Present: Bob Cowles, Shirley Gruber, Stuart Marshall, Randy Melen, Amber Boehnlein, Len Moss, Ashley Deacon, Thomas Eriksson, Arno Candel, Amedeo Perazzo, Richard Dubois


The Scientific Computing Systems groups have started effort reporting in July.  After data is collected for a few months, the information will be used to benchmark and fine tune the scientific computing funding model.

Facilities planning

Bob - Security very briefly - will be repeated for directorates

3 labs each were offline for 2 weeks
Hack methods are common to systems at slac.

Web proxy coming
One month to present a plan to DoE to maintain operations
Draft next week. Update at next SCSC meeting.

Walk through examples from other labs who were hacked.

Sci Comp Systems projects - Shirley Gruber

The CD Scientific Systems Groups (internally) keeps a list of projects and this list was presented to the SCSC in order to educate, give the possibilities of exploring commonalities, get feedback on other possible projects and to start a dialog on prioritization in a resource constrained environment.  

Some 61 activities were listed. Shirley will (and has) grouped them where possible. Comments are due back for the next SCSC meeting (Aug 22).