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Wiki Markup

This is the home of the LCLS TikiWiki, which was previously hosted on www-dev.

h1. {color:#8b0000}LCLS Control System{color}

| [Information by Location|Information+ by+ Location] | [Information for Operations|Information+ for+ Operations] | [Information by Subsystem|Information+ by+ Subsystem] |
| [Hardware|Hardware] | [Network|Network]\\
[Systems|LCLS+ Systems]\\ | [Software|Software]\\
[New Projects|Controls+ Group+ New+ Projects]\\
[LCLS Naming Conventions|LCLS+ Naming+ Conventions] |
| [Group Information|Group+ Information]\\
[EPICS IOC Team|LCLS+ EPICS+ IOC+ Team] | [Notices|LCLS+ Notices]\\
[EPICS Classes|EPICS+ Training+ Classes+ at+ SLAC] | [Engineering Plans and Process|Engineering+ Plans+ and+ Process]\\
[Safety Related Topics|Safety] |
| [LCLS Controls Web Page|] | [LCLS Web Page|] | [SLAC Web Page|] |
| [LCLS Sharepoint|] | [CVS Web Browser|] | [LCLS Database|] |

h1. {color:#8b0000}SLC Control System{color}

| [Controls Sharepoint|]\\
  | [Electronics and Software Engineering|]\\
  | |
| [Hardware|]\\
  | [Controls Department|]\\
  | [Software|]\\


h6. Navigate space