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Table of Contents


exp=cxif5315:run=147, 198 - dark

exp=cxif5315:run=162 - water sample

exp=cxif5315:run=169 - data sample

Detector: CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0

Calibration files

Use my local calibration store

Code Block
calib-dir = /reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/rel-mengning/calib

Dark files were obtained and deployed using Calibration Management Tool

exp=cxif5315:run=147  dark average, rms, and average difference between runs 147-198:

Image Removed Image Removed Image Removed

Difference of average dark images between runs 147-198 is small, 0.3 ADU, difference rms=0.6 ADU, this proves that CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0 is stable during 50 runs.


Image array averaging

1)  Download configuration file psana-cxif5315-cspad-ds2-NDArrAverage.cfg

2) To get average/rms/max over 10000 events data of run 169 use command:

Code Block
psana -c psana-cxif5315-cspad-ds2-NDArrAverage.cfg -n 1000 exp=cxif5315:run=169

2) To get average/rms/max over 1000 events (skipping 5000) data for water sample of run 162 use command:

Code Block
psana -c psana-cxif5315-cspad-ds2-NDArrAverage.cfg -s 5000 -n 1000 exp=cxif5315:run=162

Geometry alignment

In accordance with CSPAD Alignment, use geometry file:


and array with image from file: cspad-ndarr-ave-cxif5315-r0169.dat


Apparently, this geometry file had wrong indexes associated with quads (cable swap) that gives misaligned 2x1s in quads. This problem should be fixed in the file



Tuning of geometry can be done with  Detector alignment tool running command:

Code Block
geo -i cspad-ndarr-ave-cxif5315-r0169.dat -g

Thus obtained gives image, radial, and spectral histograms for averaged array:

Image Removed  Image Removed  Image Removed


or see image array with maximal intensities by the command

Code Block
geo -i cspad-ndarr-max-cxif5315-r0169.dat -g

looks like: Image Removed  Image Removed  Image Removed,

and similar for water background from run 162: Image Removed

ROI Masks

Using image array in cspad-ndarr-max-cxif5315-r0169.dat and geometry file, one can generate masks using the Mask Editor embedded in Calibration Manager.

Run command calibman, select tab ROI and performing all steps of the mask creation procedure, one can draw ROI on image, create the mask for this image, convert this mask to ndarray, and use this ndarray for data processing. This ndarray can be used later for image reconstruction with the same geometry file.

For data processing of exp=cxif5315:run=169 two masks were produced for arc and equatorial regions:

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed


Peak finder

Who is doing what

Peak finding algorithm is based on psana module ImgAlgos::NDArrDropletFinder with preceded CSPAD ndarray producer CSPadPixCoords::CSPadNDArrProducer and its calibration Algos::NDArrCalib. Detector geometry information is provided by the moduleImgAlgos::PixCoordsProducer. Configuration file  psana-cxif5315-r0169-cspad-ds2-NDArrDropletFinder.cfg (download)  defines parameters for these modules. Two instances of modules are used in order to process two region of interests for arc and equator.

For each event all psana modules are executed first and save the list of found peaks in the event store. Then, python script (download) works with lists of peaks, performs additional selection, plots image with peaks, and saves selected peaks in the file.

Latest version of packages

A few minor code changes have been made during work on this project (not-necessary relevant to this project). Until the next release is available, latest version of packages is recommended to be compiled on the top of release ana-0.14.1 in the local release directory

Code Block
addpkg CalibManager   HEAD
addpkg CorAna         HEAD
addpkg ImgAlgos       HEAD
addpkg PSCalib        HEAD
addpkg pyimgalgos     HEAD

External files

Configuration script expects a few files in the local directory work/; two files with masks and file with a shape of background.

In the local or standard calib/ directory the files for calibration should be available for geometry, pedestals, pixel_status, common_mode etc., whatever is going to be used in the modules.

How to run

Use command:

Code Block


Image with peaks for separate and both regions can be plotted:

Image Removed Image Removed


File with table of parameters for found peaks has an unique name like work/peaks-2015-04-14-15:57:44-cxif5315-r0169.txt and contains records with peak parameters:

Code Block
# Exp     Run  Event  Date       Time      time(sec)   time(nsec) fiduc   Reg  Seg  Row  Col      Amax      Atot Npix   X(um)   Y(um)
cxif5315  169      3  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  503058551  104427  equ    1  145   27     165.8    2970.8   70    -224    9450
cxif5315  169      3  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  503058551  104427  equ   17  155   47     164.0    3130.3   58     506   -9674
cxif5315  169      7  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  536405573  104439  arc    8   10   20     500.9   10085.8   74  -48264    1186
cxif5315  169      7  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  536405573  104439  equ    1  161   13     483.6    3238.8   56    1318    7695
cxif5315  169      7  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  536405573  104439  equ   16  152    8     191.7    3393.9   74   -3801  -32359
cxif5315  169      7  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  536405573  104439  equ   17   30   69     295.3    2644.8   50    2903  -23418
cxif5315  169      7  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  536405573  104439  equ   17  167   48     153.0    2723.5   59     618   -8355
cxif5315  169      7  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  536405573  104439  equ   17  171   32     283.2    3447.1   59   -1139   -7913
cxif5315  169      8  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  544737897  104442  equ   17  168   47     201.7    2797.8   54     508   -8245
cxif5315  169     12  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  578091436  104454  equ    1  152   27     159.8    2374.2   58    -222    8681
cxif5315  169     14  2015-02-22 02:20:47  1424600447  594757102  104460  equ    1  153   29     160.8    3308.4   62    -442    8571

The 1st line in this file is a (commented) header with colon-titles.


  • Peak finder parameters - all parameters in the peak finder are set without optimization. They need to be tuned in two places;
    1.  in the configuration file for two modules ImgAlgos.NDArrDropletFinder(:Arc/:Equ), and
    2.  in the python script in calls of peaks_filter(...) method.
  • ROI for peakfinder is defined by combination of two mechanisms;
    1. mask - ndarray with values 1/0. Pixels masked by "0", are ignored.
    2. a set of rectangular windows on sensors, defined by the parameter windows in module ImgAlgos::NDArrDropletFinder.
  • Peak finder parameters need to be optimized!


