Versions Compared


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  1. Resources:
    1. CRAM migration guide (
    2. Deploying Software with cram (and eco) - Ng, Alexander - SLAC Confluence (

  2. Depending on the type of software you will deploy it to a certain location
  3. Note - There are different conventions for the different types of software such as the name of the softlink and what they point to 
    1. SIOC/HIOC
      1. Initial deploy readiness procedure
        1. (This step wouldn't be part of deployment) Create your repo, initialize with git
        2. Add your project to eco

          Code Block
          $ git clone /afs/slac/g/cd/swe/git/repos/slac/buildtools/eco_modulelist.git
          $ cd eco_modulelist
          $ vi modulelist.txt
          # Add your line
          <project-name>        <path-to-project-repo-.git>
          # Push to eco repo
          $ git add modulelist.txt
          $ git commit -m "Added <project-name> to eco."
          $ git push
          # Pull from eco repo remote
          $ cd $TOOLS/eco_modulelist
          $ git pull
        3. Add your project to cram

          Code Block
          $ cd <project-name>/<project-name>-git
          $ cram describe                             # This should open a prompt to enter the project name and type. Then will create .cram information
          # Commit the .cram
          $ git add .cram
          $ git commit -m "Add cram functionality"
          $ git push
          # Can test with
          $ cram ls
        4. Add your component to $EPICS_IOC_TOP (/afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/iocTop)

          Code Block
          $ cd $EPICS_IOC_TOP
          # make directory for your app if doesn't exist
          $ mkdir <app> && cd <app>
          # Create symlink to point to a tag, in this case it doesn't exist 
          # TODO: not sure if this part works cant find docs on brand new app
          $ ln -s <app>-<tag> current   # Make a softlink to the folder
        5. Add your IOC to $IOC (/afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/iocCommon)

          Code Block
          # Create the directory
          $ cd $IOC && mkdir <ioc>
          # Create symlink to point to the symlink you made before
          $ cd <ioc> && ln -s ../../iocTop/<app>/current iocSpecificRelease
          # Add in the startup.cmd
        6. Update screeniocs with your ioc entry
      2. Deployment procedure
        1. After finishing changes to component, tag it like R1.0.1, push the tag

          Code Block
          $ git tag <tag name>                                    # Create a tag. Your tag should follow the RX.Y.Z convention.
          $ git push origin <tag name>                            # Push a tag to a shared server.
          $ git push origin --tags                                # If you have a lot of tags that you want to push up at once. This will push all of your tags to the remote server that are not already there.
        2. Then clone the tag using eco, cd into that tagged version, and do a make
        3. Now ready to push to the deployment locations in all facilities using cram push

          Code Block
          [mshankar@lcls-dev2 MatlabSupport-R3-2-0-0]$ cram push
          Pushed release MatlabSupport-R3-2-0-0 to LCLS
        4. Then update the symbolic link(s) (current will now point to your new tag, iocSpecificRelease always points to current (on prod at least)) using cram upgrade -f <facility> <release-name>

          Code Block
          # Upgrade a specific ioc(s) to a specific tag
          $ cram upgrade -f LCLS -i sioc-sys0-test1,sioc-sys0-test2 R3-2-0
          # Upgrade all iocs to a specific tag
          $ cram upgrade -f LCLS -i ALL R3-2-0
    2. HLA/Matlab/Tools
    3. PYDM
  4. Plan to automate these deployment steps
    1. TODO for IOC deployment (add to Jira once done):
      1. done - switch over this development to s3df, and lets use /scratch, so this way we dont interefere with real directories. And make a bashrc with the necessary environment variables, and ideally env variables that depend on others, like if on s3df $OS-ENV=/scratch, then like $IOC=$OS-ENV/slac/g/lcls/epics/iocCommon
      2. in the CLI for deployment, we should make it call a script to set up environment variables (for deployment locations, etc.) depending on the os, like s3df / afs. And logic is set the variables if they don't already exist
      3. replace eco with 'bs checkout' and itll git clone and prompt user for the same env variables as eco.
      4. Emulate entirety of cram in a playbook(s)
      5. for regular deployment, start a build, backend logic copies build results to known location, then deploy the build results into correct locations for each facility
        1. for deployment 'bs deploy' ad-build will do the manual steps, and arguments will just be the <tag> and <facility>
      6. Current example of it running (with adbs_playbooks_dir in hardcoded in)
        1. Code Block
          (adbs-env) [pnispero@sdfiana018 test-ioc]$ bs run deployment
          Checking current directory if a component...
          INFO-root:[ - parse_manifest() ] {'format': 1, 'repo': 'test-ioc', 'organization': 'ad-build-test', 'build': '', 'deploy': 'test-deployment.yaml', 'environments': ['rocky9', 'rhel7'], 'dependencies': [{'epics-base': 'R7.0.3.1-1.0'}, {'asyn': 'R4.39-1.0.1'}], 'python': 'requirements.txt'}
          == ADBS == At the moment, deployment only for IOCs is supported
          == ADBS ==
           ****** if testing please source BuildSystem/other/test-env.bash ******
          [?] Specify type of deployment:
           > DEV
          [?] Specify type of ioc:
           > SIOC
          [?] Initial deployment?:
           > True
          [?] Specify name of ioc to deploy: sioc-test-bs
          [?] Specify host user account used to run screen
          (ex: laci@lcls-dev1): adbuild
          [?] Specify executable path
          (ex:/afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/iocCommon/sioc-sys0-al02/iocSpecificRelease/bin/rhel7-x86_64/alhPV): /sdf/home/p/pnispero/tes
          {'initial': 'True', 'component_name': 'test-ioc', 'deploy_type': 'DEV', 'user': 'pnispero', 'iocTop': '/sdf/scratch/ad/build/lcls/epics/iocTop', 'iocCommon': '/sdf/scratch/ad/build/lcls/epics/iocCommon', 'iocData': '/sdf/scratch/ad/build/lcls/epics/ioc/data', 'ioc_type': 'SIOC', 'ioc_name': 'sioc-test-bs', 'host_user': 'adbuild', 'server_user_node_port': 'None', 'executable_path': '/sdf/home/p/pnispero/test-ioc', 'output_path': '/sdf/home/p/pnispero/test-ioc/ADBS_TMP'}
          [WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
          [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that
          the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
          PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************
          TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
          ok: [localhost]
          PLAY [Initial IOC Deployment] **************************************************
          TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
          ok: [localhost]
          TASK [Add component to $EPICS_IOC_TOP] *****************************************
          ok: [localhost]
          TASK [Create sioc directory in $IOC if it doesn't exist] ***********************
          changed: [localhost]
          TASK [Create symbolic link for iocSpecificRelease for DEV] *********************
          changed: [localhost]
          TASK [Create symbolic link for iocSpecificRelease for PROD] ********************
          skipping: [localhost]
          TASK [Create sioc directory in $IOC_DATA if it doesn't exist] ******************
          changed: [localhost]
          TASK [Create multiple directories in $IOC_DATA/sioc-test-bs if they doesn't exist] ***
          changed: [localhost] => (item=/sdf/scratch/ad/build/lcls/epics/ioc/data/sioc-test-bs/archive)
          changed: [localhost] => (item=/sdf/scratch/ad/build/lcls/epics/ioc/data/sioc-test-bs/autosave)
          changed: [localhost] => (item=/sdf/scratch/ad/build/lcls/epics/ioc/data/sioc-test-bs/autosave-req)
          changed: [localhost] => (item=/sdf/scratch/ad/build/lcls/epics/ioc/data/sioc-test-bs/iocInfo)
          changed: [localhost] => (item=/sdf/scratch/ad/build/lcls/epics/ioc/data/sioc-test-bs/restore)
          changed: [localhost] => (item=/sdf/scratch/ad/build/lcls/epics/ioc/data/sioc-test-bs/yaml)
          PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
          localhost                  : ok=7    changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0
          successful: 0
          (adbs-env) [pnispero@sdfiana018 test-ioc]$


          Wanted to highlight the differences between deploying with CRAM vs new bs (build system) deployment

          1. bs only pushes the app's build results (what's needed for app to run), whereas CRAM pushes entire app. Saving some space.
          2. bs uses tarballs/rpms to install build results, whereas CRAM is rsync entire directory.
          3. bs combines CRAM push and CRAM upgrade to one command
            • But doesn't lose ability to individually choose releases for an ioc since ansible is idempotent.
          4. bs has additional logic for new ioc's to automatically create the required directories, sym links, st.cmd (tentative) for an ioc to run. These things are traditionally done manually or some scripts from Ken Brobeck.
          5. bs will ensure a tag is code reviewed before deploying to production. This is new.
          6. bs will be more user-friendly and provide more useful output to user deploying (like what and where exactly is deployed).

          I have got a working prototype of a deployment Build and Deploy build results for IOC app · Issue #7 · ad-build-test/BuildSystem (, and I've almost finished points 1-4. Among other things, the deployment aspect of this new system consolidates all cram and manual steps to just one command. 
