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To initiate the project, please submit a project creation request to the administrator via the provided form. Upon approval, the administrator will grant access to a Git repository hosted on GitHub. Authorized users will then have the capability to create branches within this repository, facilitating collaborative development and version control.


Remember: the 'main' branch is not pushablecannot be modified directly, each developer need to use branch branches and create a github Pull Request(PR) to merge desidere branches into main


  • .github/workflow: This directory contains the GitHub workflow configurations that are integrally linked to the 'deployment project', as established by the project administrator in conjunction with the development project. These workflows are critical for automating and managing the project's deployment processes.

  • src: The src directory serves as the repository for the project's source code. It includes a demonstration index.js file, which is designed to output the "Hello World" string in response to each request made to the root URI (/). This directory is essential for housing the core logic and functionality of the application.

  • test: This directory is dedicated to housing the project's test files. It includes tests specifically for the index.js file located within the src directory, ensuring the reliability and correctness of the application's main functionality.

  • Dockerfile: This file provides a predefined Dockerfile that serves as an exemplary starting point for developers. It is crafted to facilitate the containerization of the application, enabling consistent deployment and runtime environments. this file is principally used by the predefined github workflow that use it to build the docker image that will be deployed on EED kubernetes cluster.

  • This file contains the standard SLAC (Software License Agreement for Collaboration) license, which governs the use and distribution of the project's software. It is crucial for defining the legal framework under which the project operates.

  • package.json and package-lock.json: These files are standard to Node.js projects and contain the initial library dependencies required to create the demo. They play a vital role in managing the project's dependencies and ensuring consistent environments across different setups


    The package.json file in the repository created for your project includes a "homepage": "/<your-demo-uri>" entry. This configuration instructs the application that upon deployment, its base URL path, following the hostname, will correspond to the value specified in <your-demo-uri>.

  • As the primary documentation file for the application, the is pre-configured with the standard SLAC logo and is intended to be filled with comprehensive information about the project, including its purpose, setup instructions, and usage guidelines.


The application exports both the app and server objects, allowing for easy integration and testing within larger applications or microservices. This practice is beneficial for unit testing or when importing the application as a module in other parts of a project.

Additional services needed by the application during the test

Probably the NodeJS backend in development would need to talk with other service like database, s3 storage or others. For this reason use docker to help bringing up a development environment. Create a docker-compose.yaml file with all the needed service, ad example to integrate a PostgreSQL database could be used this docker-compose.yml file content:

Code Block
version: '3.8'
    image: postgres:latest
      POSTGRES_DB: demodb
      POSTGRES_USER: demo_user
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: demo_pass
      - ./init-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # Mount the directory containing demo_schema.sql
      - "5432:5432"
    restart: unless-stopped

demo_schema.sql is a file contained into the init-db folder that can contains somenitng like:

Code Block
-- Create a simple table named 'demo_table'
CREATE TABLE demo_table (
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

to startup the docker compose service run the following command:

Code Block
docker-compose up -d

at this point the PostgreSQL service is accessible from the localhost:5432 tcp address. To create more comples docker-compose file read the official documentation.


Code Block
const { server } = require("../src/index"); // Adjust the path as necessary
const request = require("supertest");

describe("index.js", function () {
  after(function () {
    server.close(); // Close the server after tests

  it("Test echo root path", function (done) {
    request(server).get("/").expect(200, done);


  1. Branch Creation:

    • Begin by creating a new branch off the main branch or any other branch as appropriate for your new feature. Aim for a descriptive name for your branch, utilizing prefixes such as feature/, fix/, or improvement/ to provide clear context. The name of the branch will be incorporated into the PR (Pull Request) merge message and will be recorded in the source code history.
  2. Commit and Push:

    • Following each commit, push your changes to the main repository. This serves as a backup and facilitates collaboration.
  3. Testing:

    • It is imperative to include tests for your application. Testing ensures that as your application evolves, previously tested features continue to function correctly. Early detection of issues through testing is preferable to discovering them at a later stage. Put all your test into the test folder, will be automatically discovered and executed during the workflow.
  4. Pull Request and Merge:

    • Upon completing development, push your final commit and initiate a PR to merge your changes into the main branch. The process involves:
      • The execution of a merge workflow upon PR creation or modification, which includes running all tests located in the test


        folder. Should any issues arise, the PR will be blocked until these are resolved. This workflow acts as a critical checkpoint.


        Check the log for each github action job in case of errors

      • Once the workflow concludes successfully without errors, the PR is eligible for merging.
  5. Deployment Workflow:

    • Merging into the main branch triggers an automatic deployment workflow, comprising:
      • A build and test phase akin to the PR workflow. Any problems encountered will halt progress.
      • Upon successful completion of the previous step, a Docker image is created using the Dockerfile located at the root of the project. Should issues occur, the workflow is halted.
      • The final step involves triggering a workflow in the deployment project, managed by the administrator, which includes:
        • Automatic updating of the kubernetes test deployment configurations with the newly generated Docker image and subsequent deployment to the K8S test environment after a short delay.
        • The workflow pauses, awaiting action from authorized personnel to initiate deployment to the K8S production environment.
