Versions Compared


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The S3DF (SLAC Shared Science Data Facility) is a new SLAC-wide computing facility. The S3DF will replace is replacing the current PCDS current computer and storage resources used for the LCLS experiment data processing. Since August 2023 the data for new experiments are only available in the the S3DF (and FFB during data collection).

A simplified layout of the DRP and S3DF storage and compute nodes. 

S3DF main page:

S3DF accounts&access: unix account will need to be activated on the S3DF system)

  • The S3DF (/sdf/) and PCDS (/cds/) should be considered separate sites as currently storage and home folders are not accessible between each other.
  • The S3DF has its own users home directories, and the PCDS home directories (/cds/home/) are not accessible in the S3DF.
  • The data directories in the S3DF (/sdf/data/lcls/ds) are not accessible in PCDS and vice versa the PCDS data folders (/cds/data/psdm or /reg/d/psdm) are not accessible in the S3DF.



So far data are only copied to the S3DF on request and run restores are to the PCDS Lustre file systems.
Contact if you would like to access data in the S3DF.

Data access example


A scratch folder is provided for every experiment and is accessible using the canonical path


The scratch folder lives on a dedicated high performance file system and the above path is a link to this file system.

In addition to the experiment scratch folder each users has its own scratch folderAn example notebook can be found here:

/sdf/scratch/users/<first character of name>/<user-name>      (e.g. /sdf/scratch/users/w/wilko)

The users scratch space is limited to 100GB and as the experiment scratch folder old files will be automatically removed when the scratch file system is filling up. The df command will show the usage of a users scratch folder.home/e/espov/s3df_demo.ipynb

Large User Software And Conda Environments


No Format
% source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda2/manage/bin/

Other LCLS Conda Environments in S3DF

  • There is a simpler environment used for analyzing hdf5 files.  Use "source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda2/manage/bin/" to access it.  It is also available in jupyter.

Batch processing

The S3DF batch compute link describes the Slurm batch processing. Here we will give a short summary relevant for LCLS users.

  • a partition and slurm account should be specified when submitting jobs. The slurm account would be lcls:<experiment-name> e.g. lcls:xpp123456. The account  is used for keeping track of resource usage per experiment

    Code Block
    % sbatch -p milano --account lcls:xpp1234 ........
  • You must be a member of the experiment's slurm account which you can check with a command like this:

    Code Block
    sacctmgr list associations -p account=lcls:xpp1234
  • Submitting jobs using the lcls account allows only to submit preemptable jobs and requires to specify: --qos preemptable . The lcls account is set by --account lcls or --account lcls:default  (the lcls name gets automatically translated to lcls:default by slurm, and s-commands will show the default one).
  • In the S3DF by default memory is limited to 4GB/core. Usually that is not an issue as processing jobs use many core (e.g. a job with 64 cores would request 256GB memory)
  • the memory limit will be enforced and your job will fail with an OUT_OF_MEMORY status
  • memory can be increased using the--memsbatch option (e.g.: --mem 16G, default unit is megabytes)
  • Default total run time is 1 day, the --time option allows to increase/decrease it.
  • Number of cores


    Some cores of a milano batch node are exclusively used for file IO (WekaFS). Therefore although a milano node has 128 core only 120 can be used.
    submitting a task with  --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node=128 would fail with:  Requested node configuration is not available

  • Environment Varibales: sbatch option can also be set via environment variables which is useful if a program is executed that calls sbatch and doesn't allow to set options on the command line e.g.:

    Code Block
    % SLURM_ACCOUNT=lcls:experiment  executable-to-run [args]
    % export SLURM_ACCOUNT=lcls:experiment
    % executable-to-run [args]

    The environment variables are SBATCH_MEM_PER_NODE (--mem), SLURM_ACCOUNT(--account) and SBATCH_TIMELIMIT (--time). The order arguments are selected is: command line, environment and withing sbatch script. 

Real-time Analysis Using A Reservation For A Running Experiment

Currently we are reserving nodes for experiments that need real-time processing.  This is an example of parameters that should be added to a slurm submission script:

Code Block
#SBATCH --reservation=lcls:onshift
#SBATCH --account=lcls:tmoc00221

You must be a member of the experiment's slurm account which you can check with a command like this:

Code Block
sacctmgr list associations -p account=lcls:tmoc00221

and your experiment must have been added to the reservation permissions list.  This can be checked with this command:

Code Block
(ps-4.6.1) scontrol show res lcls:onshift
ReservationName=lcls:onshift StartTime=2023-08-02T10:39:06 EndTime=2023-12-31T00:00:00 Duration=150-14:20:54
   Nodes=sdfmilan[001,014,022,033,047,059,062,101,127,221-222,226] NodeCnt=12 CoreCnt=1536 Features=(null) PartitionName=milano Flags=IGNORE_JOBS
   Users=(null) Groups=(null) Accounts=lcls:tmoc00221,lcls:xppl1001021,lcls:cxil1022721,lcls:mecl1011021,lcls:xcsl1004621,lcls:mfxx1004121,lcls:mfxp1001121 Licenses=(null) State=ACTIVE BurstBuffer=(null) Watts=n/a

You can use the reservation only if your experiment is on-shift or off-shift.  If you think slurm settings are incorrect for your experiment email

MPI and Slurm

For running mpi jobs on the S3DF slurm cluster mpirun (or related tools) should be used. Using srun to run mpi4py will fail as it requires pmix which is not supported by the Slurm version.  Example psana MPI submission scripts are here:  Submitting SLURM Batch Jobs


Jupyter is provided by the onDemand service (We are not planning to run a standalone jupyterhub as is done at PCDS. For more information check the S3DF interactive compute docs).



onDemand requires a valid ssh-key (~/.ssh/s3df/id_ed25519) which are auto generated when an account is enabled in the S3DF. However, older accounts might not have this key but can create it  running the following command on a login or interactive node:  /sdf/group/lcls/ds/dm/bin/

If you still have issues logging, go to and try loging in again.

Please note that the "Files" application cannot read ACLs which means that (most likely) you will not be able to access your experiment directories from there. Jupyterlab (or interactive terminal session) from the psana nodes will not have this problem.

In the "Interactive Apps" select Jupyter, this opens the following form
