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This section documents the set-up and the operation of the XY stages (one for the ring and the other for the stave) in the QC test box.





  • Zhi Zheng (




Individual Components

titleSee descriptions of individual components
DevicePhoto & Description

iMac for Stage Control

(running Ubuntu OS)

`OpenBuilds CONTROL` software is used to control the XY stages.

The ring & stave XY stages are connected to the iMac using USB connections, via BlackBox Motion Control System boxes.


Motion Control System

There are two BlackBox Motion Control System boxes: 1 each for ring & stave

Left: ring stage control box at the bottom, middle area

Right: stave stage control box at the right wall, near the monitoring camera

Ring XY Stage

Ring XY stage

See "Configurations" section below for more details.

Stave XY stage

Stave XY stage

See "Configurations" section below for more details.


Interlock Switches

Image Added

At least two (positive & negative ends) interlock switches installed at each dimension of each stage. They define the physical limits in the ranges where the stages can move over.

Image Added

When the switch is pressed, a red LED light is turned on, a warning is triggered on the OpenBuilds CONTROL software, and the stage cannot move further into the interlock direction.


24V DC Power Supply

Two 24V DC power supply boxes are used to power the XY stage motors.

Left: connected to the ring stage

Right: connected to the stave stage

Seek Thermal

IR Camera

Seek Thermal IR Camera is used for thermal testingmonitoring. It can be attached at the end of either the ring or the stave XY stage.

It is connected to an external monitor (Samsung smartphone).

Operating the XY Stages

To move the XY stages:

  1. Turn on the OpenBuilds 24V DC Power Supply (one or both, as necessary)
  2. Turn on the BlackBox Motion Control System (one or both, as necessary)
  3. Ensure that the stages are connected to the iMac via USB cables
  4. Use the OpenBuilds CONTROL software on the iMac.
    1. The ring / stave XY stages show up as `usb0` / `usb1`, respectively

To turn the system off, proceed in reverse order—i.e. turn off the control boxes and then the power supplies.


Unless you KNOW exactly what you are doing and it is NECESSARY:

  1. Do NOT press the "Set Zero" buttons on the control software. This off-sets the previous settings, and re-calibration might be necessary.
  2. Do NOT manually move any of the stages. Manual, forced movement also off-sets the previous settings, leading to re-calibration.
    These stages are already far from mechanically perfect, and no further damage is to be done.

If you are unsure, please contact the team members who can help.


If any of the position or the scale values listed below is significantly off, re-calibration is required. If re-calibration is required, please let the relevant team members know.

Note that the interlock positions are only accurate up to ~1mm tolerance. This is because the interlock switches are elastic and have O(1mm) sizes themselves.

"Home" Position

There is a "Home All" button on the control software. This moves the stage to the "home" position, which is one of the corners of the XY stage range.

Note that the home position is NOT defined in terms of some coordinate values, but as a physical position—it is defined to be ~5mm away from the hard limits set by the interlocks.

The current convention is that the home position of each stage is calibrated as (0, 0) position. If you home-positioned the stage, but the coordinate shown is not (0, 0), re-calibration is required.

Ring Stage

Shows up as `usb0` `FTDI USB to Serial /dev/ttyUSB0` on the `OpenBuilds CONTROL` software.

X: steps / mm = 197.04

Y: steps / mm = 57.14

Home Position0mm0mm
Interlock Position-5mm, +263mm-5mm, 410mm
Scale197.04 steps / mm57.14 steps / mm

Last calibration: May 21st, 2021 by Sanha CheongInterlocks: X = [-5mm, 263mm] Y = [-5mm, 410mm]