeds
    AD=1          'Set align done flag
    H 100

  LB Y1         'Reset far end, C2>N3-SD
    EE=1        'Enable encoder
    MA 8192     'Move to 180 degrees
    H           'Wait till move is done
    C1=0        'Reset microsteps register
    C2=0        'Reset encoder register
    EE=0        'Disable encoder for trigger mode
    N9=1        'Flag successful close
    H 100

  LB Y2         'Reset near zero, C2<N4+SD
    EE=1        'Enable encoder
    MA 0        'Move to 0 degrees
    H           'Wait till move is done
    C1=0        'Reset microsteps register
    C2=0        'Reset encoder register
    EE=0        'Disable encoder for trigger mode
    N9=1        'Flag successful close
    H 100

  LB Y4         'Save current speeds

  LB Y5         'Assign realignment speeds

  LB Y6         'Restore speeds

MCODE programs (Jeff version on Jun 26 2013):

located in:

Code Block
    [working area]... modules/pcds_motion/current/pcds_motionApp/src/ims_bootup_V3.mcode

Working in Progress:

Code Block
initial condition:
Motor is homing from outside:
 C2 = 0 C1= 0
 MN = ?
 MF = XXXX steps (known) forward
 MB = XXXX steps (known) backward
 MO = XXXX steps (known) open position

Idle routine:
looking for where to go... (mod 2, mod 3, mod 4, fastopen, fastclose)

checkset subroutine
 check my pos:
   read C2
   MN=MB, C2=MF +/- DELTA (dead band)

   MN=MF, C2=MB +/- DELTA (dead band)

   (MA MF and  MN=MF), C2=MO +/- DELTA (dead band)

   if I m in startup+:
     set next move to startup- (MB)
     return subroutine
   if I m in startup-:
     set next move to startup+ (MF)
     return subroutine
   if I m open (MO):
     MA to startup+ (MF)
     set next move to startup- (MB)

mod 2
call chekset
waiting for trigger

mod 3
call chekset
waiting for trigger

mod 4
call chekset
waiting for trigger

MA to open pos

if in open pos
MA to startup+

Single Shot Mode (MODE 1)
Code Block

' Program Fragment: MODE_1 (Single Shot)

  Mode 1.0 - Set GO to 1 to arm trigger. Single sweep from trigger.


Continuous Mode (MODE 2)
Code Block

' Program Fragment: MODE_2 (Continuous)

  Mode 2.0 - Immediately armed. Continuous sweep from trigger.


Burst Mode (MODE 3)
Code Block

' Program Fragment: MODE_3 (Burst mode)


  Before mode select, select sub-mode TG:
   Mode 3.1 - TG=0, Single Burst: Set GO to 1, then only single burst sequence will execute

   Mode 3.2 - TG=1, Continuous Burst: Execute burst sequence

   Mode 3.3 - TG=2, Open/Close Burst: Single pulse to open, single pulse to close

Settings in XCS

Server running the IOC

Code Block
ssh ioc-xcs-mot1

Startup IOC

Code Block
su <authorized_user>
ssh ioc-xcs-mot1
sudo /reg/d/iocCommon/sioc/ioc-xcs-trigger-ims/startup.cmd
telnet localhost 30999

How to start the Pulse Selector Python script:

Code Block

Configuration file

Code Block

Current configuration (Working in progress)

Code Block
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Pulse Selector Description File
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
#   <TYPE>, <PVNAME|IOCNAME|SCRIPT>, <DESC> # some_more_comments
# Where:
#   <Type>    : "SEQ" -> Sequencer
#               "EVR" -> EVR associated to sequencer
#               "PPM" -> Pulse Selector
#               "SVR" -> Motor and Pulse Selector Server
#               "IOC" -> Motor and Pulse Selector software IOC
#               "SPP" -> EDM screens for motion
#               "SEV" -> EDM screens for evr
#   <PVNAME>  : PV base name
#   <IOCNAME> : Server name associated to Pulse Selector PVs
#   <DESC>    : User description
# Notes:
#   PVNAME or IOCNAME are not case sensitive.
#   Line can be commented out by starting with '#' character.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
SEQ, XPP:R35:IOC:SEQ,     XPP DAQ Sequencer                            # FIXME To check
PLY, IOC:IN20:EV01,       XPP DAQ Sequencer play mode                  # FIXME to check
EVR, XCS:R42:EVR:01,      VME EVR located in XCS Rack 42               # OK
IOC, ioc-xcs-trigger-ims, IOC running pulse selector                   # OK
SPP,,          EDM screen startup shell script for PP motor # OK
PPM, XCS:SB2:MMS:09,      Pulse Selector Motor                         # OK
YTR, XCS:SB2:MMS:21,      Y translation motor                          # OK
XTR, XCS:SB2:MMS:08,      X translation motor                          # OK
SEV,,          EDM screen startup shell script for EVR      # OK
SVR, ioc-xcs-mot1,        server running IOC for pulse selector        # OK


PP and Motor GUIs :

Code Block
/reg/neh/home1/paiser/working/ioc/xcs/xip_pp/current/pyscripts/ XCS:SB2:MMS:09 XCS:SB2:MMS:21 XCS:SB2:MMS:08


Code Block
 # FIXME Configuration file default location
 # TODO  Autosave default rampup values
 # TODO  Fast close and open functions
 # TODO  Test Sequencer

Setup Lab tests

Table of Contents

XIP Pulse Selector: Files, modes, schematics

Setup Lab: EVR Settings

Setup Lab: Working with the EVR from pslogin
  1. in pslogin type (you need to have your securekeys):
    Code Block
     ssh ioc-tst-cam5 /reg/neh/home1/paiser/bin/ EVR=TST:CAM:05:EVR
  2. Then configure EVR as you need manually...
Setup Lab: In case the server ioc-tst-cam5 was power cycled
  1. Connect to the server:
    Code Block
     ssh ioc-tst-cam5
  2. Run the startup command that contains EVR ioc in:
    Code Block
     sudo /reg/d/iocCommon/sioc/ioc-tst-cam5/startup.cmd
  3. You should see with psproc:
    Code Block
     [paiser@ioc-xrt-xcscam04 ~ 12:18:20] psproc
     PID   USER-ID   SIOC                      COMMAND   HOSTNAME            PORT
     4851  tstioc    caRepeater                procServ  ioc-xrt-xcscam04    30000
     5147  tstioc    ioc-tst-cam5              procServ  ioc-xrt-xcscam04    30001
     5150  tstioc    ioc-tst-cam5              procServ  ioc-xrt-xcscam04    40000
Setup Lab : In case you need to power cycle ioc-tst-cam5
Code Block

 ipmitool -I lanplus -U ADMIN -P <you_should_know> -H ioc-tst-cam5-ipmi power status
 ipmitool -I lanplus -U ADMIN -P <you_should_know> -H ioc-tst-cam5-ipmi power reset

Where: <you_should_know> is the standard ipmi password that you_should_know...

Setup Lab : Test Screens

Python homing script:


Code Block

Mode Descriptions

Mode 1: Single pulse
Mode 2: Continuous trigger


Reset Modes to start new mode:

Homing Sequence

1) EPICS Motor Record: HOMF
2) Zero Position
3) Move Relative -76.25 degrees
4) Zero Position

MCode Program State Diagram

<insert VISIO diagram>
<code example>

Motor Interlock Scheme


Pulse Selector Test/Checkout Procedure (6/10/2013)
