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The Occupancy map for the digital scan will show on the left.


RCE Node Control simple mode

Image Added

RCE Node Control advanced mode

firefox open http://localhost:5009/main_RCEAdm

Image Added

Starting bokeh server

go to your host-PC, git clone the YARR devel_python branch:

start bokeh server:  <YOUR YARR PATH>/src/python/

Manually stop bokeh server

run Cmd "ps -ef|grep bokeh" to get the bokeh process ID.

run Cmd "kill -9 <ID>" to keep the bokeh process. 

Create a python virtual env for the bokeh server

go to your host-PC, and a working folder (your user folder, for example)

run Cmd:

1) python3 -m venv bokeh-env

2) source <your folder>/bokeh-env/bin/activate

3) (this is only needed for the first time) install the module:  pip3 install bokeh matplotlib seaborn paho-mqtt

Starting Mosquitto MQTT Broker on host PC

go to your host-PC,

change to admin account, root, for example

run cmd: service mosquitto start
