- SLIC Jira Items
- LCDD Jira Items
- local MySQL install for Mokka batch jobs using lsf
- Cygwin builds use "-mno-cygwin" for standalone binaries
- setup BDSim at SLAC
- SLIC linking
- get C++ lib g++ -print-file-name=libstdc++.a and then use gcc linker
- link Xerces statically (how to do it?)
- batch version -> no graphics
- dev version -> link in OpenGL, others?
Sim Jobs
- rangecut, steplen investigations with RC
- ILC500 / 1000 jobs with SDJan03, SDFeb05 detectors
- neutron
- tungsten absorber
- big R for G10
- polyethylene in front of gas
- performance evaluation
- SLIC vs. LCDG4
- SiD, GLD, D11 comparison
- tubs models
- Pflow
- Eres