VME Industry Pack Carrier Board InventoryVME Inventory *Manuf:*TEWS | *Model:*TVME200 (VIPC627-ET) | Assigned to | Serial No. | Rev | Ver | SLAC ID | Location | SLAC PO | Status | Depot |
[ R.Fuller | Bob Fuller ] | 9325243 | A | 1.1 | 16039408 | B280A, Rm288 | | | | [ R.Fuller | Bob Fuller ] | 9325234 | A | 1.1 | 16039409 | B280A, Rm288 | | | |
*Manuf:*Acromag | *Model:*AVME9670 | Assigned to | Serial No. | SLAC ID | Location | SLAC PO | Status | Depot |
[ A. Alacron | Arturo Alarcon ] | 159237K | 16039387 | B34, PPS LAB | | | | [ K. Luchini | Kristi Luchini ] | 159238K | 16039445 | B280A, Rm 288 | [ 61638 | https://www-bis1.slac.stanford.edu/slaconly/bin/purdetail.asp?ISREQ=yes&ID=0000123650 ] | | | [ A. Alarcon | Arturo Alarcon ] | 144191K | 16039383 | B280A, Rm 280 | | | |
SLAC PO:[ 62751 | https://www-bis1.slac.stanford.edu/slaconly/bin/purdetail.asp?isreq=yes&id=124721 ] | Manuf: Acromag | | *Model:*AVME9670 | | Assigned to | Serial No. | SLAC ID | Location | Status | Depot |
[ A. Alarcon | Arturo Alarcon ] | 164101K | 18012224 | B280A, Rm 280 | | | [ A. Alarcon | Arturo Alarcon ] | 164100K | 18012226 | B280A, Rm 280 | | | [ A. Alarcon | Arturo Alarcon ] | 164099K | 18012227 | B280A, Rm 280 | | |
SLAC PO:[ 61928 | https://www-bis1.slac.stanford.edu/slaconly/bin/purdetail.asp?isreq=yes&id=123888 ] | Manuf: Acromag | | Model: AVME9670 | | Assigned to | Serial No. | SLAC ID | Location | Status | Depot |
[ K. Luchini | Kristi Luchini ] | 159243K | 16039423 | R280ARm288 | Spare | [ K. Luchini | Kristi Luchini ] | 159242K | 16039424 | [ LKG-0423-S2 | http://mdweb.slac.stanford.edu/Doc%20Control.Utilities.View%20Images.displayImage.php?img=pdf/Released/3/ei3802010110.pdf ] | In-Use | | [ K. Luchini | Kristi Luchini ] | 159241K | 16039425 | [ LKG-0423-S5 | http://mdweb.slac.stanford.edu/Doc%20Control.Utilities.View%20Images.displayImage.php?img=pdf/Released/3/ei3802010110.pdf ] | In-Use | | [ K. Luchini | Kristi Luchini ] | 159240K | 16039426 | [ LKG-0423-S3 | http://mdweb.slac.stanford.edu/Doc%20Control.Utilities.View%20Images.displayImage.php?img=pdf/Released/3/ei3802010110.pdf ] | In-Use | | [ K. Luchini | Kristi Luchini ] | 159250K | 16039427 | [ LKG-0423-S4 | http://mdweb.slac.stanford.edu/Doc%20Control.Utilities.View%20Images.displayImage.php?img=pdf/Released/3/ei3802010110.pdf ] | In-Use | | [ K. Luchini | Kristi Luchini ] | 159249K | 16039428 | [ B280A Rm281 | http://mdweb.slac.stanford.edu/Doc%20Control.Utilities.View%20Images.displayImage.php?img=pdf/Released/3/ei3802010110.pdf ] | Spare | | [ S. Peng | Sheng Peng ] | 159248K | 16039429 | R280A Rm271 | | | [ K. Luchini | Kristi Luchini ] | 159244K | 16039430 | [ LKG-0523-S3 | http://mdweb.slac.stanford.edu/Doc%20Control.Utilities.View%20Images.displayImage.php?img=pdf/Released/3/ei3802010110.pdf ] | In-Use | [ K. Luchini | Kristi Luchini ] | 159245K | 16039431 | [ LKG-0523-S2 | http://mdweb.slac.stanford.edu/Doc%20Control.Utilities.View%20Images.displayImage.php?img=pdf/Released/3/ei3802010110.pdf ] | In-Use | [ S. Peng | Sheng Peng ] | 159246K | 16039432 | B280A, Rm 271 | | |
SLAC PO:[ 65092 | https://www-bis1.slac.stanford.edu/slaconly/bin/purdetail.asp?isreq=yes&id=127480 ] | Manuf: Acromag | | *Model:*AVME9670 | | Assigned to | Serial No. | SLAC ID | Location | Status | Depot |
[ A. Alarcon | Arturo Alarcon ] | 164111K | 18012233 | B280A, Rm 280 | | |
Status is either In-Use or Spare |