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Currently specific for SLAC IS demonstrator:

4x 2x Optoboard V2.1 are housed in one Optobox. We have 1 v4 optoboard. This Optobox is housed in a Test-Optopanel.

We have 2 FELIX servers in B84 EPP lab, felix (running Centos7) and felix2 (running Alma Linux). The felix server has older versions of the optoboard software, whereas felix2 is brought up with the latest software and firmware releases. felix2 has to be cold rebooted, warm reboot will hang. The issue may be due to ethernet port being shared between the host and IPMI board.


Please refer to our the Bern Interface Document here. All the QC connectors of the Optoboard System is explained there.


Optoboard system support:

We collect Bern collects support requests and general questions on our Mattermost channel Bern-Optoboard (invite link). Your contacts as of Aug. 2022 are Aaron O'Neill and Daniele del Santo.

Optoboard software for FELIX:


FELIX, optoboard software, and YARR setup:

FELIX firmware (see for more information):

  • felix: firmware version 2221, recommended by Sasha on July 26


  • ,



FELIX software:

  • felix:
  • felix2: software git commit 73d2d72a of master (compatible with the latest firmware). Note that for local compilation you need to use source cmake_tdaq/bin/ x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt.

Microservices software for optoboard, developed by Bern: A lot is documented in the readme and wiki of the repository.

YARR (see Angira Rastogi's March ITk week presentation and LBL documentation):

  • felix: v1.5.0, used primarily felixcore
  • felix2: v1.5.1, using felix-star

Instructions for felix server:

In a first terminal felixcore:

Code Block
cd /home/itkpix/felix-sw/felix-distribution    # Jan/2023 ITkPixV1. Previously was felix-sw/flx-sw-2022-08-11
x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/felixcore/felixcore -d 0 --data-interface lo --elinks 0,4,8,12     # starts felixcore, check your links!

Note that the elinks might change according your connectivity scheme. More information from Ismet here.

In a second terminal:

  • In case the optoboard setup was done previously and remained powered on, you can proceed with just a simple environmental setup:    
Code Block
cd /home/itkpix/optoboard-system
source     # warm start 
export PYTHONPATH="/home/itkpix/optoboard-system/optoboard_felix_2023Nov/src/:${PYTHONPATH}" # Needed in newer versions of optoboard software 
  • In case the optoboard was just powered or got stuck, you need to do a cold start setup (this is incompatible with felixcore so that you need to terminate felixcore in the other window before doing this):

The repository is located in the directory:


To configure an Optoboard V2.1 with the default configurations found simply run these scripts:

In a first terminal felixcore:

Code Block
cd /home/itkpix/felix-sw/felix-distribution    # Jan/2023 ITkPixV1. Previously was felix-sw/flx-sw-2022-08-11
x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/felixcore/felixcore -d 0 --data-interface lo --elinks 0,4,8,12     # starts felixcore, check your links!

Note that the elinks might change according your connectivity scheme. More information from Ismet here.

In a second terminal:

  • In case the optoboard setup was done previously and remained powered on, you can proceed with just a simple environmental setup:    
Code Block
cd /home/itkpix/optoboard-system
source     # warm start 
  • In case the optoboard was just powered or got stuck, you need to do a cold start setup (this is incompatible with felixcore so that you need to terminate felixcore in the other window before doing this):
Code Block
cd /home/itkpix/optoboard-system
source    # cold start 

At this point the master link between FELIX and optoboard should be established which you can check using the command 

Code Block
flx-info link

which should typically show something like:

Code Block
 Link alignment status
Channel |  0    1  
Aligned | YES  NO 

Channel |  2    3  
Aligned | NO   NO 


Code Block
cd /home/itkpix/optoboard-system/optoboard_felix
python -optoboard_serial 00000000 -vtrx_v 1.3 -flx_G 0 -flx_d 0 -configure 1source    # cold start 

At this point the master link between FELIX and optoboard should be established which you can check using the command 

Code Block
flx-info link

which should typically show something like:

Code Block
 Link alignment status
Channel |  0    1  
Aligned | YES  NO 

Channel |  2    3  
Aligned | NO   NO 

which indicates the master lpGBT link (Channel 0) is established so that further configuration can proceed. The optoboards only have the master lpGBT enabled at powerup while the other lpGBTs will be brought up at the optoboard configuration stage (this requires felixcore up and running):    

Code Block
cd /home/itkpix/optoboard-system/optoboard_felix
python -optoboard_serial 00000000 -vtrx_v 1.3 -flx_G 0 -flx_d 0 -configure 1

The -optoboard_serial specifies the serial number used (00000000 is the default one for Optoboard V2.1), -flx_G is the link group number of FELIX and -flx_d the FELIX device. The option -configure set to 1 will configure all lpGBTs, if set to 0 will configure only the master. If -optoboard_serial  is set to 00000000 and -vtrx_v 1The -optoboard_serial specifies the serial number used (00000000 is the default one for Optoboard V2.1), -flx_G is the link group number of FELIX and -flx_d the FELIX device. The option -configure set to 1 will configure all lpGBTs, if set to 0 will configure only the master. If -optoboard_serial  is set to 00000000 and -vtrx_v 1.3, optoboard_felix sends the parameters in the config ~/optoboard_felix/configs/optoboard2_lpgbtv1_gbcr2_vtrxv1_3_default.json to the lpGBTs, GBCR and VTRx+. Check the FELIX documentation or the optoboard_felix readme for more information on this. If this succeeded, the single optoboard LV current will go up to ~900mA.


powering from bPOL:AABBBCCD


idle current* [mA]182-165-168-174-FELIX link:Current LocationSLACANLOSUSLACSLAC

*after power-up and inside the test-Optopanel with 9.0 V supplied. If powered outside the test-Optopanel directly on the connector with 2.5 V expect a current ~415 mA.




idle current* [mA]182-165-168-174-
FELIX link:

Current LocationSLAC

*after power-up and inside the test-Optopanel with 9.0 V supplied. If powered outside the test-Optopanel directly on the connector with 2.5 V expect a current ~415 mA.

2400011Oct/22-Feb/23Resistor R108 removed Oct/2022 to debug FELIX FEC12 mode problem. R108 back on Feb/2023. 
2400006,2400011May/2/2023bpol2V5 mezzanine R10 330KOhm→316KOhm to raise V1.2 to V1.24 to stablelize lpGBT3,4. Overall current 0.92->1.03A.
2400006/4400069Nov/20/2023Brought in V4 board 4400069 in exchange of 2400006 to go back to Bern. 

Optobox/Board service connections:

Optobox LV/DCS services:

Image Added Image Added

Check the above interfaces document for more detailled description.

Banana plugs are labelled according to powered bPOL12V.

Cooling and dry air inlet/outlet: FESTO 8 mm

Currently no MOPS is mounted on the Powerboard inside the test-Optopanel (due to availability). We will ship one as soon as we got our hands on them.

OptoBoard LV/DCS:

For optoboard standalone test setups, a mini LV/DCS service cable bundle is needed to supply 2.5V to optoboard and lead out its NTC monitoring out through the Samtec SFM-104-01-L-D connector .

Standalone optoboard power adaptor cable spec

Optoboard-FELIX Fiber Connectivity:

Each FELIX PCIe card has two MPO24 ports, serving 12 pairs of TX+RX each. Our lab test setups typically use fiber splitter bundles to breakout the MPO24 into individual LCs and use LC patch panels to map connectivity to the optoboard VTRX+ fiber pigtail. How the FELIX MPO24 port is structured is described in the FELIX readout and Direct FELIX confluence pages. There are two ways to breakout the FELIX MPO24:

How the VTRX+ fiber pigtail lines are structured is described in the Optosystem Interface document AT2-IP-GM-0010 (Table 4) with 5 out of 12 fibers active per optoboard which can be followed from the MPO12-LC splitter fiber color coding. 


Image Removed Image Removed

Check the above interfaces document for more detailled description.

Banana plugs are labelled according to powered bPOL12V.

Cooling and dry air inlet/outlet: FESTO 8 mm


Currently no MOPS is mounted on the Powerboard inside the test-Optopanel (due to availability). We will ship one as soon as we got our hands on them.

SLAC Single Optoboard Test Setup


Note that the Optoboard VTRX+ fiber pigtail MT ferrules connection to MPO12-LC fiber splitter is a simple slip on which requires careful manual recognition of right polarity (see ITkPixV1 readout page) which can easily slip off but prevents accidental large force breaking the fiber. It is advisable to always check the link light level with  flx-info podpower  to verify the fiber link is healthy (>700uW). How the VTRX+ fiber pigtail lines are structured is described in the Optosystem Interface document AT2-IP-GM-0010 (Table 4) with 5 out of 12 fibers active per optoboard. How the FELIX MPO24 port is structured and fanout with MPO24->2xMPO12→LC splitters are described in the FELIX readout and Direct FELIX confluence pages.     

Current firmware allows only 2 lpGBTs to be readout, such that the link alignment string is fixed to x0000000300000000 for channels 00 and 01 in unaligned state. Alignment can be checked using data from module RX 0 (L0 on miniDP-SMA) after module configuration, giving the following link alignment strings independently of which e-links are subscribed on felixcore startup (for optoboard 2400006):
