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  • Stave Loading Tooling


  • , 19-1



Stave Loading Tooling drawings in progress. Handling Frame and Shipping Box added for Stave. Drawings created (not yet reviewed/released) for shipping box.

Shipping box drawings draft (not released): REF-000202479 (SHIPPING AND STORAGE FIXTURE, OB STAVE, 19-1) CHECKPRINT

Stave Loading baseplate drawing draft (not released): REF-000203575 (BASEPLATE AND PINS, LOADING FIXTURE, OB STAVE, 19-1, V2).pdf

Loading Tooling:

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Shipping Box:

  • , 19-1 RD53a L0 Stave
  • Ring Loading Tooling, 19-1 RD53a
  • Handling Frame, 19-1 RD53a L1 Stave
  • Shipping Box, 19-1 RD53a L1 Stave

Stave Loading Tooling, 19-1 L1 Stave

Version 2, revised, Stave Loading Tooling drawing drafts (not released):

.zip of all drawings and .step files - 11 March

  • REF-000205158 (PICK UP TABLE, RD53a QUAD)
  • REF-000202289 (LOADING BRIDGE)
Parametric USA3/7/2022

Quote: PQ104809.pdf

$8k, 4-5 week lead

Ordered 3/29/2022

Loading Tooling, L1 Stave:

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Section view:

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Summary of requirements for loading 19-1 Outer Barrel Stave:

  • Load RD53a Quad modules (drawings: 150um, 400um) with connectors oriented as shown in picture above
  • Load modules onto 19-1 OB L1 Stave (no drawing yet, preliminary CAD on LBL Windchill site)
  • Load without collisions: 200um nominal gap / 100 micron minimum gap between modules (no assembly drawing yet showing modules on stave)
  • Glue layer thickness to be 100um -50/+100um
  • ESD protection during loading: grounding of tooling
  • Mechanical protection of wire bonds during loading: stay clear of wire bonds, handle modules using tooling only, consider covers/shields
  • Baseplate to be installed onto glue robot: weight limit 7kg (per manual)
  • Stave to be removed from baseplate and transferred to test box for QC testing

Summary of different requirements for loading 19-1 Inner Barrel Stave:

  • Load Triplet modules (drawing, .step)
  • Load onto 19-1 IB Stave (no drawing yet, preliminary CAD on LBL Windchill site)
  • Load without collisions: 200um nominal gap / 100 micron minimum gap between modules (no assembly drawing yet showing modules on stave)

Summary of specifications:

  • Closely toleranced pins/bushings – same approach as used for 19-0 tooling
    • Requirement: +/-75um module position tolerance in local support coordinate system (per requirements document "ITk Pixel Module Loading Accuracy Requirements" AT2-IP-ES-006-v3)
    • Distribute tolerances:
      • +/-50um module position relative to loading tooling baseplate coordinate system (to avoid collisions with 100um gap between modules).
        • Dowel pins in baseplate – two per module location.
        • Bridge to have bushing and slot for precision fit onto dowel pins.
      • +/-25um local support position relative to loading tooling baseplate coordinate system (to accurately place modules to meet +/-75um requirement).
        • Dowel pin in baseplate – to accurately locate one end of the Stave in Z.
        • Tooling to fasten to mounting features on ends of Stave.
  • Glue with beads to control glue layer thickness
    • 100um dia beads, for ~75um glue layer thickness on carbon fiber.
    • Loading tooling does NOT control the glue layer thickness.
      • Loading bridge to rest on the module's pickup areas (vacuum pad locations) during gluing.
      • Loading bridge to have micrometer adjusters to level the tool relative to the baseplate – to apply pressure at all vacuum pad locations during gluing.
      • Loading bridge to have micrometer adjusters to level the tool relative to the pickup table – to make good contact between vacuum pads and module.
  • Vacuum pads to pick up modules
    • Vacuum pads to fit within clear areas on modules.
    • Height adjustment of vacuum pads while on pickup table.
    • Vacuum to securely hold modules.
  • Tolerances:

Dimensioning scheme changed to hole-to-hole tolerancing (instead of hole-to-edge): 

Tolerance ItemWhere UsedTolerance (mm, Dia.)
Pick-up Table Edge Repeatability

(for successive modules)

Locating Module to Pickup Table (repeatability of lining up module to machined edges)0.012025
Bridge Pickup Table Bushing IDLocating Loading Bridge to Pick-up Table0.012019
Bridge Pick-up Table Pin ODLocating Loading Bridge to Pick-up Table0.012
 Pin LocationLocating Loading Bridge to Pick-up Table.020
Baseplate Hole Bridge Bushing ID Locating Loading Bridge to Loading Fixture0.012025
Baseplate Bridge Pin ODLocating Loading Bridge to Loading Fixture0.012015
 Pin Baseplate Hole LocationLocating Loading Bridge to Loading Fixture (hole locations dimensioned as +/-.04 from adjacent hole, i.e. up to -.02 per hole)0.020


.100mm 119mm   (+/-.050mm060mm)

Root Sum Square:.039mm  050mm   (+/-.019mm025mm)

Stave position relative to loading tooling baseplate



Tolerance ItemWhere UsedTolerance (mm, Dia.)
 Pin LocationLocating Stave to BaseplateLoading Bridge to Loading Fixture (hole locations dimensioned as +/-.04 from adjacent hole, i.e. up to -.02 per hole)0.020.025

Pick-up Table Edge Accuracy

(absolute position)

Locating Module to Pick-up Table

*choose loading tooling baseplate coordinate system to line up with 1st module*this item affects all modules equally so does not affect gap/distance between modules


Total:0.080mm (+/-.040mm)

Root Sum Square:0.050mm   063mm (+/-.025mm032mm)
  • Total for all:
    • Limit: +/-.075mm100mm
    • Root sum square: +/-.026mm

Notes for design of 19-1 Stave tooling:

  • Re-use tooling where possible.
  • Using beads to set glue thickness; no longer need dial indicators or differential adjusters.
  • Use 2 sets of micrometer adjusters (absolute scale).
  • Consider adding soft material to vacuum pads.
  • Reconfirm that Stave and Module CADs / drawings are compatible with tooling, before manufacture.
  • Use dowel pins and screw interface to ends of Stave (locate same as in production assembly).
  • Consider longer dowel pins in the baseplate (help locate the bridge, without pivoting).
  • Consider handling frame integration.

Some past presentations:

    • 040mm
    • Requirement: +/-.150mm
  • Module Nominal Spacing (for 19-1 L1 Stave): .250mm (nominal gap)
    • Worst case clearance: 0.012mm
    • Clearance with RSS tolerance (3σ): 0.180mm

A design/drawings were made in 2020 (Version 1, deprecated, not released):

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    • Changes for V2: add 2nd set of adjusters, stepped pins, adjustable vacuum pads, handles.

Some past presentations:

Module and Stave dimensions


  • Module width (ensure all fit on Stave)
  • Module FE chip dimensions (re-use tooling)
ModuleFE Chips Dimensions (mm)Width (mm)Reference
RD53a Quad 150um42.137 x 40.33541.1
ITkPixV1 150um42.2 x 40.341.1
ITkPixV1 100um42.2 x 40.340.7
RD53a Linear Triplet

Can load up to 11 (of 12) modules onto 19-1 Stave prototype:

  • Stave length (flat region): 491.6mm
  • RD53a (19-1)
    • Modules length: 12*(41.1mm+.2mm)=495.6mm
    • 12 modules would result in 4mm overhang beyond end of stave. Plan not to load full stave anyway due to module availability.

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  • ITkPixV1 100um
    • Modules length: 12*(40.7mm+.2mm)=490.8mm
    • Appears to fit onto Stave. Module pitch (40.9mm) different from 19-1 pitch (41.3mm) so would need to make a new baseplate with this pitch.
  • RD53a Triplet (19-1)
    • Modules length: 8*(61.29mm+.15mm)=491.52mm
    • Appears to fit onto Stave.

Stave Loading Tooling, 19-1 IB Stave

Requirements - see L1 Stave requirements above.

Summary of different requirements for loading 19-1 Inner Barrel Stave:

  • Load Triplet modules (drawing, .step)
  • Load onto 19-1 IB Stave (no drawing yet, preliminary CAD on LBL Windchill site)
  • Load without collisions: 200um nominal gap / 100 micron minimum gap between modules (no assembly drawing yet showing modules on stave)

Design concept: modify design of 19-1 L1 Stave tooling to match Triplet dimensions and pickup areas

Ring Loading Tooling

Ring loading glue locations drawing (not released): REF-000160474 (LOADING FIXTURE, 19-1 RING).pdf

Ring Loading Tooling Drawings and .step files:

  • 19-1
  • In the future, plan to review drawings in Mechanics meeting and release/add to Windchill CAD library, to reduce risk of interface issues.

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Handling Frame and Shipping Box

Drawings (not released):  REF-000202479 (SHIPPING AND STORAGE FIXTURE, L1 STAVE, 19-1) CHECKPRINT

Handling Frame with 19-1 L1 Stave:

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Interface block to join Stave and Handling Frame (drawing not released):

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Shipping Box:

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