Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
# Get anaconda or miniconda on your own, then:
> conda create --name st_test -c conda-forge python=2
# Do not activate the environment yet, do this first:
> conda install --name st_test -c conda-forge -c fermi_condadev_forgeexternals numpy scipy ipython fermistfermitools
# Now you can activate
> source activate st_test


Using python scripts


Code Block
import BinnedAnalysis

will fail. You should instead do:

Code Block
from fermist import BinnedAnalysis

However, since this change would break all existing scripts, you can activate a "compatibility" mode by doing:

Code Block
> fermist_compatibility_mode_on

This will put the `fermist` package in the `$PYTHONPATH` variable and it will allow you to import python modules as above. You can then deactivate it with:

Code Block
> fermist_compatibility_mode_off


Known issues


    The MINUIT minimizer does not work. It crashes with this message: (Solved)

    Code Block
    startio: illegal unit number
    apparent state: unit 6 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
