Versions Compared


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  • Do we assume that GCR Recon will take place in a separate "pipeline" from normal processing?
    • Dedicated GCR pipeline Con:
      • On one hand, much of the processing (TKRRecon(question) CalXtalResponse) is the same as normal events
      • Using same pipeline may mean that output could be in standard recon.root file (same file as normal events)
      • Dedicated pipeline means a new root file (GCRRecon.root) would be required (maybe same format as recon.root)
    • Dedicated GCR pipeline Pro:
      • Rerunning GCR alone is more difficult (especially a problem early on)
      • Full recon.root is quite large => alot of unnecessary reads
      • In general, retrieval from a smaller, dedicated GCRRecon.root file would be easier
      • GCRRecon.root could be merged into recon.root later if necessary
    • General consensus is that dedicated GCR pipeline is desireable
    • We need to talk to ISOC (Eduardo?) about their plans and how GCR calibration will fit in
  • Sasha asks: What is the efficiency of the on-board filter? Will it produce nonuniformities vs energy that will bias our calibrations?
  • GCRRecon Flow
    • Currently, CalXtalAlg (CalXtalResponse) -> CalRecon
    • For GCR, can we do CalXtalAlg -> GCRRecon

Next meeting: Feb 15