(very preliminary test)


# Get anaconda or miniconda on your own, then:
> conda create --name st_test -c conda-forge python=2
# Do not activate the environment yet, do this first:
> conda install --name st_test -c conda-forge -c fermi_dev_externals numpy scipy ipython fermitools
# Now you can activate
> source activate st_test

Known issues

  • The MINUIT minimizer does not work. It crashes with this message: (Solved)

    startio: illegal unit number
    apparent state: unit 6 Segmentation fault (core dumped)


  • No labels


  1. So I installed miniconda and then followed your instructions for the science tools install.  Everything installed okay so I tried to use them by following the instructions on one of the FSSC analysis threads: https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/analysis/scitools/binned_likelihood_tutorial.html

    When I tried to run gtselect I got the following error:

    gtselect: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    My system has libreadline.so.7 not .6 and as far as I can tell the conda install did not install a .6 version as everything in the miniconda2 directory on my system (where this is all being installed) references a .7 version as well.

    1. (solved on slack, and update instructions accordingly by adding the "-c conda-forge" part to the first command)