The Scientific Computing Systems groups have started effort reporting in July. After data is collected for a few months, the information will be used to benchmark and fine tune the scientific computing funding model.
Facilities planning
- racks, networking etc
- planning document for budget purposes
- acquisition checklist - testing with Suncat
- A list of equipment in building 50 older than 5 years was prepared. Currently, this information is being used in for an FY12 budget request to replace CD equipment that is past end of life
- upcoming unix web dev forum item for feedback
- project for requirements for tape and disk storage-Intention to have an update at the Aug 22 meeting.
- sci comp news feed would be good to have. Twitter-like?
Bob - Security very briefly - will be repeated for directorates
Walk through examples from other labs who were hacked.
Sci Comp Systems projects - Shirley Gruber
The CD Scientific Systems Groups (internally) keeps a list of projects and this list was presented to the SCSC in order to educate, give the possibilities of exploring commonalities, get feedback on other possible projects and to start a dialog on prioritization in a resource constrained environment.
Some 61 activities were listed. Shirley will (and has) grouped them where possible. Comments are due back for the next SCSC meeting (Aug 22).