Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  1. #SetupRequirements
    1. #Ignore Logic#Environment
    2. #Faults#Dependencies
    3. #Logic
    4. #Bypass Dialog
    5. #Interactive View
  2. Schedule

Ignore Logic

New States

  • Truth table is an ignoring table
    • Truth table is ignoring state = MPSTruthTableIgnoreIgnoring = 201 = -55
    • Truth table is not ignoring state = MPSTruthTableIgnoreNotIgnoring = 200 = -56
  • Truth table has an invalid state
    • state = MPSTruthTableStateInvalid = 203 = -53
  • Truth table is not ignored
    • state = truth table's state
  • Truth table is ignored
    • state = 0x80 | (truth table's state)

Therefore, if the truth table's state is not 200, 201, or 203 (-56, -55, -53) the truth table's state is 0x7F & (truth table state) and whether or not it is ignored is 0x80 & (truth table state).

  • If the truth table's state can't be found in the Logic DB, make an alert panel that shows the truth table's name, the raw state value from the IOC:BSY0:MP01:TTBLST array, and a message saying "Send the above information to the controls group."


Code Block

======================================= Ignore Logic ===========================================

                                          Logic History

 |=========================< slider >============================================|  [] Show Live

         Ignore Logic                                      Ignored Truth Tables
   Sort 2        Sort 0      Sort 1   |                Sort 1              Sort2    Sort 0
============== ===========  ========  |   ================================ ===== ============
  Condition    Is Ignoring  Min Rate  |   Truth Table                      State   Min Rate
============== ===========  ========  |   ================================ ===== ============
TD11 Is In         Yes         0 Hz   |   BFW 1910 Position                  In          0 Hz
TDUND Is In         No        10 Hz   |   BCS LION753 Threshold              OK          0 Hz
YG BL211 Is In      No        60 Hz   |   BLM Pedestal Thresholds: UND 920    .          0 Hz
============== ===========  ========  |   Temperature: North Arc Summary      .          0 Hz
                                      |   VVPG LI22 Position                  .          0 Hz
                                      |   YAG IN20 211 Position               .         10 Hz
                                      |   PIC HVPS B912                       .         10 Hz
                                      |   PIC HVPS B913                       .        120 Hz
                                      |   ================================ ===== ============

         Name: YAG IN20 211 Position
 Ignored When: TD11 Is In, or YG BL211 Is In, or ...
Current State: Out
     Solution: --
     Contacts: --

====== = = ==================== ==================== ==================== ====================
 Name  B A     Pockels Cell      Mechanical Shutter         BYKIK         Laser Heater Shutter
====== = = ==================== ==================== ==================== ====================
Moving F F                 0 Hz                 0 Hz                 0 Hz                   --  [Bypass to this state]
Out    F T               120 Hz               120 Hz               120 Hz                   --  [Bypass to this state] -> window shows PVs and asks for bypass time
In     T F                10 Hz                10 Hz                10 Hz                   --  [Bypass to this state]
Broken T T                 0 Hz                 0 Hz                 0 Hz                   --  [Bypass to this state]
====== = = ==================== ==================== ==================== ====================


    = ======================================= ========= ========= ========== ==========
    . PV Prefix                                Current   Latched  Bypass Act Bypass Val
    = ======================================= ========= ========= ========== ==========
    A (YG_BL211_OUT_LIMIT)_(STATE) as PV Name IS_OUT    IS_OUT        No     IS_NOT_OUT
    B (YG_BL211_IN_LIMIT)_(STATE) as PV Name  IS_NOT_IN IS_NOT_IN     No     IS_NOT_IN
    = ======================================= ========= ========= ========== ==========

Summary / Faults / Logic / Ignore Logic / History /

Note to sergei:  Use (Device Name)_(Fault Name) to find PV prefix from config db

Ignore Logic Mockup

Test on lcls-dev2

Code Block

mpsgui \
jdbc:sqlite:/afs/ \
jdbc:sqlite:/afs/ \
jdbc:oracle:thin:MPS_HISTORY/Neutrin0! \
    1. #Test inside Eclipse
  1. #Development
    1. #Major Recurring Tasks
    2. #Tips
    3. #Overview
    4. #Launch Scripts
    5. #Classes and Functions
      1. #User Interface
      2. #Controllers
      3. #Others
  2. Release to production



  • Check out the CVS module physics/mps/mpsgui into your workspace
    • From now on, the root of project is referred to as $MPSGUI_ROOT
  • You can use eco to checkout the package. The name of the module is mpsgui.
  • Run ant to build the mpsgui and mpscud jar files.
  • The mpsgui and mpscud scripts should use the jar files built in the jar folder.


For library paths, see the build.xml file. Note that the dependent jar files are copied into the lib folder and are part of CVS. To update the jar files, run ant update_dependencies. This should copy the files from $PHYSICS_TOP on dev onto the lib folder. You can then commit these updated dependent jar files into CVS.

  • ezJCA (version R0-0-10)
  • javainterfaces (current version)
  • MPS Config(current version)
    • Oracle JDBC driver
    • Sqlite JDBC driver
  • SwingUtil (current version)
    • jgoodies.jar can be added at runtime for the Matlab look & feel
  • xal4lcls
    • ext.jar (current version)
    • xal.jar (current version)


  • Test using the mpsgui and mpscud scripts from the command line. This sets the Oracle Wallet environment variable and other EPICS variables.


Major Recurring Tasks

  • Previously, one had to check the live history in the MPS GUI HistoryViewer (and if empty, restart the MPS History Server). However, now there is a CRON job that monitors this and will trigger alarms for the operators


  • Find the Java field that contains the UI component that prompted your development (change the back-/foreground color, if not sure); then use Eclipse References (right-click menu) to find where the field is being used


Image Added

Launch Scripts

  • Located under $MPSGUI_ROOT, must be executable (chmod +x)
  • Sets up the ORACLE Wallet and the log file
  • Launches MPSGui using Plastic3DLookAndFeel from jgoodies
  • byenti is a legacy system property that tells MPSGui to interpret bypass end times as absolute (or, if false, relative) times
  • Located under $MPSGUI_ROOT, must be executable (chmod +x)
  • Sets up the Oracle Wallet and the log file
  • Launches MPSGui in CUD mode using Plastic3DLookAndFeel from jgoodies
    • Operators and Mike Z know details about the CUD mode
  • byenti is a legacy system property that tells MPSGui to interpret bypass end times as absolute (or, if false, relative) times

Classes and Functions

User Interface

  • The main user interface consists of 5 tabs: Summary, Faults, Logic, Ignore Logic, and History
  • Each tab has a corresponding package under edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.ui
    • Classes in those packages are complex Swing components (mostly, JPanels and JTables)
  • Each XYZPanel class under edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.ui is a subclass of edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.ui.AbstractPanel
    • (Almost) every widget of the panel is stored in a field in the corresponding XYZPanel class, where XYZ is a descriptive string that explains what the panel shows
    • The fields are public to allow registration of the listeners (however, it doesn't make sense to set them)
  • The root of all MpsGui XYZPanel classes
  • Defines how widgets are created/added to its subclass
  • Shows the details of a Macro
  • Part of IngoreLogicPanel and LogicPanel
  • The main panel that is added to the JFrame
  • Contain a JTabbedPane as the immediate child
  • The root of all MpsGui XYZTable classes
  • Features a TableSorter (see SwingUtil) and alternating background colors for rows
  • Allows user to select a cached state
  • Not used anymore
  • The root of all XYZFaultPanel classes
  • Shows detailed information common to all types of faults
  • Not used anymore
  • Shows information specific to each fault type
  • Features a tree-like browser for faults and a placeholder for the detailed information
  • Contains the text area for HTML that represents the MacroStates (obtainable via MPS Config)


  • Not used any more
  • Not used any more
  • Controller for the "Faults" tab
  • A tree-like browser for faults hierarchies
  • Shows the current information about a selected fault
  • Controller for the "History" tab
  • Shows live MPS history
    • Default is the last 8 hours (see edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.MpsGuiProperties)
    • Periodically checks for new MPS History messages
    • If the live history panel is empty, please trouble-shoot the MPS History Server
  • Features a panel for an interactive search of the MPS history
    • Filter applies to fault names only
    • Launches new search on "key typed", tries to cancel the previous search (may break in the future)
  • Controller for the "Ignore Logic" tab
  • Monitors the state of ignoring macros (using MPS Config)
    • Caches previous states
  • Shows detailed information about ignoring and ignored macros
  • To test, ignore/unignore macros

    Ignore/unignore truth tables

    by writing 0 or 1 to YAGS:IN20:211:IN_LMTSW_BYPV

    Code Block
    caput YAGS:IN20:211:IN_LMTSW_BYPV 1 to ignore
    caput YAGS:IN20:211:IN_LMTSW_BYPV 0 to unignore
  • Default solution etc. is "--"


  • Remove the 2nd splitpane (Area/PV); have either 2 or 3 panes visible
  • Show hidden faults
    Code Block
    Link fault description strings to the PV names that generate them. In other words, if an item latches in the MPS, the MPS GUI and CUD display its description string, but neither one displays the name of the actual PV that is causing the fault. In order to find it, we have to guess what it might be called, and go hunting for it in the list of PVs. This is very important when we want to bypass a fault that is holding off the beam, and it is hard to figure out which obscure PV name(s) is/are causing it! This especially comes into play when doing things such as initial beam checkouts for the BAS, when we often have to bypass a large list of PICs or similar things. But it can be a problem at other times too. It should be an easy fix, but it's a critical feauture in my opinion and I would give it high priority.


  • Add rate to ignored states
  • Say "Ignored/State" for ignore states

Bypass Dialog

  • Change on both, Faults and Ignore Logic tabs
  • Allow to select any state
  • Let's drop the calendar view and simplify the interface.
  • Default to 0 for all duration values
    • If bypass time is 0, don't send any messages to MPS
  • Show truth table name in the window's title bar
  • Read-only values in table
  • Allow tabbing between duration values
    • Tab order: days -> hours -> minutes -> seconds -> days
  • Initialize window with days field selected
  • Add bypass messages to cmlog (hostname, time)


Bypass Dialog Mockup

Interactive View

  • Use progress bar instead of spinning wheel (misinterpreted as "can't do anything")
  • Figure out why loading is slow (if database a problem, do partial loading)


  • Convert all JTables to MpsGuiTables
  • Monitor Logic/Config changes (add refresh button)
  • MpsLe to remember previous directory



  • Monitors states of all macros
    • Caches previous states
  • Shows detailed information about a selected macro
  • Allows user to bypass a selected macro to a state
  • Controller for the "Summary" tab
  • Initializes the logic "viewer" for the integrated logic panel
  • If applicable, styles the summary UI as a CUD (larger font etc.)
  • Monitors beam rate PVs (both MPS and actual)
  • Monitors bypassed faults and end times; warns (using proper colors) when bypasses are about to expire
  • Allows user to re-bypass to a bypassed macro state


  • Creates the summary UI, tries to setup as a CUD
  • Initializes the summary "viewer" (controller)
  • Creates the full UI
  • If successful, initializes "viewers" (controllers) for each tab
  • The main class expects the following arguments (in the order):
    • Config DB URL prefix
    • Logic DB URL prefix
    • History JDBC URL (including username and password)
    • See $MPSGUI_ROOT/mpsgui for an example
  • Loads Config and Logic DB via MPS Config
  • Depending on the system property slac.launchAsCud, initializes either MpsCudController or MpsGuiController
  • Contains constants/properties used by MPSGui, such as:
    • Application name, version number, NULL string, date formats, background color for alternate table rows, etc.
  • Client for the MPS History data (currently in Oracle, used to be in sqlite)
  • SQL queries are located in the file in the package edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.jdbc.hist
  • Has an auxilliary API to insert/delete test messages

Release to production

  • Update the application version in $MPSGUI_ROOT/src/edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.MpsGuiProperties
    • Increment the tag version accordingly
  • Commit to CVS
  • Tag with mpsgui-R###
  • Check out the tagged version on development using eco, and build with ant:
Code Block
$ cd ~/workspace
$ eco
Enter name of module/package to checkout: mpsgui
Enter name of tag or [RETURN] to use HEAD>mpsgui-R0-1-23
Using mpsgui-R0-1-23. The name of the directory will be mpsgui-R0-1-23.
cvs checkout -P -r mpsgui-R0-1-23 -d mpsgui-R0-1-23 mpsgui
cvs checkout: Updating mpsgui-R0-1-23
$ cd mpsgui/mpsgui-R0-1-23/
$ ant
      [jar] Building jar: /afs/

$ $ ls jar/mpsgui.jar 
$ ./mpsgui

  • Use cram push and cram upgrade to push and upgrade to this release

    Code Block
    $ cram ls
    Current version on facility: LCLS  => mpsgui-R0-1-22
    Current version on facility: FACET  => None
    Current version on facility: TestFac  => None
    Current version on facility: Dev  => mpsgui-R0-1-22
    $ cram push
    $ cram upgrade -f Dev mpsgui-R0-1-23
  • Launch from lclshome
    • MPS Global => MPS GUI...
    • MPS Global => MPS CUD...
  • Note that the mpsgui script redirects all logs to files elsewhere. During development and testing, it is often fruitful to have the logs on the console.



