Known Issues
- The following PVs don't accept Strings (have wrong types?)
- Effectively, you can only develop EVGui inside Eclipse
- Check out the CVS module physics/evgui into your workspace
- From now on, the root of project is referred to as $EVGUI_ROOT
- If you run Eclipse in the development environment, check out also the following CVS modules:
- physics/hlaCommon
- physics/hlaExtension
- physics/xal4lcls
- hlaCommon (latest version)
- hlaExtensions (latest version)
- xal4lcls (latest version)
Test inside Eclipse
- Select $EVGUI_ROOT/src/edu.stanford.slac.evgui/EvguiLauncher
- Right-click => select Run As... => Java Application
- Modifier: a chunk of Rate Bits (has position, length, and value)
- the least significant bit is at position (furthest on the right)
- ModifierConfig: encapsulates HW Input Bits, frequency, offset, and position into one structure
- Mods: 4 integers representing the 128 rate bits
- Mod1: bits 31-0, Mod2: 63-32, Mod3: 95-64, Mod4: 127-96
- Pattern: a list of values for time units Rate Selector Indices (aka RSIs) 1 through 720 ,
- Each RSI can also be seen as a time unit where 360 time units = 1 sec
- Rate Bits: 128 bits (from 127 to 0), assigned to each RSI
- HW Input Bit: essentially, a binary PV whose value may overrate override modifier bits
- See pabig_icd-1.7.pdf for details
Classes and Functions
User Interface
- You can change the destination of the jar file (and other parameters) in $EVGUI_ROOT/build.xml
- Matlab script for viewing data generated by the PDU; located Located under $TOOLS/matlab/src/pdudiag.m
- Configured for production; uncomment line 19 to run on development
Code Block matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r pdudiag
- Configured for production; uncomment line 19 to run on development
- Select location, crate, and channel; press "Collect Data"