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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

6/20/2008 - the second step of cleanup is (nearly) complete. This consisted of removing 241 /nfs-resident tasks. See the attached pdf file for full details of what stayed and what went.

6/18/2008 13:28 PDT - the first step of the first step is complete. Lists have been compiled and sent to the xroot and datacat admins, and the NFS task directories have been cleaned up for 141 tasks. The unscheduled outage of sulky55 (/u44) caused some delays in performing yesterday's action but the NFS portion of the cleanup is now is done.

Preparations for step2 have started. In this step, tasks identified on NFS will be cleaned up (those marked as "D", delete everything, and "C", delete everything except configuration). This may start this afternoon.

6/17/2008 07:56 PDT - The first step of disk cleanup has just started. The cleanup consists of three parts:

  1. Remove the /output and /data task subdirectories in NFS (if they exist) - note that configs are retained
  2. produce a list of xroot directories to delete - to be forwarded to Wilko for direct removal
  3. produce a list of dataCatalog directories to remove - to be forwarded to Dan for bulk task removal and dataset unregistration

The expectation is that this initial list of 141 tasks will free up ~14 TB of space in xroot and a lesser amount in NFS.

6/13/2008 - Charlotte and I (Tom) are about ready to push the button on the first phase of disk cleanup - those Monte Carlo tasks written to task with directories in Xroot. A cleanup plan for xroot was circulated on 25 April 2008 (attached) and after a bit of . Items marked "A" will be kept fully, while those marked "M" will have only merit files kept; all others will be removed entirely. After a bit more scriptage debugging we hope to begin this cleanup next Monday (16 June).

The second phase concerns MC tasks whose ROOT files were stored in /nfs. The cleanup list was distributed 10 June 2008 (attached) and work . Additional markings explicitly indicate which tasks will be removed completely. A legend for other categories appears on the document. Work on that will hopefully begin next week.